乔治 · 古德温 George Goodwin Kilburne(1839年7月24日——1924年),英国画家。
乔治出生在海克福特近了Reepham在诺福克古德温的三个孩子中的老大,Kilburne(1812 - 1887)和Rebeccca按钮(1801 - 1880)。
1862年6月,Kilburne娶了珍妮特新西兰在老教堂,圣潘克拉斯,伦敦。她的女儿罗伯特•新西兰的画家和兄弟新西兰的兄弟。他们有三个儿子和两个女儿——他的长子,乔治·古德温Kilburne Jnr。众所周知,成为画家的动物和人物,主要的体育科目。1881年,家人都记录为生活在来自汉普斯特,伦敦。
19世纪末期,他设计并执行大量的问候和圣诞卡片的公司拉斐尔塔克& Sons和德拉鲁劳动和工作的那一刻,带来一个严重的攻击痛风的眼睛。他还贡献了大量的黑白照片图形,《伦敦新闻画报》上的和卡塞尔的杂志。他的许多流行通过打印照片。
Kilburne当选的一员新的水彩画社会1866年(RI)。成为的一员皇家小型社会和1898年皇家理工学院的石油画家1883年(ROI)。在伦敦,Kilburne展出皇家艺术学院1863 - 1918年之间英国皇家学会的艺术家 (萨福克郡大街),新的水彩画社会,皇家小型社会,格罗夫纳画廊、Dowdeswell画廊等等。在他展出的地区伯明皇家社会的艺术家,曼城画廊,格拉斯哥皇家美术学院和沃克艺术画廊在利物浦。
位于美国罗德岛州g . g . Kilburne先生葬礼,发生在旧海格特公墓周四,6月26日的服务进行启哈科特博士,圣彼得,现在他是贝尔赛广场。在这些礼物是寡妇,Wm先生。Kilburne和妻子;底盘先生。Kilburne和妻子;r·a·沃尔顿先生和夫人和他们的儿子和女儿,欧内斯特Woakes先生和夫人和他们的女婿和女儿(麦茨勒先生和夫人),和艺术家的两个最小的女儿,吉尔伯特、查尔斯&威尔弗雷德新西兰;h·c·b·威尔逊;与史密斯先生,艺术家的社会,朗廷室;w·布莱克摩尔皇家理工学院的画家和谢里顿研究所的诺尔斯;Val。戴维斯,朗廷素描俱乐部;托马斯·麦克莱恩;a·e·高斯林和Hassell先生。没有死者的姐姐,长子是由于不健康的前者,后者目前在加州。特殊号码和美丽鲜花,和来自许多朋友除了家人,从已故的几个社会一员,和其他人。
的死亡,他85年,乔治Kilburne,罗德岛发生在2 lst过错。在38斯蒂尔的道路,他的大女儿的住所,罗伯特•沃尔顿太太有消失的最后一个兄弟会的艺术家,他的“六十年代”和“年代”开始,是已知的和受人尊敬的Haverstock山男人。仅在斯蒂尔的道路,几乎相邻房屋里生活和工作,多年来,弗雷德•巴纳德詹姆斯d·林惇,埃德温·海斯和乔治Kilburne。上公园路,后来Hill-gardens在汉普斯特德,查尔斯和兄弟。Towneley绿色。罗伯特麦克白,R.A.在英国有一个工作室巷的;g . j . Pinwell住在Adelaide-road;a b·霍顿在亨利的道路。路加菲尔德斯爵士R.A.,和亨利·伍兹在22日国王亨利多年的道路;而在附近被发现e . f . Brewtnall和许多其他人。所有这些人现在已经休息,除了路加菲尔德斯爵士,他早已从汉普迁移到肯辛顿。这个艺术兄弟会的成员是天才和勤奋的男人。他们,同样的,拥有小的波西米亚主义,所以盛行在过去的那些日子里,增加了魅力的人格,帮助生产真正的热情好客的氛围在自己的家里和工作室。
1872年,他结婚的女儿罗伯特Daiziel和兄弟Daiziel的侄女。参观意大利在1875年和1876年,他发现他的许多画作的灵感,尤其是对于那些说明17和18 Centuries-works价值将继续作为真实的记录的服装和习俗相关的时期,除了其内在价值的艺术作品。Kilburne最好的工作可以追溯到大约这个时候,及其范围足够宽覆盖内部景观,图块,和一些著名的肖像。拿破仑三世去世后。皇后Eugenie委托他画几张房间的照片最近被皇帝Chislehurst,和这个工作她非常欣慰。他的妻子于1882年去世,留下他和五个孩子,他仍活着,长子成为艺术家致力于教练和体育课程。乔治Kilburne自己是一名敏捷的运动员在伦敦的住所和马术允许的。上世纪末期他设计和执行大量的最迷人的圣诞节的装饰品和其他卡公司的拉斐尔和儿子和de Ia街,那一刻对这些劳动和工作带来了严重的攻击痛风的眼睛。这部分工作将为展览本身提供材料。“梨”年度也多年含有标本的他最好的作品。
George was born in Hector near the eldest of reepham's three children in Norfolk Goodwin, kilburne (1812 - 1887) and Rebecca button (1801 - 1880).
Kilburne is an educated hawkhurst Kent, his father's old school. When he left 15, he went to London as a five-year apprentice to New Zealand's brothers, sculptors and illustrators. He is highly regarded by employers as a "constant of hard work" and "one of the most satisfied students we have ever had". Serving him as a sculptor, allowing him to develop accuracy and detail will enhance his subsequent painting. He still worked with the company further years before leaving to pick up watercolor and oil painting as a career and quickly became one of the most popular artists in England.
In June 1862, kilburne married Janet New Zealand in the old church, St Pancras, London. Her daughter Robert New Zealand painter and brother New Zealand brother. They have three sons and two daughters - his eldest son, George Goodwin kilburne Jnr. As we all know, become the painter of animals and characters, the main sports subject. In 1881, the family were recorded as living in Hampshire, London.
Janet died in 1882. In 1889 kilburne married Edith goletly, who was younger (34 years old) and had two other children, Edith (1900) and Constance ivy (1902).
Kilburne is an agile athlete, equestrian, self hunting, cycling and golf. He has a good collection of weapons and armor, mainly swords, usually considered in his photos. He is said to be quiet, almost retired, but a friendly, friendly and kind host.
He lived in hawkhurst house for many years, 39 Road steel, haverstock hill, from Hampstead in London and members of the artists' social club in Langham chamber. When he died, in 1924, he lived in 16-year-old Albion Road, a Swiss Cottage in London, but died in his daughter Florence's home, his old house, next door to 38 Road steel, haverstock hill, Hampstead, London.
George's paintings often depict the settings of the upper class and ultra fashion women in the gorgeous late 18th and early 19th centuries. His depiction of the beauty and skirt accentuated his attention to detail, interior decoration and richness. During this period, his paintings will be considered traditional, especially compared with the work of contemporaries such as James McNeil Whistler and Rafael's Presbyterian brotherhood
Kilburne traveled extensively in Italy around 1875, in Rome and painted for three months in a row, except in Venice, and in 1876. He did a lot of sketches in Normandy and Switzerland, except to visit many places in England and Wales for the same purpose.
Emperor Napoleon III, shortly after his death, wrapped empress orenne and commissioned kilburne to draw some pictures for her. For this reason he visited her many times in chislehurst Kent, drawing rooms used by the emperor, and always kept, like them, in his life.
At the end of the 19th century, he designed and executed a large number of greetings and Christmas cards for companies Rafael Tucker & Sons and delaru to work and work at that moment, bringing a serious attack on gout's eyes. He also contributed a large number of black-and-white photo graphics, London News pictorial and Cassell's magazines. Many of his popularity is through printing photos.
Kilburne was elected a member of the new Watercolor Society in 1866 (RI). He became a member of the Royal small society and in 1898 the Royal Institute of technology's oil painter in 1883 (ROI). In London, kilburne shows the artists of the Royal Society (Suffolk Street), the new Watercolor Society, the Royal small society, the Grosvenor Gallery, the Dowdeswell gallery and so on between 1863 and 1918. He exhibited artists from the area of Royal Society in Birmingham, the city gallery, the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Glasgow and the Walker Art Gallery in Liverpool.
Kilburne's work can now be seen in many public and private galleries such as Walker Art Gallery in Liverpool, Manchester City Gallery and Sheffield art gallery
So is George Goodwin kilburne
The funeral of Mr. g. kilburne in Rhode Island, USA, took place at the old haggard cemetery on Thursday, June 26, during the service of Dr. Kai Harcourt, St. Peter, who is now Belsey square. In these presents are widows, Mr. WM. Kilburne and his wife; Mr. chassis. Kilburne and his wife; Mr. and Mrs. R.A. Walton and their sons and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest woakes and their sons in law and daughters (Mr. and Mrs. Metzler), and the artist's two youngest daughters, Gilbert, Charles & Wilfred New Zealand; h.c.b. Wilson; and Mr. Smith, the artist's society, the Langham house; w. Blackmoor, Royal Institute of Technology The painter of the academy and Knowles of the Sheraton Institute; val. Davis, Langham sketch Club; Thomas McLean; A. E. Gosling and Mr. Hassell. Without the deceased's sister, the eldest son is due to the unhealthy former, which is currently in California. Special numbers and beautiful flowers, and from many friends in addition to family, from several deceased members of society, and others.
Gilbert New Zealand's appreciation.
The death of him in 85, George kilburne, Rhode Island, occurred in 2 LST fault. In 38 Steele's road, his eldest daughter's residence, Mrs. Robert Walton has disappeared as the last brotherhood artist, and his "sixties" and "sixties" began, are known and respected haverstock mountain men. On Steele's road alone, living and working in almost adjoining houses, for years Fred Barnard, James D. Linton, Edwin Hayes and George kilburne. Park Road, back