埃米尔·莱维 Emile Levy(1826年8月29日——1890年),法国画家。
他还就读于巴黎高等美术学院在巴黎举行。他赢得了大奖赛罗马在1854年他从回意大利,他在巴黎定居,并投身于肖像画。他展出了沙龙,在1878年接受了一流的金牌,以及荣誉军团在1867年在他的作品中比较重要的有:“诺亚诅咒迦南”(1855年); “烈士的晚餐”(1859年); (1866年),卢森堡馆“俄耳甫斯之死”; “爱和愚蠢”(1874年); “婴儿期”(1885年); “的元素,”国家教育部的沙龙卢浮宫 ; 三一教堂,巴黎“圣母的演示文稿”。
English Introduction
He also studied at the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris. He won the Grand Prix de Rome in 1854. On his return from Italy, he settled in Paris, and devoted himself to portrait painting. He exhibited in the Salon, receiving a first-class medal in 1878, and the Legion of Honor in 1867. Among the more important of his works are: “Noah Cursing Canaan” (1855); “Supper of the Martyrs” (1859); “Death of Orpheus” (1866), Luxembourg Museum; “Love and Folly” (1874); “Infancy” (1885); “The Elements,” Salon of Ministry of State, Louvre; “Presentation of the Virgin,” Trinity Church, Paris.