菲利皮诺·利比生于意大利普拉托他早期的作品风格和桑德罗·波提切利很相似,但是少了那么一丝的敏感和哀愁。最早期的作品风格(1475年之前)的形成归功于Amico di Sandro(桑德罗·波提切利的朋友)。菲利皮诺·利比早期的代表作品有:《圣母像》等。
菲利皮诺·利比和三个朋友一起为别墅的壁画进行修饰的工作。1482年的12月31号,他被派去完成一幅壁画的修饰(还没开始),很快,就又被叫去完成其他的任务。1486年的2月20号,菲利皮诺·利比开始了一项新的工作,同一年,他被 Pugliese叫去完成装饰品的绘制工作。一直都这样,慢慢的形成了他的作品的风格。擅长人物肖像的创作,色调丰富,笔法沉稳。
他第一次大像波提切利的作品,但灵敏度较低和微妙。最初的(从1475年起约会)最初被归因于一个匿名“Amico di桑德罗波提切利的“朋友”。最终里皮的风格演变成一个更私人的和有效的在1480 - 1485年。早期的作品包括:麦当娜的柏林,伦敦和华盛顿的Tobia的旅程广场Sabauda都灵,麦当娜的大海戴尔'Accademia广场、佛罗伦萨和酯的历史。
在一起佩鲁基诺,是基尔兰达约波提切利,里皮在壁画装饰洛伦佐·德·美第奇在Spedaletto的别墅。1482年12月31日,他委托工作的萨拉戴尔'Udienza墙上维琪在弗洛伦斯,工作不会开始。不久之后,可能在1483 - 84年,他被称为完成马萨乔的装饰布兰卡教堂在教堂的胭脂剩下未完成的艺术家的1428年去世。在这里他意识到圣彼得在接下来的故事壁画:吵架行邪术的西门面对尼禄,复活Teophilus的儿子,圣彼得入狱,解放和圣彼得的受难。
萨拉的degli奥托di Pratica维琪,1486年2月20日开始。现在的乌菲兹美术馆。在同一个年di弗朗西斯科·德尔·皮耶罗Pugliese问他画的祭坛的装饰品幽灵的圣母圣伯纳德,现在在十二月佛罗伦萨,佛罗伦萨。这是里皮最受欢迎的照片:一个虚幻的合成物品,特别细长的数据,由一个变幻无常的场景的岩石,几乎拟人化的树干。工作日期是1480 - 86。
最后他为Tanai de Nerli在佛罗伦萨的工作圣Spirito教堂。
1488年,里皮来到罗马,在那里洛伦佐·德·美第奇有建议红衣主教Oliviero Carafa委托他的摆设家庭教堂在圣玛丽亚sopra密涅瓦。这些壁画显示一种新的灵感,完全不同于早期的作品,但证实他继续研究古时代的主题。里皮在1493年完成了循环。
里皮回到佛罗伦萨的不同分配给从1491到1491年。这一时期的作品包括:基督的幽灵的处女(c。1493年,现在慕尼黑),来拜》(1496年,教会的圣Donato Scopeto,现在乌菲兹),拉奥孔的牺牲(世纪末的别墅洛伦佐·德·美第奇在小山Caiano),圣约浸礼会杉(Valori教堂圣Procolo佛罗伦萨,在某种程度上启发卢卡Signorelli的艺术)。他还他的祖国以外的工作,即在豪华的Certosa帕维亚而在普拉托,1503年,他完成了圣诞歌曲的帐幕,现在在城市博物馆;1501年,里皮意识到神秘的圣凯瑟琳结婚的圣多梅尼科教堂在博洛尼亚.
Born Filippo Lippi in Prato, Tuscany, the illegitimate son of the painter Fra Filippo Lippi and Lucrezia Buti, Filippino first trained under his father. They moved to Spoleto, where Filippino served as workshop adjuvant in the construction of the Cathedral there. When his father died in 1469, he completed the frescos withStorie della Vergine (Histories of the Virgin) in the cathedral. Filippino Lippi completed his apprenticeship in the workshop of Botticelli, who had been a pupil of Filippino's father. In 1472, Botticelli also took him as his companion in theCompagnia di San Luca.
His first works greatly resemble those of Botticelli's, but with less sensitivity and subtlety. The very first ones (dating from 1475 onwards) were initially attributed to an anonymous "Amico di Sandro" ("Friend of Botticelli"). Eventually Lippi's style evolved into a more personal and effective one in the years 1480-1485. Works of the early period include: the Madonnas of Berlin, London and Washington, the Journeys of Tobia of the Galleria Sabauda, Turin, the Madonna of the Sea ofGalleria dell'Accademia, Florence, and the Histories of Ester.
Together with Perugino, Ghirlandaio and Botticelli, Lippi worked on the frescoed decoration of Lorenzo de' Medici's villa at Spedaletto. On December 31, 1482 he was commissioned to work on a wall of Sala dell'Udienza of Palazzo Vecchio inFlorence, a work never begun. Soon after, probably in 1483-84, he was called to complete Masaccio's decoration of Brancacci Chapel in the church of the Carmine, left unfinished by the artist's death in 1428. Here he realized the Stories of Saint Peter on the following frescoes: Quarrel with Simon Magus in face of Nero,Resurrection of Teophilus' Son, Saint Peter Jailed, Liberation and Saint Peter's Crucifixion.
The work on the Sala degli Otto di Pratica, in the Palazzo Vecchio, started on February 20, 1486. It is now in the Uffizi Gallery. In the same years Piero di Francesco del Pugliese asked him to paint the altarpiece with the Apparition of the Virgin to St. Bernard, now in the Badia Fiorentina, Florence. This is Lippi's most popular picture: a composition of unreal items, with its very particular elongated figures, backed by a phantasmagorical scenario of rocks and almost anthropomorphic trunks. The work is dated to 1480–86.
Eventually he worked for Tanai de' Nerli in Florence's Santo Spirito church.
On April 21, 1487, Filippo Strozzi asked him to decorate the family chapel inSanta Maria Novella with the Stories of St. John Evangelist and St. Philip. He worked on this piece intermittently, only completing it in 1503, after the customer's death. The windows with musical themes, also designed by Filippino, were completed between June and July 1503. These paintings can be seen as a mirror of the political and religious crisis in Florence at the time: the theme of the fresco, the clash between Christianity and Paganism, was hotly debated in the Florence of Girolamo Savonarola.
Filippino showed his characters in a landscape which recreated the ancient worldin its finest details, showing the influence of the Grottesco style he had seen in his journey to Rome. He created in this way an "animated", mysterious, fantastic but also disquieting style, showing the unreality of something as a nightmare. In this way, Filippino portrayed ruthless executioners deformed by grim faces, who raged against the Saints. In the scene with St. Philip expelling a monster from the temple, the statue of the pagan god is a living figure which seems to dare the Christian saint.
In 1488, Lippi moved to Rome, where Lorenzo de' Medici had advised CardinalOliviero Carafa to entrust him the decoration of the family chapel in Santa Maria sopra Minerva. These frescoes show a new kind of inspiration, quite different from the earlier works, but confirm his continued research on the themes of the Ancient era. Lippi finished the cycle by 1493.
Lippi's return to Florence is variously assigned to the years going from 1491 to 1494. Works of this period include: Apparition of Christ to the Virgin (c. 1493, now in Munich), Adoration of the Magi (1496, for the church of San Donato in Scopeto, now in the Uffizi), Sacrifice of Laocoön (end of the century, for the villa of Lorenzo de' Medici at Poggio a Caiano), St. John Baptist and Maddalena(Valori Chapel in San Procolo, Florence, inspired in some way to Luca Signorelli's art). He also worked outside of his mother-country, namely on the Certosa of Pavia and in Prato, where in 1503 he completed the Tabernacle of the Christmas Song, now in the City Museum; in 1501 Lippi realized the Mystic Wedding of St. Catherine for the Basilica of San Domenico in Bologna.
Lippi's last work is the Deposition for the Santissima Annunziata church in Florence, which at his death in April 1504 was unfinished.
Due to Lippi's reputation, on the day of his burial all the workshops of the city closed for him.