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约翰·斯宾塞.斯坦霍普John Roddam Spencer Stanhope

约翰·斯宾塞.斯坦霍普John Roddam Spencer Stanhope(1829年1月20日——1908年8月2日),英国画家。

  • 中文名约翰·斯宾塞.斯坦霍普
  • 外文名John Roddam Spencer Stanhope
  • 性别
  • 国籍英国
  • 出生地约克郡
  • 出生日期1829年1月20日
  • 逝世日期1908年8月2日
  • 职业画家

斯坦霍普是的儿子约翰·斯宾塞斯坦霍普的霍斯福斯和大炮大厅,古典古籍谁在他的青年探索希腊。艺术家的母亲是伊丽莎白Wilhemina可乐,第三和最小的女儿托马斯·威廉·可乐的诺福克,第一莱斯特伯爵 ; 她和她的姐妹们学过艺术与托马斯·庚斯博罗。斯坦霍普有一个哥哥,沃尔特,谁继承了佳能厅和四个姐妹,安娜·玛丽亚·威廉敏娜,伊丽莎安妮,安妮艾丽西亚和路易莎伊丽莎白。安娜结婚珀西瓦尔·皮克林和成为母亲伊夫林


10 1859年1月,他伊丽莎白王,约翰·詹姆斯·金,第三的孙女的女儿嫁给埃格蒙特伯爵,和乔治·弗雷德里克·道森的遗孀。他们在高瓴,定居考索恩,并且生了一个女儿,玛丽,于1860年就在同一年,斯宾塞-斯坦霍普的房子Sandroyd(现在的一部分里德学院),近科巴姆在萨里,从建筑师委托菲利普·韦伯。在1861年以前完成,Sandroyd只是韦伯的第二个家,第一次是被用于建造威廉·莫里斯。这所房子的设计,以适应斯坦霍普的工作作为一个画家,有两个二楼的工作室由双门相连,等候室,和更衣室的机型。壁炉特色的比喻砖基于伯恩-琼斯设计的乔叟的 梦幻视觉诗好女的传说。对于一个人斯坦霍普的社会地位,房子被认为是“一个适度的艺术家的住所。“ 伯恩-琼斯是一位常客Sandroyd在19世纪60年代,景观布置让他的绘画背景仁慈的骑士(1864),其中斯坦霍普的设计我有踩酒榨当家说类似于


虽然他的家人接受了他的职业作为一个画家,把对艺术很感兴趣,伊夫林的父母被贬为“穷罗迪”的成果,认为画家与他的相关“非常规”。[18]认为是中前卫-garde 19世纪70年代,斯坦霍普成为在常规参展商格罗夫纳画廊的替代皇家学院。

斯坦霍普永久移动到佛罗伦萨在1880年在那里,他画的reredos英国教会,并在马尔伯勒学院礼拜堂等工作。 1873年,他买了别墅诺迪在佛罗伦萨,在那里他被频繁访问由德,摩根和他在那里生活,直到他去世。

德摩根的姐姐,AMW斯特林,写自传散文集叫做梦想的画家,包括她叔叔的回忆“的理想主义者,精致的异象的先见。” 在19世纪和20世纪初,扩展斯宾塞-Stanhope家族包括一些艺术家,他们的关系是2007年展会的主题,梦想的画家,50周年庆典炮馆向公众开放作为博物馆的一部分。精选由斯坦霍普和德,摩根绘画,以及由她的丈夫,陶瓷威廉de摩根 ; 青铜器由格特鲁德·斯宾塞-斯坦霍普 ; ,并在舞厅大炮厅和“人间仙境”的游乐场,这是由沃尔特爵士和他的女儿塞西莉设计的。

English Introduction

Stanhope is the son of John Spencerstanhope Hawes Fuchs and cannon hall, who in his youth to explore classical ancient greece. The artist's mother is Elizabeth Wilhemina coke, third and youngest daughter Thomas William Cola in Norfolk, the first Earl of Leicester; she and her sisters learned art and Thomas Gensboro. Stanhope has an older brother, Walter, who inherited the Canon hall and four sisters, Anna,, William, Jenna, Eliza Anne, and the president of the United States, and by the order of the words of the, the, and the queen of england. Anna married Percival Pickering and became a mother of Evelyn.
No inheritance left Stanhope free to make artistic promise to family property. While a student at University of Oxford, he looked for watts as a teacher, Watt's assistant to some of his architectural drawings. Spencer - Stanhope in 1853, and went to Italy and Asia Minor in 1856 to 1857 W. After coming back, he was invited to participate in the Oxford mural project Dante Gabriel Rossetti painting, sir Gawaine and virgin.
In January 101859, he Elizabeth king, John James Kim, the granddaughter of the third daughter to the Earl of Egmont, and George Frederick Dawson's widow. They settled in Gaoling, cauthorn, and gave birth to a daughter, Marie, on 1860 in the same year, Spencer - Stanhope Sandroyd house (now part of Reed College), near Cobham in Surrey, commissioned from architect Philip Webb. Completed before 1861, Sandroyd was just the second home of Webb, the first time it was used to build the William - and - of - the - the - first, and then, the. The design of the house, in order to adapt to the work of Stanhope as a painter, has two two floor of the studio by the door is the waiting room, and locker room models. The fireplace features a metaphor brick based on Bourne - Jones's vision of the design of the dream of a good female legend of the legend of the. For a man of Stanhope's social status, the house is considered "a modest artist's residence.". Bourne - Jones is a frequent visitor to the Sandroyd in 1860s, landscape layout to make his painting background benevolent Knight (1864), of which the design of my own, I have to step on the head of the wine squeeze similar to the
The aim is to provide Stanhope's chronic improvement in environmental asthma. When no remission of his illness, he turned to live in Florence. In the summer, he lived in Bourne at Jones in London, and later in the elm, small house Camden in the western half of Jia Ping Kamm climbing, half of them occupied eastern Augustus egg.
In 1867, at the age of 7, Marie died of scarlet fever, and was buried in the British cemetery in Florence. Her father designed her tombstone.
Although his family accepted his career as a painter and took an interest in art, Evelyn's parents were relegated to the results of "poor Di Di"". The [18] that is the vanguard -garde in 1870s, Stanhope became a regular exhibitor in the Grosvenor Gallery instead of the Royal academy.
Stanhope moved permanently to Florence in 1880 where he painted the reredos Church of England, and at Marlborough College Chapel etc.. In 1873, he bought the villa Nuti in Florence, where he was frequently visited by de Morgan, and where he lived until his death.
De Morgan's sister, AMW Stryn, writing an autobiography of essays called the dream painter, including her uncle memories "idealists, exquisite visions of foresight." In nineteenth Century and early twentieth Century, the extended Spencer -Stanhope family includes some of the artists, their relationship is a 2007 exhibition theme, dream painter, 50 anniversary celebration gun museum open to the public as part of the museum. Featured by Stanhope and de Morgan, painting, and by her husband, William Morgan, de ceramic; bronze by Gertrude Spencer Stanhope; and in the ballroom, cannon hall and "fairyland" amusement park, this is by Sir Walter and his daughter Cecily design.






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