吉恩嘿Jean Hey(1475年——1505年),法国画家。
识别穆兰法师直到1902年的博览会宫primitifs flamandsà布鲁日的穆兰三联画家的名字是未知的,虽然艺术史学家鉴定了许多人显然由同一只手的其他作品。乔治·虎林德卢先制成该艺术家之间的连接和若望Pérreal巴黎时,他比较了帷幔和玛利亚的袖子从莱昂德Somzee收集出借,到穆兰三联画。
对穆兰法师的第一本专着,马德琳Huillet D'伊斯特拉写于1961年,认为该艺术家并不实际存在,而且超过12个不同的艺术家们负责传统上归因于他作品的主体。[5]在碑文上损坏的绘画相反,发现后成立大师的身份基督与荆棘冠(1494)在比利时皇家美术博物馆,布鲁塞尔,识别艺术家吉恩嘿,teutonicus和绘架座egregius( “著名画家”),并确定靠山吉恩Cueillette,谁是秘书国王和波旁家族之联系人士。文体相似之处这幅画链接归因于穆兰的大师作品。穆兰硕士似乎一直在为波旁王朝的宫廷画家,[7] ,并从幸存的账户1502至1503年,很显然,宫廷画家的名字是吉恩; 其他候选人一度被认为是合理的,比如让Perréal和吉恩普雷沃(从艺术家里昂谁彩色玻璃的了),在接下来的研究之光已被证明是站不住脚的。术语“Teutonicus”或“德国”包括弗雷明斯在此日期。
Little is known, hey, whose style has led to speculation that he may have dabbled in Hugo Van de Gus. It may be that he spent his last years in Paris. Hey, the most famous work in the triple junction at the cathedral, from the end of fifteenth Century. The central panel shows Madonna and the children's angel worship, is flanked by the Duke portrait of the Duchess of Pierre S and Duchess of with their daughter,, on the other side of the. The preservation of the triplet state is generally excellent, although in 1830s the top and the bottom of the wings were trimmed for some time ago (the left is more at the bottom and the right is at the top).
Identify Mullen until the 1902 Expo mage Palace primitifs Flamands, Bruges Mulan triple his name is unknown, although art historians identified many people apparently other works by the same hand. George made the first artist Lu Hu Linde connection between P rreal and John Paris, he compared the veil and Maria's sleeve from the Leod Somzee collection to lend, Mulan Tryptich.
The Moulin mage's first monograph, Madeleine Huillet D', written in 1961, that the artist does not actually exist, and more than 12 different artists responsible for the subject traditionally attributed to his work. [5] damage in the inscription on the painting on the contrary, the identity of the master of Christ and the crown of thorns was found (1494) in the Royal Museum of fine arts of Belgium, Brussels, recognition artist Jean hey, teutonicus and pictor egregius ("famous painter"), and to determine the patron Jean Cueillette, who is the associate Secretary of the king and the bourbons. The similarity of the genre is attributed to the master's work. He seems to have been to master the Bourbon court painter, [7], and the surviving account from 1502 to 1503, obviously, the court painter's name is Jean; the other candidates were once thought to be reasonable, such as Perr Al and Jean Poulet Wo (from the artist who was Leon stained glass), in the next the light has been proved untenable. The term "Teutonicus" or "Germany" includes Fleming J on this date.