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乔瓦尼·巴蒂斯塔.莫罗尼Giovanni Battista Moroni

乔瓦尼·巴蒂斯塔.莫罗尼Giovanni Battista Moroni(1520年——1579年),意大利画家。

  • 中文名乔瓦尼·巴蒂斯塔.莫罗尼
  • 外文名Giovanni Battista Moroni
  • 性别
  • 国籍意大利
  • 出生地意大利
  • 出生日期1520年
  • 逝世日期1579年
  • 职业画家
  • 主要成就十六世纪意大利伟大的肖像画家之一

建筑师的儿子,安德莫罗尼,他在训练的亚历山德罗Bonvicino在“伊尔MORETTO” 布雷西亚,他是在16世纪40年代的主要工作室助理,并在工作特伦特,贝尔加莫和他的家乡白化,贝加莫,他在那里附近出生和死亡。在他的两个短期特伦托恰逢第一次两会安理会的遄达,1546年至1548年以及1551年至1553年。在这两次莫罗尼涂一些宗教著作(包括祭坛的教会圣师的教堂圣玛利亚,贝加莫),以及系列作,他是记得的画像。

期间,他在特伦特逗留,他也取得了联系,提香和计数主教克里斯托弗Madruzzo酒店,他自己的肖像是提香,但对他们来说,莫罗尼画了他儿子的画像。[2]有报道说,他是由经过培训的十九世纪索赔提香在特伦托; 但是,它是不可能的他曾经试探着威尼斯的工作室长时间,如果在所有。莫罗尼的期间贝加莫的时尚肖像画家,无处记载但在他的肖像画的落款日期是意外地凝聚,跨越只有约岁月 1557年至1562年,之后,贝尔加莫在火拼震撼和莫罗尼永久退役,以白化(罗西,格雷戈里等)的地方,在他的省级隔离,他完全忽略了瓦萨里。他在贝加莫的输出,通过现实主义的研究在某种程度上影响Savoldo,在几年产生了一长串的画像,虽然不是很豪迈,充满凝重人性和日常生活接地。该科目不从Bergamasque贵族专门绘制的,而是来自新的自我意识一流的学者和专业人士和示范性的政府官僚,有几个战士,独立和谨慎的态度与莫罗尼的静物和密切关注的细致通道,以呈现纺织品和服装,而不是心理上的渗透。

他的宗教绘画的输出,在当地的亚高山峡谷运往一个不太成熟的观众,是更小的和不太成功:“部分的确切真相无处加起来,他在祭坛的照片,甚至信誉的外表,”Freedberg已经观察到MORETTO和Savoldo和其他人借用其概略的方案。[3]例如,他画了最后的晚餐在罗马诺在教区伦巴第大区 ; 圣母加冕在Sant'Alessandro德拉克罗齐,贝加莫 ;也为大教堂维罗纳,SS彼得保罗,而在布雷拉美术学院的米兰,在圣母升天。莫罗尼是在一家从事末日审判在教堂戈尔拉戈,当他死了。总体来说,他的这些画的风格展示了他的高手,影响洛伦佐乐透,和吉罗拉莫Savoldo。乔瓦尼·保罗CAVAGNA是莫罗尼的平凡学生; 然而,它说,在几代人之后,他的见地写照影响弗拉'Galgario和彼得隆吉


在国家画廊(伦敦)有他的作品最好的收藏,其中包括被称为著名的人像之一伊尔萨托(裁缝)。其他的画像在发现乌菲齐(中贵族指着火焰刻着“?乙醚英镑暂准VOLO UT ardeat”),柏林画廊,佳能卢多维科德'Terzi和莫罗尼的自画像; 而在国家美术馆,华盛顿,耶稣会Ercole的塔索的坐在半的身影,传统上被称为“提香的校长”,虽然没有与提香没有真正的联系。


English Introduction

The architect's son, Andre Moloney, he in the training of Alessandro Bonvicino in "IL MORETTO" in Brescia, he is in the main studio assistant in 1540s, and in the work of Baer and his hometown of Trent, Bergamo albino, Bergamo, near where he was born and died. In his two term Trento coincides with the first NPC and CPPCC the Council of Trent, from 1546 to 1548 and from 1551 to 1553. In this two Moroni painted a number of religious works (including the Church of the holy altar of the division of the Church of Santa Maria, Bergamo), as well as the series, he is remembered for the portrait.
During his stay in Trent, he also made contact, Titian and count bishop Christopher Madruzzo Hotel, a portrait of himself is Titian, but for them, painted a portrait of his son moroni. [2] has reported that he is trained by Titian claims nineteenth Century in Trento; however, it is not possible that he once tried Venice studio for long time, if at all. During the Bergamo fashion, portrait painter, but no records in his portraits dated is unexpectedly condensed, after crossing only about 1557 years to 1562, Baer retired in shock and permanent Gamo rush to Moroni, albino (Rossi, Gregory) in his place, he completely ignored the provincial isolation. Vasari. He was in Bergamo on output, through the realistic effect of Savoldo to a certain extent, has produced a long series of portraits in a few years, although not very dignified and heroic, full of human daily life ground. The subjects are from the noble Bergamasque for drawing, but from the new consciousness of first-rate scholars and professionals and demonstration of the government bureaucracy, there are several soldiers, detailed channel independent and cautious attitude and still life and pay close attention to Moroni, the textiles and clothing, rather than psychological penetration.
His output of religious paintings, to a less mature audience in the local sub Alpine Canyon, is smaller and less successful: "the exact truth no part together, he at the altar, photos, and even the credibility of appearance," Freedberg has been observed in MORETTO and Savoldo and other people borrow the sketch the scheme. [3], for example, he painted the last supper in Rome Connaught in the parish of Lombardia; the coronation of the virgin in Bergamo Sant'Alessandro; de la Croce, also for the cathedral in Verona, Peter SS and Paul, and the Brera Academy of Fine Arts in Milan, on the assumption of mary. Is a company engaged in Moroni in Doomsday in the Church of Gore Lago, when he died. Overall, his style of painting shows his master, Lorenzo lotto, and Girolamo Savoldo. Giovanni Paul CAVAGNA is an ordinary student Moroni; however, it said, after several generations, his insightful portrayal of Fra'Galgario and Peter Longhi effect.

English Introduction

At the National Gallery (London) has the best collection of his works, which is known as one of the famous portrait of Sarto (a tailor). The other portraits were found in Ufitsi (in the middle of the nobility, pointing to the flames) VOLO UT ardeat temporarily ether pounds "), Berlin art gallery, the self portrait of Canon'Terzi and Ludovico corder Moroni; and in The National Gallery, Washington, Jesus will sit in the semi Ercole Tasso figure, traditionally called" Titian's principal ", although no real contact and incense.
The Accademia Hotel Carrara (Bergamo) (portrait of an old man). The Ash Morin Museum, the Brooks Museum of Art (University of Oxford) (Memphis, Tennessee), the Art Institute of Detroit Art Museum of San Francisco Winter Palace Museum, Honolulu Art Museum, the Museum of Art History (Vienna), the Liechtenstein Museum (Vienna), the Le Louvre Museum, the Conde Shanti I Museum (Chantilly, France), Poldi (AC Milan Pezzoli Museum), at the Boston Art Museum, National Gallery of Scotland National Gallery of Art (Washington), the The National Gallery in Australia, Canada The National Gallery (portrait of a man), [4] in The National Gallery in London, the Norton Simon Museum (Pasadena, California), Pinacoteca Ambrosiana (AC Milan), Pinacoteca di Brera (AC Milan), State Museum In the Museum of Art Museum, Lin Ling (Florida), Esseci (Italy Padova), Studio Art Museum, University of Arizona, Virginia Art Museum, the National Museum of Ireland (portrait of a gentleman and his two children (Xiao Xiangqiao Vanni Antonio) the Uffizi Ocelot), and the Wooster Museum of Art (portrait of a man) by Giovanni Battista Moloney took the work of public collection.






    最近更新:2025-01-19 13:34:58
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