弗朗茨·冯·伦巴赫(Franz von Lenbach )德国的著名的画家,现实主义画派的代表人物之一,生于1836年12月13日,卒于1904年5月6日。是当时的极具影响力的画家之一。
同年Lenbach回到意大利,复制很多著名的照片。这个时候他了利普哈特恩斯特弗里德里希·冯·谁是天才的波罗的海的德国贵族的儿子。 他在1867年出发西班牙利普哈特与,他不仅复制著名的照片委拉斯凯兹在普拉多博物馆,但也有一些景观的博物馆格拉纳达和阿尔罕布拉宫(1868)。 这次旅行是由Lenbach Schack赞助人的计数。
冯Lenbach的大部分作品在英国国家收藏,有一些的Frye艺术博物馆在西雅图,华盛顿。 英国的收藏包括由他的肖像俾斯麦和格莱斯顿在苏格兰国家美术馆中这是另一个的格莱斯顿威斯敏斯特的宫殿.
Lenbach was born at Schrobenhausen, in Bavaria. His father was a mason, and the boy was destined for the building trade. He went to school at Landsberg, and then to the polytechnic at Augsburg. However, after seeing Hofner, the animal painter, executing some studies, he made various attempts at painting, which his father's orders interrupted. However, when he had seen the galleries of Augsburg and Munich, he obtained his father's permission to work for a short time in the studio ofGräfle, the painter; after this he devoted much time to copying
Lenbach was already accomplished when he became the pupil of Piloty, with whom he set out for Italy in 1858. A few works remain as the outcome of this first journey A Peasant seeking Shelter from Bad Weather (1855), The Goatherd (1860, in the Schack Gallery, Munich) and The Arch of Titus (in the Palfy collection, Budapest). On returning to Munich, he was at once called to Weimar to take the appointment of professor at the Academy. But he did not need to teach for long, having made the acquaintance of Count Schack, who commissioned a great number of copies for his collection.
Lenbach returned to Italy the same year, and there copied many famous pictures.At this time he took on Ernst Friedrich von Liphart who was the gifted son of a Baltic German noble.He set out in 1867 for Spain with Liphart, where he copied not only the famous pictures by Velázquez in the Prado, but also some landscapes in the museums of Granada and the Alhambra(1868). This trip was funded by Lenbach's patron Count Schack.
In the previous year he had exhibited at the great exhibition at Paris several portraits, one of which took a third-class medal. In 1882 Lenbach was ennobled, and since then known as von Lenbach. Thereafter he exhibited frequently both at Munich and at Vienna, and in 1900 at the Paris exhibition was awarded a Grand Prix for painting. Lenbach, who died in 1904, painted many of the most remarkable personages of his time
Most of von Lenbach's paintings are in National collections in the United Kingdom, with some in the Frye Art Museum in Seattle, Washington. The UK collections include portraits by him of both Bismarck and Gladstone in the National Galleries of Scotland and there is another of Gladstone in the Palaces of Westminster.