弗朗兹.马克Franz Marc(1880年2月8日——1916年3月4日),德国画家。
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1911年,马克创立了Der数日报》成为一个艺术家的中心圈,随着Macke,瓦西里•康定斯基和其他决定分拆的Neue Kunstlervereinigung运动。
马克最著名的画作之一是Tierschicksale(动物的命运或动物的命运),挂在Kunstmuseum巴塞尔。马克在1913年完成了工作,当“即将到来的灾难已经遍布社会的紧张”,正如一位艺术史学家指出。后方的画布上,马克写道,“和一切盛是flammend Leid”(“和所有被燃烧的痛苦”)。在第一次世界大战,马克写信给他的妻子画,“(它)就像一个预感war-horrible和粉碎。我很难想象画。”
In 1906, Marc traveled with his elder brother Paul, a Byzantine expert, to Thessaloniki,Mount Athos, and various other Greek locations. A few years later, in 1910, Marc developed an important friendship with the artist August Macke. In 1910 Marc painted Nude with Catand Grazing Horses, and showed works in the second exhibition of the Neue Künstlervereinigung (New Artists' Association) at the Thannhauser Galleries in Munich.
In 1911, Marc founded the Der Blaue Reiter journal, which became the center of an artist circle, along with Macke, Wassily Kandinsky, and others who had decided to split off from the Neue Künstlervereinigung movement.
Marc showed several of his works in the first Der Blaue Reiter exhibition at the Thannhauser Galleries in Munich between December 1911 and January 1912. As it was the apex of the German expressionist movement, the exhibit also showed in Berlin, Cologne, Hagen, and Frankfurt. In 1912, Marc met Robert Delaunay, whose use of color and the futuristmethod was major influence on Marc's work; fascinated by futurism and cubism, Marc created art that increasingly, was stark and abstract in nature. He painted The Tiger and Red Deerin 1912 and The Tower of Blue Horses, Foxes, and Fate of the Animals in 1913.
With the outbreak of the Great War in 1914, Marc was drafted into the German Army as a cavalryman. By February 1916, as shown in a letter to his wife, he had gravitated to military camouflage. His technique for hiding artillery from aerial observation was to paint canvas covers in broadly pointillist style. He took pleasure in creating a series of nine such tarpaulin covers in styles varying "from Manet to Kandinsky", suspecting that the latter could be the most effective against aircraft flying at 2000 meters or higher.
After mobilization of the German Army, the government identified notable artists to be withdrawn from combat for their own safety. Marc was on the list but was struck in the head and killed instantly by a shell splinter during the Battle of Verdunin 1916 before orders for reassignment could reach him.
Marc made some sixty prints in woodcut and lithography. Most of his mature work portrays animals,usually in natural settings. His work is characterized by bright primary color, an almost cubist portrayal of animals, stark simplicity and a profound sense of emotion. Even in his own time, his work attracted notice in influential circles. Marc gave an emotional meaning or purpose to the colors he used in his work: blue was used to portray masculinity and spirituality, yellow represented feminine joy, and red encased the sound of violence. After the National Socialists took power, they suppressed modern art; in 1936 and 1937, the Nazis condemned the late Marc as an entarteter Künstler (degenerate artist) and ordered approximately 130 of his works removed from exhibition in German museums. His painting “Landscape With Horses” was discovered in 2011 along with more than a thousand other paintings, in the Munich apartment of Cornelius Gurlitt whose dealer father, Hildebrand Gurlitt, was a collector of Modernist art the Nazis called “degenerate.”
One of Marc's best-known paintings is Tierschicksale (Animal Destinies or Fate of the Animals), which hangs in the Kunstmuseum Basel. Marc had completed the work in 1913, when "the tension of impending cataclysm had pervaded society", as one art historian noted.On the rear of the canvas, Marc wrote, "Und Alles Sein ist flammend Leid" ("And all being is flaming agony"). Serving in World War I, Marc wrote to his wife about the painting, "[it] is like a premonition of this war—horrible and shattering. I can hardly conceive that I painted it."
During his twenties, Marc was involved in a number of stormy relationships, including an affair lasting for many years with Annette Von Eckardt, a married antique dealer nine years his senior. He married twice, first to Marie Schnür, then to Maria Franck; both were artist