多梅尼哥·基尔兰达约(Domenico Ghirlandaio, 1449年至1494年)是佛罗伦萨画家。他的风格是坚实而平淡的,并且相当传统,尤其是在与他同时代的伟大波提切利相比。但他是一个优秀的工匠和精明的生意人,并加入了佛罗伦萨最繁华的研讨会之一。他最大的成就是在佛罗伦萨(1486年至1490年)所绘的场景壁画——站立圣母玛利亚和圣约翰,周边是合唱团。这是由Giovanni Tornabuoni的委托,以美第奇银行为合作伙伴,并由基尔兰达约描绘的圣经故事,画面尤如一个富有的佛罗伦萨堡家园。正是这种描绘的生命的常态,常常在他的宗教作品,包括肖像中出现。这使得基尔兰达约与佛罗伦萨的许多名人相识并得到喜爱。他的绘画技巧非常高超,复杂的场景布局和组成的概念,在文艺复兴时代揭示了宗教中庄严肃穆的内涵。
是基尔兰达约出生Domenico di托马索·迪Currado di Doffo Bigordi。他是六个孩子中的老大出生在他的第一任妻子托马索·Bigordi安东尼娅di ser保罗Paoli;其中,只有多梅尼科和他的兄弟们和合作者大卫。和Benedetto是基尔兰达约幸存下来的童年。托马索有两个更多的孩子由他的第二任妻子,也叫安东尼娅,他于1464年结婚。多梅尼科的妹妹亚历山德(b.1475)嫁给了画家Bastiano曼拉德在1494年。 父亲的职业托马索Bigordi 1451年和他的叔叔安东尼奥setaiuolo minuto,也就是说,一个商人少量的丝绸和相关对象。
Giorgio Vasari报道,Domenico起初跟他的父亲,他是一个戈德史密斯。绰号“Il是基尔兰达约”(garland-maker)从他的父亲来到Domenico著名是谁创建的金属加兰例如佛罗伦萨妇女戴的头饰。根据瓦萨,Domenico肖像的路人和游客商店:“当他画国家人或人经过他的工作室,他立即捕获他们的肖像他是最终的学徒Alesso Baldovinetti学习绘画和马赛克.据艺术史学家Gunter Passavent,他曾在佛罗伦萨当过学徒安德里亚德尔Verrocchio.他与其他佛罗伦萨画家包括保持密切联系波提切利和翁布里亚语画家佩鲁基诺.
在1483年,抵达弗洛伦斯佛兰德画家的杰作Hugo van der走。现在被称为迪祭坛的装饰品,这是一个崇拜的牧羊人,委托托马索·迪美第奇家族银行的员工。这幅画是在油漆,而不是蛋彩画在佛罗伦萨,并演示了绘画的媒介材质的灵活性和强度的光与影。方面的绘画产生了深远的影响是基尔兰达约是牧羊人的自然主义描述。
详细的天使出现撒迦利亚显示哲学家们的画像Marsilio Ficino,Cristoforo Landino,安吉洛Poliziano和德米特里Chalkondyles
在这个周期里,有不少于21的婚礼和Tornaquinci家庭肖像。在天使似乎撒迦利亚,美第奇家族成员的肖像学院:尼奥Poliziano,Marsilio Ficino和其他人。婚礼教堂于1490年竣工的装饰画可能执行的协助下Domenico的兄弟,大卫。Benedetto;和一个彩色玻璃窗口是基尔兰达约自己的设计。
虽然主要壁画著称的周期是基尔兰达约画许多圣坛雕刻包括由圣人Zenobius圣母崇拜,又和其他人来说,画的教会圣犹士都,现在乌菲兹画廊和《来拜》在佛罗伦萨孤儿院Ospedale degli Innocenti,包括他自己的肖像。其他小组作品包括基督在荣耀Romuald和其他圣人在十二月沃尔泰拉和探视现在在罗浮宫熊,最后确定日期(1491年)的作品。
玛丽的诞生,婚礼教堂(1485 - 90),似乎代表了国内从当代佛罗伦萨贵族的生活场景。
高度赞扬了是基尔兰达约瓦萨里:“是基尔兰达约的他,从他的才华和伟大,他的大量作品,可能被称为一个最重要的和最优秀的大师的时代。“在19世纪雅各Burckhardt和其他人称赞他的作品,他的技术能力,以及逼真的质量数据,被阿奇博尔德约瑟夫·克罗和Giovanni Battista Cavalcaselle是创新的乔托一直在。在19世纪早期赞赏他的作品已经消退,直到1994年,艺术家逝世五百周年,他的兴趣重燃。在这个时候举行研讨会,随后深入专著艺术家发表。罗西瑙评论的有用性是基尔兰达约的画的图形记录历史学家。
Life and work
early stage
It's Domenico di Tomaso di currado di doffo bigordi, born in killanda. He was the eldest of six children born in his first wife, Tomaso bigordi Antonia Di ser Paul Paoli; only Domenico and his brothers and collaborator, David, were among them. And Benedetto were killandau's surviving childhood. Tomasso had two more children by his second wife, Antonia, who married in 1464. Alexander (b.1475), Domenico's sister, married artist Bastiano manrad in 1494. His father's career was in 1451 with his uncle Antonio setaiuolo Minuto, that is, a small amount of silk and related objects for a businessman.
Giorgio Vasari reports that Domenico started with his father, a goldsmith. Nicknamed "IL is garland maker" from his father came to Domenico famous for the creation of metal garlands such as those worn by Florentine women. According to Vasa, Domenico's portrait of passers-by and tourist shop: "when he painted a national or a person passing his studio, he immediately captured their portrait. He was the ultimate apprentice Alesso baldovinetti, who studied painting and mosaic. According to Gunter passavent, an art historian, he was apprentice Andrea del Verrocchio in Florence. He kept close contact with other Florentine painters, including Botticelli and Umbrian painter Perugino
Pope Gregory announces the death of St. fina, St. Gimignano of the University Church (ca. 1477)
In 1480, it was killandau's painting of St. Jerome in his study. St. Augustine was in his study in the Church of ognissanti, Florence in porticelli. He also painted a life size restaurant for the last supper. From 1481 to 1485, he was hired by saradel of Saint Zenobius (1482), who was deified by works such as mural Vicky and painting. He thought that over life sized handled a well-designed architecture framework, Roman heroes of data, and other secular details, eye-catching perspective and creative ability.
In 1483, it was killandau who summoned Rome through Pope Sixtus IV as a team of Florence and Umbrian painters. He commissioned the creation of a series of murals of the life of Jesus and Moses, the Sistine Chapel. It was killandau who painted the professional apostles. His paintings are also attributed to him in the Red Sea crossing the resurrection without Christ, but are they of the same style Altruism is also part of the Committee. It was killandau who was known to create other works in Rome, and now lost. His future brother-in-law, Sebastiano manlard, assisted him with these commissions and early murals in San Gimignano manlard now believes that pictorial joy is sometimes attributed to killandau.
In 1484, a representative of Ludovico Comoro wrote to his master, describing the works of individual artists. His works appeared in Florence: "Domenico is a good painter in killanda about the mural panel and better mural, his style is very good, he is very active and creative."
Later in Tuscany
Shepherd worship, sassetti church contains a portrait of the shepherd of killandayo
Between 1482 and 1485, Francesco sassetti, the banker of Trinita, the Santa Claus of the sassetti church, was the powerful director of the Medici bank, which was founded by the Roman branches Giovanni and PI, and was the future patron of killandau. The life cycle is six scenes of Assisi's St Francis, including St Francis getting a child from the spini family who died from a window of his approved rules of Saint's death and the resurrection of the funeral. The first painting contains a portrait of Lorenzo de Medici, sassetti, Lorenzo's children and their mentor, Neo poliziano. The revival shows the painter's own portrait.
In 1483, he arrived at Hugo van der, the masterpiece of Florence Flemish painter, and left. Now known as the decoration of the di altar, this is an adored shepherd who entrusts employees of the Tomaso Di Medici family bank. This painting is in paint, not in tempera in Florence, and demonstrates the flexibility and intensity of the painting's medium materials for light and shadow. The far-reaching impact of the aspect of painting is that killandayo is a naturalistic description of the shepherd.
Confirmed by the Franciscan rules of sassetti church, the portrait of Lorenzo de Medici and his family dominated the audience to the event.
It was killandau who painted the altar ornament, the pilgrim shepherd of sassetti church. In this painting, he especially shows his debt to Di's decorative painting. The shepherd, one of the artist's portraits, is painting with realism in Florence in advance. The decor is still in San Trinita's position, and the murals around it are the core. Kneeling on both sides of the donor's portrait, although these data are on the wall of the mural, they occupy the same position and are related to the central scene of the worship donor's decorations for the outer PADI altar.
Immediately after the Council of sassetti church, killandau was asked to update the choir's mural St. Mary's novella, forming the Church of the Ritchie family. Weddings and tornaquinci families, which are more prominent than Ritchie, carry the cost of recovery, with certain contractual conditions.