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乔治·格罗兹George Grosz

     乔治·格罗兹出生于柏林,在德累斯顿和柏林美术学院毕业之后为幽默杂志画讽刺画,反映现实生活。 1911年开始发表作品,用讽刺的笔法描绘柏林的夜生活和社会的阴暗面。战后,用漫画揭露专制政、腐败的社会道德面貌及战争的残暴、恐怖。作品除少数油画外,大部分是素描勾勒,风格辛辣、幽默,有浓厚的艺术趣味。尤其在一次大战及以后的年代,他用画笔揭露和抨击社会的丑恶,他的画形象夸张、言简意赅。1932年赴美国任教。格罗兹在美国的创作中出现了浪漫的田园诗情趣。

  • 中文名乔治·格罗兹
  • 外文名George Grosz
  • 性别
  • 国籍德国
  • 出生地柏林
  • 出生日期1893年7月26日
  • 逝世日期1959年7月6日
  • 职业画家


乔治•格出生Georg Ehrenfried Groß(德国: [ɡʀoː年代])在柏林,德国,酒吧老板的儿子。他的父母都是虔诚的路德教会。格中长大波美拉尼的的小镇Stolp(Słupsk),他的母亲成为当地的门将轻骑兵的军官父亲于1901年去世的敦促他的表弟,年轻的格开始参加每周的图画课教当地的画家叫洞穴。Grosz开发他的技能进一步通过细致的副本喝酒的场景爱德华·冯·Grutzner,通过虚构的战争场面。从1909年到1911年,他研究了德累斯顿美术学院,他的老师理查德穆勒,罗伯特Sterl拉斐尔威尔,Osmar辛德勒.他后来的研究柏林工艺美术学院埃米尔•奥尔利克



1922年格罗希前往俄罗斯作家马丁·安徒生Nexø在他们到达摩尔曼斯克他们短暂逮捕间谍;他们的凭证批准后他们被允许会见(Grigory季诺维耶夫,Anatoly Lunacharsky,列宁格的六个月呆在苏联离开了他对他所看见的。他于1923年加入KPD结束,虽然他的政治立场不变。

激烈地反Grosz前不久离开德国希特勒上台。1932年6月,他接受了邀请教的夏季学期纽约艺术学生联盟.1932年10月,Grosz回到德国,但1月12日,1933年,他和他的家人都移民到了美国。格成为了归化公民在1938年的美国,在安了家纽约贝在1930年代他教的艺术学生联盟,他的一个学生Romare Bearden受他的风格拼贴画他教的艺术学生联盟断断续续,直到1955年。



虽然格1912年首次油画虽然还是学生,今天他最早的油,可以确定日期从1916年。1914年,格工作风格的影响表现主义未来主义,以及受欢迎的插图,涂鸦,孩子的画。大幅概述形式通常被当作透明的。城市(1916 - 17)是第一个他的许多画作的现代城市风光。其他例子包括爆炸(1917),《启示录》都市(1917)葬礼1918幅画描绘了一个疯狂的送葬队伍。







1960年,格被奥斯卡提名电影短片的主题乔治•格罗希的过渡期他是小说为“Fritz Falke”亚瑟R.G. Solmssen的小说公主在柏林(1980)。2002年,演员凯文McKiddGrosz配角描绘成一个热切的艺术家寻求投资马克斯,对于阿道夫•希特勒的青年。



English Introduction

Life and career

Georg Eger was born Georg Ehrenfried gro Di, the son of a bar owner in Berlin, Germany. His parents are both devout Lutherans. In the small town of stolp (s ł upsk), where Ge Zhong grew up, his mother became an officer of the local goalkeeper light cavalry, and his father died in 1901, urging his cousin, the young Ge began to attend the weekly painting class to teach the local painter called cave. Grosz developed his skills further through detailed replicas of drinking scenes by Edward von grutzner, through fictional war scenes. From 1909 to 1911, he studied the Dresden Academy of fine arts. His teachers were Richard Muller, Robert sterl raphaelwell and OSMAR Schindler. Later, he studied Emir Orlik under the Berlin Academy of Arts and crafts

Grosz volunteered for military service in November 1914, hoping that by doing so he would avoid being sent to the front. He was discharged after being hospitalized with sinusitis in 1915. In 1916, he changed George's spelling of his name to protest against German nationalism. A romantic passion for the United States originated from early reading of the books James Fenimore Cooper, Brett Hart and Karl may have kept him for the rest of his life. His artist friend and collaborator Helmut Herzfeld changed his name John heartfield at the same time). In January 1917 he drafted services, but in May he was discharged as permanent.

In the last months of 1918, Georgia joined the Spartacist Union, which was named the German Communist Party in December 1918 (KPD). He was arrested during the spartakus uprising in January 1919, but escaped the use of false identity documents. In 1921 Ge was accused of insulting the army, resulting in a 300 year German mark fine and the collective destruction of God with us ("God with us"), a satire of German society. After his publication in 1928, he was charged with desecrating anti clergy drawings, such as drawings depicting prisoners being vomited by ministers on grenades and weapons, another showing Christ forced into military service. According to historian David Nash Grosz, "he is neither a Christian nor a peaceful man, but actively creates these photos for an internal need." two appeals came after he was acquitted. By contrast, in 1942 Time magazine considered Ge a pacifist.

In 1922, GROSCH went to Russian writer Martin Andersen, nex ø. After they arrived in Murmansk they briefly arrested the spies; after their credentials were approved they were allowed to meet (Grigory dinoviev, Anatoly Lunacharsky, leninger's six months in the Soviet Union left what he saw of him. His accession to KPD ended in 1923, although his political position remained unchanged.

Fiercely anti Grosz left Hitler in Germany shortly before taking office. In June 1932, he accepted the invitation to teach in the summer semester of New York Art Students Union. In October 1932, Grosz returned to Germany, but on January 12, 1933, he and his family emigrated to the United States. Ge became a naturalized citizen in 1938 in the United States, settling in New York Bay. In the 1930's he taught the art students union, and one of his students, Romare Bearden, received his style collage. He taught the art student union off and on until 1955.

In America, Grosz is determined to break with his past and change his style and theme. He continued to exhibit regularly. In 1946, he published his autobiography, yes, No. In the 1950s, he opened a private art school and worked as an artist at home at the Des Moines Art Center. Grosz was elected to the National Institute of design as an associate academician in 1950. In 1954, he was elected to the American Academy of Arts and letters. Despite his American citizenship, he was determined to return to Berlin, where on July 6, 1959, he died of the impact of the fall of a flight of stairs after drinking at night.


Although GE's first oil painting in 1912 was still a student, today his earliest oil can be dated from 1916. In 1914, GE's working style influenced expressionism and futurism, as well as popular illustrations, graffiti, and children's paintings. A large overview form is often seen as transparent. The city (1916 - 17) is the first of many of his paintings of modern urban scenery. Other examples include the explosion (1917), the Apocalypse city (1917) funeral 1918 painting depicting a crazy funeral procession.

In his paintings, usually with pen and ink, he sometimes further developed the image with watercolor, which GE created to do a lot of Berlin and the Weimar Republic in the 1920s. Fat businessmen, wounded soldiers, prostitutes, sex crimes and debauchery are his great themes (see fit for active duty, for example). His cartography is excellent though his most famous works are in the form of deliberate crude oil caricatures. His works include absurd works, such as remembering the unhappy inventor whose uncle had buttons sewn in August, and a lot of pornography.

After he emigrated to the United States in 1933, Ge "substantially rejected his previous work, and cartoons." Instead of his early vision of corrupting the city, he now paints traditional nudes and many painting landscapes in watercolor. Sharp works, such as Cain, or Hitler in hell (1944), are the exception. In his autobiography, he wrote: "a great deal has become frozen in Germany as I melt in America and I rediscover the old desire for painting.". I carefully and deliberately destroy part of my past. " Although the apparent softening of his style has been since the late 1920s, GE's work in the United States has been more sentimental in tone, and change is often seen as a decline. The key success of his late work will not be achieved in Berlin.







    最近更新:2025-01-19 02:31:58
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