阿德里安·莫罗(1843年4月18日- 1906年2月22日)是一个法国历史画家、雕塑家和插画家。
他开始他的艺术学徒训练玻璃制造商,但去巴黎学习美术学院下莱昂Cogniet和伊西多尔得利)。他第一次展出巴黎沙龙1868年,被描述的艺术家和评论家,约瑟夫•Uzanne作为“当代最伟大的画家的风格”。休息后引起的普法战争,这是他1873年的作品《音乐会d 'Amateurs在工作室d 'Artiste”真正确立他在公众的眼里,和他的艺术成为需求量很大,特别是在美国。
他在1906年死于巴黎。他的工作是在博物馆卡尔,南特和特鲁瓦。1996年,他的作品“吉普赛舞蹈演员“在拍卖会上卖出了超过260000欧元,同时,在美国,2010年4月,“音乐会d 'amateurs在联合国工作室d 'artiste”意识到超过70000美元。
Moreau was born in Troyes in Aube départment. He began his artistic training as an apprentice glassmaker, but left for Paris to study at the École des Beaux-Arts under Léon Cogniet and Isidore Pils. He first exhibited at the Paris Salon in 1868, being described by fellow artist and critic, Joseph Uzanne, as "among the ranks of the greatest painters of contemporary genre".[1][2] After a break occasioned by the Franco-Prussian war, it was his 1873 work, "Concert d’Amateurs dans un Atelier d’Artiste"[3] which really established him in the public eye, and his art became in great demand, particularly in America.
He continued to exhibit at the salon until the end of his life, being awarded a silver medal in 1876 for "Repose at the farm". He also won silver medals at the 1889 and 1900 Exposition Universelle in Paris. Moreau became a Chevalier of the Légion d'honneur in 1892.
Moreau painted in oil (including Grisaille) and watercolour, and during his life became well known for his historical depictions of the French upper classes in past centuries, though he was equally at home in genre landscape paintings featuring peasants and their everyday life. He provided watercolor illustrations and drawings for books by authors such as Voltaire,Victor Hugo, Alphonse Daudet and Honoré de Balzac.[4] He also wrote a book on the history of his family called "Les Moreaus" (1893).
He died in Paris in 1906. His work is represented in museums in Carcassonne, Nantes and Troyes. In 1996, his work "Gypsy dancer" sold for over 260,000 Euros at auction, while, in America, in April 2010, "Concert d'amateurs dans un atelier d'artiste" realised over $70,000.