约瑟夫.玛丽·维恩Joseph-Marie Vien(1716年6月18日——1809年3月27日),法国画家。
受保护的伯爵凯吕斯,他在很小的时候进入工作室Natoire,并获得了大奖赛在1745年他利用他的时间在罗马的适用于对自然的研究和所有他从收集了他自己的力量发展他周围的杰作; 但他的倾向是如此陌生,这是他重返执政味道巴黎,他欠了他的入场对学院为他拍照代达罗斯和伊卡洛斯(卢浮宫)纯粹到的愤慨抗议弗朗索瓦·布歇。
当在1776年,他建立的声誉的高度,他成为法国在罗马学校的主任,他顾不得雅克·路易·大卫与他之间他的学生,陈述他太老了,教一个年轻的艺术家。回国后,五年后,他的命运是由失事法国大革命 ; 但他undauntedly开始工作,并在八十(1796)年龄在一个开放的政府竞争带走奖。拿破仑·波拿巴授予他承认他的功绩参议员。
约瑟夫-玛丽·维恩在巴黎去世,葬在隐窝先贤祠(到目前为止,只有画家获此殊荣)。他在他身后留下许多其他精彩的学生,其中包括谁是弗朗索瓦-安德烈·文森特,让安托万-西奥多Giroust,让-巴蒂斯特Regnault,约瑟夫-伯努瓦Suvée,让-皮埃尔·圣-我们的,弗朗索瓦·纪尧姆Ménageot,让-约瑟夫Taillasson和其他人高的优点的; 也不应妻子的名字玛丽-特雷瑟雷沃尔(1728年至1805年),她该学院的一员,从这个列表中省略。他们的儿子,玛丽·约瑟夫,出生于1761年,也区别了自己作为一个画家。
Protected by Comte de Caylus, he entered at an early age the studio of Natoire, and obtained the grand prix in 1745. He used his time at Rome in applying to the study of nature and the development of his own powers all that he gleaned from the masterpieces around him; but his tendencies were so foreign to the reigning taste that on his return to Paris he owed his admission to the academy for his picture Daedalus and Icarus (Louvre) solely to the indignant protests of François Boucher.
When in 1776, at the height of his established reputation, he became director of the school of France at Rome, he refused to take Jacques-Louis David with him amongst his pupils, stating he was too old to teach a young artist. After his return, five years later, his fortunes were wrecked by the French Revolution; but he undauntedly set to work, and at the age of eighty (1796) carried off the prize in an open government competition. Napoleon Bonaparte acknowledged his merit by making him a senator.
Joseph-Marie Vien died in Paris, and was buried in the crypt of the Panthéon ( to date, the only painter so honored). He left behind him many other brilliant pupils, amongst whom were François-André Vincent, Jean-Antoine-Théodore Giroust, Jean-Baptiste Regnault, Joseph-Benoît Suvée, Jean-Pierre Saint-Ours, François-Guillaume Ménageot, Jean-Joseph Taillasson and others of high merit; nor should the name of his wife, Marie-Thérèse Reboul (1728–1805), herself a member of the academy, be omitted from this list. Their son, Marie Joseph, born in 1761, also distinguished himself as a painter.