杰.茹弗内Jean Jouvenet(1644年5月1日——1717年4月5日),法国艺术家。
他出生于一个艺术家庭在鲁昂。他在艺术的第一次训练是从他的父亲洛朗Jouvenet; 上一代,他的祖父,诺埃尔Jouvenet,可以教尼古拉·普桑。
他在巴黎的执行,主要作品,其中包括他著名的许多伟大的大规模鱼类神奇吃水(由刻让Audran的)现在在卢浮宫,显示在发明和执行自己的生育能力,还以为他在拥有高度是其区分勒布伦,学校布局和样式的一般尊严安东尼·布朗特在普桑的Jouvenet的方式回忆发现勒苏尔和后期工作,拉斐尔,但有一个特点巴洛克情感主义认为“还远远完整的巴洛克......他的作品主要规划为高浮雕,和动作都形成了鲜明的对角直线,而不是曲线。“ 的自然主义的Jouvenet的风格从大多数的宗教绘画中脱颖而出他对工作时间。
Jouvenet 5 1717年今年4月去世,其在过去四年里他的生活瘫痪被迫用左手工作。
He was born into an artistic family in Rouen. His first training in art was from his father, Laurent Jouvenet; a generation earlier, his grandfather, Noel Jouvenet, may have taught Nicolas Poussin.[1]
Jouvenet early showed remarkable aptitude for his profession, and, on arriving in Paris, attracted the attention of Le Brun, by whom he was employed at Versailles, notably in the Salon de Mars (1671–74), and under whose auspices, in 1675, he became a member of the Académie royale, of which he was elected professor in 1681, and one of the four perpetual rectors in 1707. He also worked under Charles de La Fosse in the Invalides and Trianon.
The great mass of works that he executed, chiefly in Paris, many of which, including his celebrated Miraculous Draught of Fishes (engraved by Jean Audran) are now in the Louvre, show his fertility in invention and execution, and also that he possessed in a high degree that general dignity of arrangement and style which distinguished the school of Le Brun. Anthony Blunt found in Jouvenet's manner reminiscences of Poussin, Le Sueur, and the late work of Raphael, but with a characteristic Baroque emotionalism that "is still far from the full Baroque ... His compositions are primarily planned as high reliefs, and the movements are in sharp diagonal straight lines rather than in curves."[2] The naturalism of Jouvenet's style sets his work apart from most of the religious painting of his time.[2]
Jouvenet died on 5 April 1717, having been forced by paralysis during the last four years of his life to work with his left hand.