洛伦佐·乐透Lorenzo Lotto(1480年——1557年),意大利画家。
在特雷维索,该域内的繁荣小镇威尼斯共和国,他来到主教的支持下贝尔纳多·德·罗西。已经提到的绘画善恶的寓言的目的是作为一个寓言盖他的肖像主教(1505)(在今卡波迪蒙特国家博物馆,谁幸存下来的暗杀企图在那不勒斯)。绘画圣 杰罗姆在沙漠(1500或1506)(卢浮宫,巴黎),显示了他缺乏经验的青春作为绘图员,然而戏剧性的岩石景观是由圣人的红衣加剧。同时,他给他一个技能的早期印象细密。
During his lifetime, Lorenzo Lotto is a respected artist, of course, popular in northern Italy. He was traditionally included in the Venice school, but his career independence was actually placed outside his Venice art stage. He certainly would not like to attach great importance to other towns in Venice where he worked. He has a style of personality, even a strange style. After his death, he gradually became neglected and almost forgotten. This can be attributed to the fact that his work is still a little-known church or provincial museum.
Little is known about his training. As a Venice, he was influenced by Giovanni Bellini because he has a good understanding of contemporary Venice painting. Although Bellini is not his teacher, in his early paintings clearly influence the virgin and child with St. Jerome (1506) (National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh). However, in his portraits and his early paintings of good and evil (1505) (National Gallery of art, Washington), he shows the influence of Giorgio Hei's naturalism. As he grew older, his style changed, perhaps evolving from an independent Giorgionesque to a classical, a more dynamic dramatic SETPIECE, reminiscent of contemporary Parma, Collejo.
Lotto soon left Venice. For a young artist, this contest will be given names, such as great Giorgio, Parma elders certainly titian. However, he noted in his book the third part of the Vite is Lotto is a friend of Parma elders.
In Treviso, a prosperous town within the territory of the Republic of Venice, he came to the Bishop's support of Bernardo De, Rossi. The parable of the good and evil of painting has been mentioned as an allegory to cover his portrait of bishop (1505) (now in Carbo Dement's National Museum, who survived the assassination attempt in Naples). The painting of St. Jerome in the desert (1500 or 1506) (Le Louvre Museum, Paris), showed his lack of experience of the youth as a draftsman, but the dramatic landscape of rock is exacerbated by red sage. At the same time, he gave him a fine skills early impression.