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莱昂纳多·达·芬奇Leonardo da Vinci

( 文艺复兴时期最完美的代表 )

莱昂纳多·达·芬奇Leonardo da Vinci(1452年4月15日——1519年5月2日),欧洲文艺复兴时期的天才科学家、发明家、画家。现代学者称他为“文艺复兴时期最完美的代表”,是人类历史上绝无仅有的全才,他最大的成就是绘画,他的杰作《蒙娜丽莎》、《最后的晚餐》、《岩间圣母》等作品,体现了他精湛的艺术造诣。他认为自然中最美的研究对象是人体,人体是大自然的奇妙之作品,画家应以人为绘画对象的核心。

  • 中文名莱昂纳多·达·芬奇
  • 外文名Leonardo da Vinci
  • 性别
  • 国籍意大利
  • 民族罗曼人
  • 出生地佛罗伦萨-芬奇镇
  • 出生日期1452年4月15日
  • 逝世日期1519年5月2日
  • 信仰天主教
  • 职业艺术家、学者
  • 主要成就欧洲文艺复兴时期的代表人物
  • 代表作品《蒙娜丽莎》、《最后的晚餐》

莱昂纳多出生于1452年4月15日(老款)“在夜的第三个小时” [注2]在托斯卡纳的山城·芬奇,在较低的山谷阿诺境内河流奇 -ruled 共和国佛罗伦萨。[12]他是有钱人梅塞尔瑟·皮耶罗·达芬奇,佛罗伦萨的出婚外儿子的法律公证,并卡特里纳,一个农民。[11] [13] [注3]莱昂纳多没有姓现代意义上的- “达芬奇”简单的“达芬奇的”之意;他的全出生时的名字是“Lionardo迪丝氨酸皮耶罗达芬奇”,意为“莱昂纳多,(儿子)(MES)SER皮耶罗达芬奇。” [12]的标题是“SER”列入指出,达芬奇的父亲是一个绅士。

鲜为人知的是,达芬奇的早期生活。他度过了他的第一个五年中的小村庄的Anchiano在他母亲的家中,并从1457居住在家庭中的父亲,爷爷奶奶和叔叔在达芬奇小镇。他的父亲娶了一个名为Albiera阿马杜里,谁爱莱昂纳多却早逝一个十六岁的女孩[14]于1465年没有孩子。当莱昂纳多十六岁那年(1468年),他的父亲又娶了二十岁的弗朗西斯Lanfredini,谁也死了,没有孩子。:皮耶罗的合法的继承人是他的第三任妻子玛格丽特迪古列尔莫(谁生下了6个孩子出生[15]和他的第四个也是最后的妻子,Lucrezia酒店Cortigiani(谁给他生了另外六安东尼奥,Giulian,马达莱娜,洛伦佐,维奥兰特和多梅尼科)孩子:[16] 。玛格丽塔,贝内代托,Pandolfo,古列尔莫,巴托洛梅奥和Giovanni)[17] [18]



莱昂纳多的早年生活一直是历史猜想的主题。[20] 瓦萨里文艺复兴时期的画家的16世纪的传记,讲述莱昂纳多的故事,一个很年轻的男子:一个当地农民给自己做了全面屏蔽,并要求丝氨酸皮耶罗有它画了他。莱昂纳多反应了与怪物的绘画吐火,这是如此可怕的是丝氨酸皮耶罗把它卖给了佛罗伦萨艺术品经销商,谁把它卖给了米兰公爵。同时,已经实现了盈利,丝氨酸皮耶罗买了盾装饰有一个箭头,这是他给了农民刺穿心脏。[21]

1466年,在十四岁的时候,莱昂纳多师从画家安德烈迪Cione,被称为韦罗基奥,他的Bottega(车间)是“最优秀的佛罗伦萨之一。” [22]他学徒作为一个garzone(工作室男孩)安德烈德尔韦罗基奥,领先佛罗伦萨画家和他那个时代的雕塑家。[23]其他著名画家学徒或与车间相关的包括多梅尼科基尔兰达约佩鲁吉诺,波提切利和洛伦佐DI克雷迪。[14] [24]莱昂纳多本来接触到的理论培训和广阔的技术技能,[25]包括起草,化工,冶金,金属加工,石膏型铸造,皮革加工,机械和木工以及素描,油画,雕刻和造型的艺术技巧。[26] [注4]

大部分的画生产韦罗基奥的作坊是由他的员工完成的。据瓦萨里,莱昂纳多合作与韦罗基奥对他的基督受洗,画年轻的天使拿着耶稣的长袍在如此远高于他的主人是韦罗基奥放下手中的画笔,永远不会再画的方式,虽然这被认为是是杜撰的。[27]仔细检查发现,都被涂或润色过的地区彩画采用的新技术油性漆 ; 山水,通过布朗山流和多耶稣见证达芬奇之手的身影看到的岩石。[28]莱昂纳多可能是由韦罗基奥的两部作品模型:铜像大卫在巴杰罗和在大天使拉斐尔在托比亚斯和天使。[13]

通过1472在二十岁的时候,莱昂纳多资格作为主圣路加公会,艺术家和医学的医生公会,[注5]但即使在他父亲资助他在自己的工作室,他的依恋韦罗基奥就是这样,他继续与他合作。[14]莱昂纳多的已知最早的日期的工作是在钢笔和墨水绘制阿尔诺河谷,在1473. 8月5日提请[注6] [24]

1476表明,莱昂纳多和其他三名男青年被指控佛罗伦萨法庭记录鸡奸但赦免; 同性恋行为是在文艺复兴时期的佛罗伦萨是非法的。[13]从该日起至1478没有他的工作,甚至他的行踪记录。[29]在1478年,他离开韦罗基奥的工作室,不再居住在他父亲的房子。一位作家,在“Anonimo”Gaddiano声称,1480年莱昂纳多与美第奇的生活,并在圣马可广场在佛罗伦萨,一个花园工作的新柏拉图主义的艺术家,诗人和哲学家学院的奇已经建立。[ 13] 1478年1月,他接到一个独立委员会作画圣伯纳德在的教堂祭坛旧宫 ; 1481年三月,他接受了第二次独立委员会贤士的崇拜为圣多纳托一个Scopeto的僧侣。[30]无论是佣金已经完成,第二个当莱昂纳多去米兰被打断。

1482年,莱昂纳多,根据瓦萨里谁是天才的音乐家,[31]建立了一个银竖琴在马的头部形状。洛伦佐·德·美第奇派莱昂纳多米兰,轴承七弦琴作为礼物,以确保和平与卢多维科斯福尔扎,杜克大学的米兰。[32]此时莱昂纳多写了一个经常被引用的信描述了许多奇妙的多样的事情,他可以在工程领域的实现,并通知卢多维科,他也可以画。[24] [33]

莱昂纳多在米兰工作,从1482年直到1499他被委任绘的岩间圣母的圣母无染原罪的帮会和最后的晚餐为寺院圣玛丽亚感恩。[34]在1485的春天,走过莱昂纳多以匈牙利代表卢多维科满足马蒂亚斯科维努斯,对他们来说,他相信已涂圣家。[35] [ 未给出引文 ]之间的1493和1495,莱昂纳多列出了一个名为卡特里纳他的家属中的女人在他的税务文书。当她于1495年去世,殡葬支出的名单表明,她是他的母亲。[36]

莱昂纳多使用许多不同的项目卢多维科,包括准备花车和选美比赛的特殊场合,设计为圆顶米兰大教堂和一个巨大的模型马术纪念碑给弗朗切斯科·斯福扎,卢多维科的前身。七十吨的青铜是铸造其作废。该碑了好几年,这是不寻常的莱昂纳多仍未完成。1492年,马的黏土模型已经完成。它的大小超过了文艺复兴时期,多纳泰罗的仅有的两个大型马术雕像加塔梅拉塔在帕多瓦和韦罗基奥的巴托洛梅奥科莱奥尼在威尼斯,并成为著名的“ 大卡瓦罗 ”。[24] [注7]莱昂纳多开始制作其铸造的详细计划; [24]然而,米开朗基罗侮辱莱昂纳多被暗示他无法施展了。[14]十一月1494年,卢多维科给了铜牌用于通过大炮保卫入侵从城市查理八世。[24]

在开始第二次意大利战争 1499年,入侵的法国军队使用的真人大小的黏土模型大卡瓦罗练习打靶。随着卢多维科·斯福尔扎推翻后,莱昂纳多和他的助手萨莱和朋友,数学家卢卡·帕西奥利,逃离米兰威尼斯,[37] ,在那里他被聘为军事建筑师和工程师,制定方法保卫从海上攻击的城市。[14 ]在他返回佛罗伦萨在1500年,他和他的家庭都在的Servite和尚的客人在修道院佛罗伦萨圣母领报大殿和地点,根据瓦萨里,莱昂纳多创造的卡通人提供了一个研讨会圣母子与圣安妮和圣施洗约翰,赢得这样的赞叹说:“男性和女性,年轻人和老年人”蜂拥而至看到它“好像他们是参加一个伟大的节日”的作品。[38] [注8]


莱昂纳多回到佛罗伦萨,在那里他重新加入了圣路加公会 10月18日1503年,他花了两年时间设计和绘画的壁画安吉亚里战役的领主,[37]米开朗基罗设计的姊妹篇,卡希纳之战。[注9]于1504年在佛罗伦萨,他形成了搬迁,对艺术家的意志,米开朗基罗的雕像委员会的一部分大卫。[42]

1506年莱昂纳多回到米兰。在许多他的绘画最突出的学生或追随者的人员知道或在米兰与他共事,[14] ,包括圣贝纳迪诺卢伊尼乔瓦尼·安东尼奥Boltraffio和马可·德奥焦诺。[注10]在这个时候,他可能已经开始了项目的马术图查理二世唐波士,代理法国总督米兰。[43]蜡模型生存,如果货真价实,是莱昂纳多的雕塑现存的唯一例子。[44]


从九月1513至1516年,在罗马教皇利奥十,莱昂纳多花了很多时间住在丽城在梵蒂冈在罗马,在那里拉斐尔和米开朗基罗都是当时活跃。[45] 1515年十月,法国国王弗朗西斯一世夺回米兰。[30] 12月19日,莱昂纳多出现在弗朗西斯一世和教皇利奥十,发生在博洛尼亚的会议。[14] [46] [47]莱昂纳多被委任作出弗朗西斯机械狮子说可以向前走,然后打开其胸部,露出的百合花簇。[48] [注11]在1516年,他进入弗朗西斯的服务,报错利用庄园克洛斯卢斯,现在公共博物馆,国王的住所附近皇家昂布瓦斯城堡。他花了近三年来他这里的生活,伴随着他的朋友和徒弟,伯爵弗朗西斯梅尔齐,并用养老金达10000MW支持 scudi。[45]

莱昂纳多死在克洛斯卢斯,5月2日1519弗朗西斯我已经成为一个亲密的朋友。瓦萨里记载,国王举行了莱昂纳多的头在他的怀里,他死了,虽然这个故事,心爱的法国和通过浪漫的绘画描绘安格尔,Ménageot和其他法国艺术家,以及由当归考夫曼,可能是传说,而不是事实。[注12]瓦萨里指出,在他最后的日子,莱昂纳多派出了一名牧师,使他的供词和接收圣体。[50]根据他的遗嘱,六十乞丐跟随他的灵柩。[注13]梅尔齐是主要继承人和遗嘱执行人,接收,以及金钱,达芬奇的画作,工具库和个人的影响。莱昂纳多还记得他的其他长期瞳孔和同伴,萨莱,和他的仆人巴蒂斯塔迪Vilussis,谁每次收到莱昂纳多的一半葡萄园。他的兄弟获得土地,而他的女服获得“好东西”黑色斗篷搭配有皮草的边缘。[注14] [51]达芬奇被安葬在圣于贝尔在教堂昂布瓦斯城堡在法国。



佛罗伦萨在莱昂纳多的青春时间为基督教的中心,以人为本的思想和文化。[22]莱昂纳多开始了他的学徒韦罗基奥1466年,当年那个韦罗基奥的大师,伟大的雕塑家多纳泰罗,不治身亡。画家乌切洛,其早期的实验使用的角度来看是影响山水画的发展,是一个很老的人。画家皮耶罗·德拉·弗朗西斯和菲利波·里皮,雕塑家卢卡·德拉·罗比亚,和建筑师和作家莱昂·巴蒂斯塔·阿尔贝蒂在他们的六十年代。下一代的成功的艺术家达芬奇的老师韦罗基奥,安东尼奥·德尔Pollaiuolo和肖像雕塑家美浓大菲耶索莱,其逼真的萧条给洛伦佐·美第奇的父亲皮耶罗和叔叔乔瓦尼最可靠的肖像。[53] [54] [55] [ 56]

莱昂纳多的青春是在一个由这些艺术家的作品装饰佛罗伦萨和多纳泰罗的同时代人,花了马萨乔,其象征性的壁画与现实主义和情感被灌输,而吉贝尔蒂,他们的天堂之门,闪闪发光的金箔,显示的艺术复杂的数字组成有详细的建筑背景的完美组合。皮耶罗·德拉·弗朗西斯做了透视了详细的研究,[57]并且是第一个画家,使光的科学研究。这些研究和阿尔贝蒂的论文德Pictura [58]分别有对年轻艺术家,尤其是对莱昂纳多自己的观察和艺术品产生深远的影响。[53] [55] [56]

Massaccio的“ 逐出伊甸园描绘赤裸裸地心烦意乱” 亚当和夏娃创造了人类形态的有力表现力的图像,通过使用浇铸成三维光影,这是莱昂纳多的作品待开发一种方式是在绘画过程中的影响力。多纳泰罗的的人文影响“万人迷”可以看出,在达芬奇的画作后期,尤其是施洗约翰。[53] [54]


莱昂纳多是当代的波提切利,多梅尼科基尔兰达约和佩鲁吉诺,谁都是稍微比他大了。[54]他本来在韦罗基奥的作坊会见了他们,与他们有关联,并在学院中的奇。[ 14波提切利是美第奇家族的特别喜爱,因此他作为一个画家的成功是有保证的。基尔兰达约和佩鲁吉诺都是多产就跑大型车间。他们胜任交付佣金充分满足顾客谁赞赏基尔兰达约的大型宗教壁画描绘在佛罗伦萨的富有的公民能力,佩鲁吉诺的交付圣徒和经久不衰的甜蜜和纯真的天使众多能力。[53]


1476年,在莱昂纳多与韦罗基奥的作坊协会的时候,从Portinari祭坛由雨果·凡·德·古斯抵达佛罗伦萨,从北欧引进新的绘画技术,即是深刻地影响莱昂纳多,基尔兰达约,佩鲁吉诺和其他人。[54] 1479年,西西里画家安东内洛大墨西拿,谁在油专门工作,前往北途中威尼斯,那里的领导画家乔瓦尼·贝利尼采用油画的技巧,很快使它在威尼斯的首选方法。莱昂纳多也晚些时候访问威尼斯。[54] [56]

就像两个当代建筑师布拉曼特和老安东尼奥·达·桑加罗,莱昂纳多与中央计划教堂的设计尝试,其中许多出现在他的杂志,因为这两个计划和意见,尽管没有一个是以往任何时候实现。[54] [59]

莱昂纳多的政治同时代人洛伦佐·美第奇(IL大官),谁是大三岁,和他的弟弟朱利亚诺,谁被杀了帕齐阴谋在1478莱昂纳多的奇宫廷作为大使被派往卢多维科金正日莫罗,谁统治米兰 1479和1499之间[54]

随着阿尔贝蒂,莱昂纳多参观了美第奇并通过他们家里才知道人老人文主义哲学家马西略菲奇诺的拥护者新柏拉图主义 ; 克里斯托弗兰迪诺,古典著作评论的作家,约翰内斯·阿尔吉罗波洛斯,希腊的教师和翻译亚里士多德是最重要的。另外随着奇科学院相关的是莱昂纳多的当代的才华横溢的年轻诗人和哲学家微微梅兰多拉。[54] [56] [60]莱昂纳多后来在杂志上缘写道,“美第奇让我和销毁奇我。” 而这是通过洛伦佐的作用莱昂纳多接受了他的就业在米兰的法院,这是不完全知道什么是莱昂纳多意味着这个神秘的评论。[14]

虽然平时一起命名为三大巨头文艺复兴,达芬奇,米开朗基罗和拉斐尔是同一代不行。莱昂纳多是23时米开朗基罗出生31时,拉斐尔就诞生了。[54]拉斐尔住,直到只有37岁,并在1520年去世,莱昂纳多去世后一年,但米开朗基罗去创造另一个45年。[55] [56]

在莱昂纳多的一生中,他发明的非凡力量,他的“杰出的物理之美”,“无限之光”,“强大的实力和慷慨”,“富豪的精神和心灵的巨大广度”,如瓦萨里描述,[61]以及他生活的其他方面,吸引别人的好奇心。一个这样的方面是他的生命,他的素食主义和他的习惯证明方面,根据瓦萨里,采购笼中鸟和释放他们。[62] [63]





其中,使达芬奇的作品独特的是他的铺设上了漆的创新技术素质; 他身体,光,植物学和地质学的详细知识; 他的兴趣地貌和人类注册表达和手势情感的方式; 他的创新利用比喻组成的人形; 他利用色调细微变化的。所有这些品质进来他最著名的作品画,在一起蒙娜丽莎,在最后的晚餐,和岩间圣母。[75]



其中这些画的是圣 杰罗姆在原野,这Bortolon联营公司与达芬奇的生活困难时期,就证明在他的日记:“我以为我是学习生活,我只是学死” [14]虽然画是刚刚开始时,组合物中可以看出,是非常不寻常的。[NB 16] 杰罗姆,作为忏悔,占据了图象的中间,设置有轻微的对角线和从上方稍微观看。他的跪形式呈现梯形形状,具有一个臂伸展到涂漆的外边缘和他的目光寻找在相反的方向。J.瑟曼指出,这幅画和莱昂纳多的解剖学研究之间的联系。[79]在整个前景绵延他的象征,一个伟大的狮子的身体和尾巴使整个画面空间底部的一个双螺旋。另一个显着特点是怪石嶙峋的粗略景观针对的数字是映衬。

图组成,景观要素和个人剧的大胆显示器也出现在未完成的伟大杰作,在朝拜的贤士,从圣多纳托一个Scopeto修士的佣金。这是一个复杂的组成,约250×250厘米。莱昂纳多做了无数图纸和预备性研究,包括在废墟的线性透视某个细节不放古典建筑构成背景的一部分。1482年莱昂纳多来到米兰的遗志洛伦佐·德·美第奇,以赢得青睐卢多维科金正日莫罗,以及绘画被遗弃了。[13] [77]

这一时期的第三个重要的工作就是岩间圣母,在米兰委托圣母无染原罪的帮会。这幅画,与协助完成德Predis兄弟,是填补了大型复杂的祭坛。[80]莱昂纳多选择了画基督幼年的杜撰时刻当婴儿施洗约翰,在天使的保护,在路上碰到了埃及的神圣家族。随着优美的人物周围的婴儿基督翻滚岩石和婆娑水的野生景观崇拜下跪这幅画展示了一个怪异的美感。[81]虽然画是相当大的,约200×120厘米,它是几乎没有复杂由圣多纳托的僧人下令绘画,仅有四个数字,而不是约五十一个岩石景观,而不是建筑细节。这幅画最终获得; 其实,这幅画的两个版本分别完成:一是保持在帮会的教堂,而莱昂纳多接过其他法国。兄弟没有得到他们的绘画,但是,也不是德Predis他们的报酬,直到下一个世纪。[24] [37]



完成后,这幅画曾被誉为设计和特性的杰作,[84]但它迅速恶化,使百年之内它是由一名观看者为“彻底毁了”中的描述。[85]莱昂纳多,而不是使用壁画的可靠的技术,曾使用彩画在一个理由主要是石膏,导致在表面受模具和剥落。[86]尽管此,画保持艺术最再现的作品之一; 无数的副本已经从地毯到每客串中作出的。

在莱昂纳多在16世纪创作的作品是小人像被称为蒙娜丽莎或者“拉焦孔达”,笑的。在当今时代它可以说是世界上最著名的绘画。其成名休息,特别是关于对女人的脸上难以捉摸的微笑,其神秘的质量可能是由于口腔的微妙阴影的角落,眼睛使得微笑的确切性质无法确定。阴暗的品质为其工作而闻名来到被称为“ 渲染层次 ”,或达芬奇的烟雾。瓦萨里,谁是一般认为只有声誉都闻名的画,说:“笑容是如此的赏心悦目,似乎神,而不是人,和那些谁看到它惊奇地发现,这是因为原来的一样活着”。[87] [注17]

这幅画的其他特征是朴实的着装,在眼睛和手都没有从其他细节的竞争,戏剧性的景观背景中,世界似乎是在不断变化的制服颜色的状态,性质极其平稳在绘画技术,采用油放在很像彩画和混合在表面上,这样的笔触是无法区分的。[注18]瓦萨里表示认为,绘画的方式将使得即使是“最有信心的主 ...绝望,失去心脏“。[90]保鲜的完美状态,事实上,没有任何维修或overpainting的标志是在此日期的面板喷涂罕见的。[91]

在画中圣母子与圣安妮组成回升时的人物景观的主题,沃瑟曼描述为“惊人的美丽” [92] ,并让人回想起了圣杰罗姆画面与人物设定在一个斜角。是什么让这幅画难得的是,有叠加两个的斜向设置的数字。玛丽坐在她的母亲,圣安妮的膝盖。她倾着身子抑制圣婴像与羊肉,自己即将到来的牺牲的标志大致播放。[24]这幅画,这是多次复制,影响了米开朗基罗,拉斐尔,以及安德烈亚·德尔·萨尔托,[93]和通过他们蓬托尔莫科雷乔。在成分的变化趋势尤其是威尼斯画家通过了丁托列托维罗纳

莱昂纳多的Anghiara战役是1505年委托的壁画家具展代16世纪意大利的(五百殿)旧宫,佛罗伦萨。其中心现场描绘四个男人骑在1440从事藏有标准的争夺战,在安吉里之战在他的对手米开朗基罗,谁刚刚完成了他的同时肆虐战马大卫,被指定在对面的墙上。所有这一切仍然是达芬奇的作品是复制鲁本斯,但莫里吉奥塞拉奇尼相信它仍然可以发现,花了一生寻找它。他被允许一些钻导向孔在壁画家具展16世纪意大利台达电子,旧宫,佛罗伦萨,和他的团队确实发现油画的下面的证据。[94] [95]

莱昂纳多不是一个多产的画家,但他是一个最丰富的绘图员,保持期刊的小素描和详细图纸记录的东西,把他的全部注意力的方式。还有的期刊存在许多研究的画作,其中一些可以被认定为筹备特别作品如贤士的崇拜,在岩间圣母和最后的晚餐。[96]他最早的日期绘画是阿尔诺河谷景观 1473,这表明河流,山脉,蒙特卢波阿城堡和非常详细地超越它的农田。[14] [96]

在他著名的图纸是维特鲁威人,人体比例的研究; 在天使的负责人,为的岩间圣母在卢浮宫; 的植物学研究伯利恒之星 ; 并拥有大型冷拔(160]×100厘米)上彩纸黑色粉笔圣母子与圣安妮及施洗者圣约翰在国家画廊,伦敦。[96]这幅画采用了微妙的渲染层次着色技术在的方式蒙娜丽莎。据认为,莱昂纳多从来没有用它制成的一幅画,最接近的相似性是为圣母子与圣安妮在卢浮宫。[97]

其他感兴趣的附图包括了大量的研究通常被称为因为,虽然夸张,它们似乎是基于现场模型观测“漫画”。瓦萨里涉及,如果莱昂纳多看见一个人,一个有趣的面孔,他将跟随他们整天观察它们。[98]有年轻漂亮的男人了大量的研究,经常与萨莱相关,稀有而备受推崇的面部特征,所以-called“笔挺的鼻梁。” [注19]这些面往往对比与战士的。[96]萨莱经常被描述在化装服装。莱昂纳多已知已经设计集与这些可以关联选美。其他,往往一丝不苟,图纸显示衣纹研究。在达·芬奇的画衣纹能力上的显着发展发生在他的早期作品。另一个经常复制图纸是一个可怕的草图是由达芬奇在佛罗伦萨1479年做了展示贝尔纳贝伦赛丽系列的尸体,挂在谋杀朱利亚诺,洛伦佐·德·美第奇的弟弟,在连接帕齐阴谋。[96]随着冷静完整性莱昂纳多注册整齐镜像书写他去世时的贝伦赛丽穿着长袍的颜色。

English Introductio

Childhood, 1452 to 1466
Leonardo was born on April 15, 1452 (old style) "on the night of third hours" [2] in Tuscany City, Finch, in the lower Arno Valley rivers in the territory of the Republic of Florence odd -ruled. [12] he is a rich man Meselse Piero Vinci, Florence's out of wedlock son of the legal notary, and Caterina, a farmer. [11] [13] [3] Leonardo did not name the modern sense of the "Da Vinci" simple "Da Vinci" meaning; his birth name is "Lionardo Di ser Piero Vinci", meaning "Leonardo (son), Piero Da Vinci (MES SER)." [12]'s title is "SER" included that Da Vinci's father was a gentleman.
Little is known about Da Vinci's early life. He spent his first five years in the small village of Anchiano in his mother's home, and lived in the family of, father, grandfather, grandmother and uncle in the small town of Da Vinci. His father married a named Albiera who love Leonardo but died Amadori, a sixteen year old girl [14] in 1465 had no children. When Leonardo was sixteen years old (1468), his father married a twenty year old Lanfredini, who died, no children. Piero: the rightful heir was his third wife Margaret Di Guglielmo (who gave birth to 6 children born [15] and his fourth and last wife, Lucrezia Hotel Cortigiani (who bore him another six Antonio, Giulian, Maddalena, Lorenzo, Violante and Domenico) children: [16]. Margarita, Benedetto, Pandolfo,, and Giovanni) [17] [18]
There are 12.5 siblings in all Leonardo, than he who (the last time Da Vinci was born more than and 40 years old), and have very little contact with him, but they had caused the death of his father after a difficult struggle, younger inheritance. [18]
In Latin America, Leonardo received formal education in geometry and mathematics. In later life, Leonardo recorded only two childhood events. Among them, he thinks it is a warning, is when a kite is falling from the sky hovering in his cradle, its tail brush his face. [19] while he was on the mountain to explore second kinds of: he found a cave that is both afraid, some of the great potential of the monster may be and curious to drive, to find out what is inside. [14]
Leonardo's early life has been the subject of historical conjecture. [20] Vasari, Renaissance painters of the sixteenth Century biography, tells the story of Leonardo, a young man: a local farmer to do a comprehensive screening for himself, and Piero had it painted his ser. Leonardo reacted with the monster's painting spit fire, which was so terrible that serine Piero sold it to the Florence art dealer, who sold it to the Duke of Milan. At the same time, profit has been achieved, serine Piero bought a shield decorated with an arrow, which he gave the farmer pierced the heart. [21]
Vee Lo Keogh workshop, 1466 to 1476
In 1466, at the age of fourteen, Leonardo under the tutelage of painter Andre Di Cione, called Vee Lo Keogh, his Bottega (workshop) is one of the best "in Florence." [22] he apprenticed as a Garzone (Studio boy) to Andre Del Vee Lo Keogh, a leading Florence painter and sculptor of his time. [23] other famous painter apprentice or related with workshop including Domenico Ghirlandaio, Perugino, Botticelli and Lorenzo DI credi. The theory of [14] [24] Leonardo had access to training and broad technical skills, including drafting [25], chemical industry, metallurgy, metal processing, plaster casting, leather processing, machinery and woodworking, drawing, painting, sculpture and other art. [26] [note 4]
Most of the paintings produced by Vee Lo Keogh were done by his staff. According to Vasari, Leonardo and Vee Lo Keogh for his baptism of Christ, the young angel took the painting of Jesus's robe in so far above his master is Vee Lo Keogh put down his brush, never painted that way, although this is considered apocryphal. [27] careful examination revealed that the were painted or polished in painting technology paint; landscape, by Brown and Da Vinci and he witnessed the mountain stream hand figure saw the rock. [28] Leonardo may be due to Vee Lo Keogh's two works: the statue of David in the model of Bagero and the archangel Rafael in Tobias and the angel. [13]
By 1472 at the age of twenty, Leonardo qualified as the main guild of Saint Luke, artists and Medical Doctors Association [5], but even in his father supported him in his studio, his attachment to Vee Lo Keogh is, he continued with his work. [14] Leonardo's earliest known date of work was to draw the pen and ink in the valley of the river, 1473.8, on, 5 [note 6] [24]1476 show that Leonardo and three other young men were accused of sodomy court records in Florence but forgiveness; homosexuality in Renaissance Florence is illegal. [13] from the date to 1478 without his work, even his whereabouts records. [29] in 1478, he left Vee Lo Keogh's studio, no longer living in his father's house. A writer, said in the "Anonimo" Gaddiano, 1480 Leonardo and the life, and at the Plazza San Marco in Florence, a garden work of the new Platon doctrine of artists, poets and philosophers of Qi has been established. 13] in January 1478, he received an independent commission to paint in the old house of St. Bernard church altar; in March 1481, he accepted the worship second times for the independent committee of the Magi asked a Scopeto monk. [30] whether the Commission has been completed, the second when Leonardo went to Milan was interrupted.
In 1482, Leonardo, according to Vasari who is a talented musician, [31] established a silver harp on the horse's head shape. Lorenzo de Medicipaleonardomiran, bearing the lyre as a gift, in order to ensure peace and Ludovico J Forza of the Duke University, Milan. [32] at this time Leonardo wrote a letter that was often cited to describe the many wonderful things that he could achieve in the field of engineering, and to inform Ludovico that he could also draw. [33] [24]
Leonardo worked in Milan, from 1482 1499 until he was appointed the painting of the virgin of the rocks of the Immaculate Conception of the gang and the last supper of thanksgiving for the temple of Santa maria. [34] in the spring of 1485, Leonardo traveled to Hungary to meet Ludovico on behalf of Mr., for whom he believed to have painted the Holy family. [35] [citation] has not given 1493 and 1495, Leonardo made a name for Katelinata families in women in his tax documents. When she died in 1495, the list of funeral expenses showed that she was his mother. [36]
Leonardo used many different projects Ludovico, including special occasion floats and beauty contest, designed for the Church of Duomo dome and a huge model of the equestrian monument to Francesco Sforza, Ludovico's predecessor. Seventy tons of bronze is cast its void. The monument for several years, it is unusual that Leonardo has not yet completed. In 1492, Ma clay model has been completed. It is larger than the Renaissance, Donald Taylor only two large equestrian statue of gattamelata in Padova and Vee Lo Keogh Bartolomeo Clay Noni in Venice, and became a famous "- Varro". [24] [note 7] Leonardo began to make a detailed plan for its casting; however, insulted Leonardo was hinted that he could not play the [24]. [14] November 1494, Ludovico gave the bronze medal for the cannon to defend the invasion from the city of Charlie viii. [24]
At the beginning of the second Italy war in 1499, the invasion of the French army used life size clay model - Varro target practice. With Ludovico Sforza after the overthrow of Leonardo Saley and his assistant and friend, the mathematician Luca Pasi Oliver, from Milan Venice, [37], where he was hired as a military architect and engineer, making way to defend the attack from the sea city. [14] on his return to Florence in 1500, he and his family are in the Servite guest hall monk annunciation and place in the monastery of Our Lady of Florence according to Vasari, Leonardo created the cartoon offers a seminar on Saint Anne and Saint John the Baptist, win such praise and said: "men and women the young and the elderly" stampede in see "it as if they were in a great holiday" works. [38] [note 8]
In the Cesena in 1502, Leonardo entered the service of Cesare Poggi, the son of Pope Alexander VI, as a military architect and engineer as well as the entire Italy and his patron travel. [37] Leonardo created the map borgei stronghold Cesare Imola, to become the city planning in order to win his patronage. Maps are extremely rare when it seems to be a new concept. Seeing it, Cesare hired Leonardo as his chief military engineer and architect. Later this year, Leonardo made another map for his patron, Anna, a Tuscany Valley, in order to give his patron land and greater strategic position, better coverage. He created this map should be with him from the sea to Florence to build a dam, in order to let the water supply in all seasons to maintain the canal other projects.Leonardo returned to Florence, where he re joined the guild of Saint Luke in October 18th 1503, the battle of the LORD he spent two years designing and painting murals in Anji, [37] companion of Michelangelo, the battle of cascina. Note 9] in 1504 in Florence, he formed a move to the artist's will, part of Michelangelo's statue of david. [42]
Leonardo returned to Milan in 1506. [14] in the most prominent students or followers of many of his paintings in Milan or the people know how to work with him, including San Bernardino, Lu Ethne, Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio and Marco Deoggiono. [note 10] at this time, he might have started the project of equestrian figure Charlie II Tang Boss, acting French governor of Milan. [43] wax model of survival, if Leonardo is the only example of genuine goods at a fair price, the existing sculpture. [44]
Leonardo did not stay long in Milan, because his father died in 1504, and in 1507, he returned to Florence to try to sort out the problem with his brother in his father's legacy. In 1508 Leonardo returned to Milan, lived in his house in Porta Santa in eastern Babia parish. [45]
Old age, 1513 to 1519
From September 1513 to 1516 in Rome, Pope Leo ten, Leonardo spent a lot of time in the Belvedere in the Vatican in Rome, where Rafael and Michelangelo were active. [45] October 1515, French king Francis Thi recaptured Milan. [30] December 19th, Leonardo appeared in Francis and Pope Leo ten, occurred in the Bologna conference. [14] [46] [47] Leonardo was appointed to Francis said the lion machinery can move forward, and then open the chest, revealing the lily flower. [48] [11] in 1516, he entered the service of Francis, Baocuo by manor Close Luce, now a public museum, the royal residence near Amboise castle of the king. He spent nearly three years of his life here, along with his friends and disciples, Earl Francis and Mel, and with a pension of up to 10000MW to support scudi. [45]
Leonardo died in May 2nd 1519 Francis Close Luce, I had become a close friend. Vasari records, the king held Leonardo's head in his arms, he died, although the story, beloved by the French and romantic paintings depicting Angell, M nageot and other French artists, as well as by Angelica Kauffman, may be a legend, but not the fact. [note 12] Vasari noted that in his last days, Leonardo sent a priest to make his confession and receiving the eucharist. [50] according to his will, the sixty beggars followed his casket. Note 13] Mel is the chief heir and executor, receiving, as well as money, Da Vinci's paintings, the tool library and personal influence. Leonardo is also remembered for his other long-term pupil and companion, Sarai, and his servant Batista di Vilussis, who received Leonardo's half of the vineyard. His brother and his land, a "good stuff" black cloak with fur edge collocation. [note 14] [51] Da Vinci was buried in St. Baer in the Church of the castle of grace in france.
Leonardo died 20 years later, Francis was reported as saying the goldsmith and sculptor Cellini: "there has not been another man who was born in the know no less than Leonardo, and it is painting, sculpture and architecture of the world, because he is a great philosopher".Despite the recent awareness and admiration of Leonardo as a scientist and inventor, his reputation for most of the past four hundred years fell on his accomplishments as a painter. This is either certified or attributed to a very small number of his works are regarded as one of the great masterpieces. The painting is famous by the students have various connoisseurs and critics to imitate, discuss long quality. By 1490s Leonardo has been described as the "Shenzhou" painter. [74]
Among them, Da Vinci's unique works of innovation is the technical quality of his laying on the paint; his body, light, detailed knowledge of Botany and geology; his interest in landscape and human emotional expression and gesture registration way; his innovative use of figurative composition form; he used subtle changes in tone. All these qualities came in his most famous paintings, together with Monalisa, at the end of the dinner, and among the rocks of Notre dame. [75]
Leonardo first gained notoriety for his work on the baptism of Christ, with verrocchio. The other two paintings look dated from his time at Vee Lo Keogh's workshop, both of which are state indicators. One is small, 59 cm (23 inches) long, and a height of 14 cm (5.5). This is a "predella" in a larger composition, through painting based Lorenzo DI credi has separated from it. The other is a larger work, 217 cm (85) long. [76] in the two state indication, formal arrangements used by Leonardo, as the two famous pictures Angelico the same theme, the virgin Maria sitting or kneeling to the right side of the picture, close to an angel from the left side of the contour, with a rich flow of clothing, the wings are raised and bearing lily. Although previously attributed to Ghirlandaio, larger work, now generally attributed to Leonardo. [77] in the smaller paintings can avoid the appearance of Marie's eyes and folds her hand in a gesture of obedience to God's will. Marie is not submissive, however, in a large. The girl, the unexpected messenger in her reading interruption, makes the finger mark in her Bible place, and presents her hand greeting or a surprised formal gesture. [53] this calm young woman seems to accept her as the role of Mother God, not to resign, but confidence. In this picture, the young Leonardo presents the face of the virgin Maria, the embodiment of God, the role of human beings. Note 15]
In 1480s, Leonardo received two very important commissions and began to work on the composition of the seminal importance of another work. The three of the two have never been completed, and the third took so long, it was subjected to the completion and payment of lengthy negotiations.
Which of these paintings is St. Jerome in the wilderness, the difficulties of life during the Bortolon associates with Da Vinci, as evidenced in his diary: "I thought I was learning life, I just learn to die" [14] although the painting is just the beginning, the composition can be seen, is very unusual. [NB 16] Jerome, as penance, occupies the middle of the image, set a slight diagonal and slightly viewed from above. His knees form trapezoid shape, has an arm extends to the outer edge of the painting and his eyes looking in the opposite direction. J. Mundy points out the connection between the painting and the anatomy of Leonardo. [79] stretches across the foreground his symbol, a great lion's body and tail makes the whole picture space a double helix at the bottom. Another notable feature is the digital landscape for the rough rocky is silhouetted.
Figure, bold display landscape elements and personal drama also appears in the unfinished masterpiece, in the worship of the Magi, from the support of a Scopeto's commission. It is a complex composition of about 250 x 250 cm. Leonardo made numerous drawings and preparatory studies, including a linear perspective in the ruins of a detail of the background of the classical architecture. In 1482 Leonardo came to Milan at the behest of Lorenzo de Medici, to win the favor of Ludovico Kim Jong-il Mo Luo, and the painting was abandoned. [77] [13]
During this period, the third important work is the virgin of the rocks in Milan, commissioned by the Immaculate gang. This painting, with the help of de Predis brothers, is filled with a large complex altar. [80] Leonardo chose to draw up time when Christ child baby John the Baptist, in angel's protection, meet on the way to Egypt of the Holy family. With the beautiful figure around the infant Christ rolling rocks and water whirling wild landscape worship kneel the painting shows a strange beauty. [81] although the painting is quite large, about 200 x 120 cm, it is almost no complicated by the support the monks ordered the painting, only four digits, rather than about fifty-one rock landscape, rather than architecture details. This picture is obtained; in fact, the two versions of the painting were completed: one is kept in the gang's church, and Leonardo took the other french. The brothers did not get their paintings, however, nor were they de Predis their pay until the next century. [37] [24]
Da Vinci's most famous 1490s's painting is the last supper, commissioned by the grace of Mary in the monastery of Milan canteen. It represents the last meal before Jesus and his disciples to share his capture and death, and said that when Jesus said: "just a moment that one of you is going to betray me", then this statement caused panic.The novelist Ricci Bandello observed Leonardo wrote in the work, some days he will from morning to night without stopping to eat, and then use the paint in a three or four day. [82] it was beyond the understanding of the monastery before, who pursued him until Leonardo asked lupin to intervene. Vasari describes how Leonardo, plagued by his ability to adequately portray the face of Jesus and the traitor to the emperor, tells the Duke that he may have to use the prior model for him. [83]
Upon completion, the painting was once hailed as a masterpiece of design and characterization, but [84] quickly deteriorated, making it a description of the "complete destruction" of a viewer within a century. [85] Leonardo, rather than the use of murals as a reliable technique, has been used in a major reason for painting in plaster, resulting in a surface subject to mold and flaking. [86] although this painting, art reproduction remains one of the most numerous works; copy from the carpet to make every guest.
The works created by Leonardo in the sixteenth Century are small people like what is known as the "Monalisa" or "the hole", laughing. It can be said to be the most famous painting in the world. Its fame rests, especially with regard to the elusive smile on the woman's face, and its mysterious quality may be due to the subtle shadow of the mouth of the mouth, eyes that make the exact nature of the smile uncertain. The dark qualities known for their work came to be known as the "rendering hierarchy", or the smoke of Da Vinci. Vasari, who is generally considered only the reputation of famous paintings, said: "the smile is so good to hear or see, seem to God, not people, and those who saw it was surprised to find that this is because the original alive". [87] [note 17]
Other features of this painting is simple dress in hand and eyes are no other details from the competition, the dramatic landscape in the background, the world seems to be changing in uniform color, nature is extremely stable in painting technology, like painting on the surface and mixed in the oil, so the brush is unable to distinguish. [note 18] Vasari expressed the view that the way of painting will make even the most confident and despair, lose heart..". [90] the perfect state of preservation, in fact, there is no repair or overpainting logo is rare in this date of the panel spray. [91]
In the Saint Anne which picks up characters of landscape theme, Wasserman described as "amazing" and [92], reminiscent of Jerome picture and character set at an oblique angle. What makes this painting rare is that there are two superimposed sets of numbers. Marie sits on her mother, Anne's knee. She leans forward like mutton and inhibit the child, symbol of their upcoming sacrifice roughly play. [24] this painting, which was repeated many times, influenced Michelangelo, Rafael, and the Salto of, [93] and through them by the way of and. Changes in the composition of the trend in particular the Venice painter adopted Tintoretto and Verona.
Leonardo's Anghiara campaign was commissioned in 1505 by the mural Furniture Exhibition on behalf of Italy in the year of sixteenth Century (five hundred Hall) of the old palace, Florence. The center of the scene depicted four men riding in the battle for the possession of the standard in 1440, in Anji in the war in his rival Michelangelo, who had just finished his horse while rampant David, was designated on the opposite wall. All of this is still Da Vinci's work is to copy the Lubensi, but the fact that it can still be found, it took a lifetime to find it. He was allowed in the mural furniture exhibition in sixteenth Century in Italy Delta Electronics, Florence old house, some drill hole orientation, and his team did find evidence of oil painting below. [95] [94]
Leonardo is not a prolific painter, but he is one of the most prolific draftsman, keeping a journal of small sketches and detailed drawings to record things that put all his attention in the way. There are many research journals and paintings, some of which can be identified as a special preparatory works such as the adoration of the Magi, Mary in the rocks and the last supper. [96] he is painting the earliest date Arnaud valley landscape 1473, which indicates that the rivers, mountains, mount Lu Bo and a castle with much beyond its farmland. [96] [14]
In his famous drawing Vitruvian Man, the study of human proportions; in charge of the angel, for the virgin of the rocks in Le Louvre Museum; Botanical Research Bethlehem star; and with a large cold drawn (160] * 100 cm) on the black colored chalk Saint Anne the Baptist and Saint John in the National Gallery, london. [96] this painting uses a subtle rendering layer shading technique in the way of Monalisa. It is believed that Leonardo never used it to make a picture of the closest similarity to the Virgin Mary and Sheng Anni in Le Louvre museum.Other interesting figures include a large number of studies are often called because, although exaggerated, they seem to be based on field observation model "comic". Vasari relates to, if Leonardo saw a man, a funny face, he will follow all of them to observe them. [98], a beautiful young man a lot of research, often with rare and highly related salay, facial features are respected, so -called "straight nose." Note 19] these faces are often contrasted with warriors. [96] salay is often described in fancy dress. Leonardo is known to have designed a set of links that can be associated with beauty. Other, often meticulous, drawings show clothing pattern research. The remarkable development of Da Finch's ability to draw patterns in his works. Another copy is often drawing a terrible sketch by Da Vinci in Florence in 1479 the bodies show Bernard Baroncelli, hanging in the murder of Giuliano, Lorenzo de Medici's brother, in connection with the Pazzi conspiracy. [96] with cool integrity Leonardo registered neat mirror writing when he died in the Baroncelli wearing robes color.






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