亚历桑德鲁图尔希Alessandro Turchi(1578 - 1649年1月22日)是一个意大利早期的巴洛克式画家。
最初Turchi训练菲利斯里奇奥在维罗纳(il Brusasorci)。到1603年,他作为独立的画家,在1606 - 1609年,Turchi画器官百叶窗的学院Filarmonica维罗纳。Brusasorci死后1605年,Turchi和他的画家Pasquale Ottino完成一系列的已故大师的油画。1610年,他完成了一个假设装饰画的教会圣卢卡维罗纳。1612年,金匠的维罗纳人协会委托Turchi祭坛的装饰品,今天输了,圣母和圣徒。里奇奥的离开学校,他去了威尼斯,他在卡洛卡利亚里工作了一段时间。
到1616年,Turchi前往罗马,参加了壁画装饰描绘吗哪的萨拉Reggia的聚会奎里纳尔宫宫,画一个基督,从良的妓女,红衣主教的天使Scipione鲍格才家族.在竞争安德里亚·萨基和彼得罗达Cortona的教堂,他画了几幅画圣玛丽亚德拉Concezione一些Cappuccini。1619年,他派遣一个祭坛的装饰品40烈士的无辜的教会的教堂圣斯特凡诺,维罗纳,挂画Pasquale Ottino和旁边•莱Bassetti。他也描绘了一幅飞行到埃及的教堂罗马圣Romualdo;一个神圣的家庭圣洛伦佐鲁西娜和圣卡洛包罗密圣塞尔瓦托吧。他多采用内阁图片,代表历史科目,他经常画在黑色大理石。在他的学生中,乔凡尼Ceschini和Giovanni Battista罗西(il Gobbino)练习维罗纳前绘画大师的作品的副本,这通常是原件。
计数Giangiacomo Giusti,1620年,他描绘了寓言的汞和雅典娜雅典娜和三个画布之间的信仰,希望,和慈善。1621年法国红衣主教的执行弗朗索瓦苏基督的复活,在波尔多的桑特'Andrea大教堂,并发送的麦琪的崇拜拉蒂尼家族在维罗纳。到1621年,他完成了一幅圣母玛利亚和麦当娜的荣耀圣卡洛圣塞尔瓦托吧在罗马。文件从1629年开始,表明Turchi支付了110 scudi绘画帕多瓦的圣安东尼法尔宫在Caprarola。1632年,一个库存的宫殿Mattei di Giove记录一个圣玛尔塔和玛丽亚Madalena Turchi和撒玛利亚人女性。有一幅名为希望的Turchi底特律艺术学院。
他的妹妹结婚Giacinto Gimignani。1623年,Turchi卢西亚圣朱利亚诺结婚。1637年,与红衣主教的赞助Barberini弗朗西斯科,他成为了普林西比或主任学院迪圣卢卡。1638年,他加入了教皇行会的艺术家,被称为罗马教宗的美术学院和信件的名家万神殿。他死于罗马。
Turchi initially trained with Felice Riccio (il Brusasorci) in Verona. By 1603, he was working as independent painter, and in 1606-1609, Turchi painted the organ shutters for the Accademia Filarmonica of Verona. When Brusasorci died in 1605, Turchi and his fellow painterPasquale Ottino completed a series of their deceased master's canvases. In 1610, he completed an Assumption altarpiece for the church of San Luca of Verona. In 1612, the Veronese Guild of the Goldsmiths commissioned from Turchi an altarpiece, today lost, of the Madonna and Saints. On leaving the school of Riccio, he went to Venice, where he worked for a time under Carlo Cagliari.
By 1616, Turchi traveled to Rome and participated in the fresco decoration depicting the Gathering of Manna for the Sala Reggia of theQuirinal Palace, and painting a Christ, Magdalen, and Angels for cardinal Scipione Borghese.[1] In competition with Andrea Sacchi and Pietro da Cortona, he painted some pictures in the church of Santa Maria della Concezione dei Cappuccini. In 1619, he sent an altarpiece of the 40 martyrs for the Chapel of the Innocents in the church of Santo Stefano, Verona, to hang next to paintings by Pasquale Ottino andMarcantonio Bassetti. He also painted a Flight into Egypt for the church of San Romualdo, Rome; a Holy Family for San Lorenzo in Lucina; and a San Carlo Borromeo in San Salvatore in Lauro. He was much employed on cabinet pictures, representing historical subjects, which he frequently painted on black marble. Among his pupils, Giovanni Ceschini and Giovanni Battista Rossi (il Gobbino), practiced in Verona, the former painting copies of his master's works, which were often taken for originals.
For the Count Giangiacomo Giusti, in 1620 he paints an Allegory of Fame between Mercury and Pallas Athena and three canvases of Faith, Hope, and Charity. In 1621 executes for French cardinal François de Sourdis the Resurrection of Christ, now in the cathedral of Sant'Andrea of Bordeaux, and sends the Adoration of the Magi for the Gherardini familyin Verona. By 1621, he had completed a painting of San Carlo Borromeo and the Madonna in Glory for San Salvatore in Lauro in Rome. Documents from 1629, indicate Turchi was paid 110 scudi for painting St. Anthony of Padua for the Farnese Palace at Caprarola. In 1632, an inventory of the Palazzo Mattei di Giove, records a Saint Marta and Maria Madalena and a Samaritan Women by Turchi. There is a painting titled Hope by Turchi in the Detroit Institute of Art.
His sister married Giacinto Gimignani. In 1623, Turchi married Lucia San Giuliano. In 1637, with the sponsorship of the cardinal Francesco Barberini, he became Principe or director of the Accademia di San Luca. In 1638, he joined the papal guild of artists, called the Pontifical Academy of Fine Arts and Letters of the Virtuosi al Pantheon. He died in Rome.