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格里特.范.洪特霍斯特Gerrit van Honthorst

格里特.范.洪特霍斯特Gerrit van Honthorst(1592年11月4日——1656年4月27日),荷兰画家。

  • 中文名格里特.范.洪特霍斯特
  • 外文名Gerrit van Honthorst
  • 性别
  • 国籍荷兰
  • 出生地乌得勒支
  • 出生日期1592年11月4日
  • 逝世日期1656年4月27日
  • 职业画家




在完成他的教育,Honthorst去了意大利,他是在1616年首次记录。他是一位艺术家从乌特勒支去了罗马在这一次,所有人都深受他们遇到的最近的艺术。他们命名乌得勒支caravaggisti其他三个是Dirk van Baburen,亨德里克ter Bruggen简一家.他在罗马住的宫殿Vincenzo Giustiniani大祭司,他画基督之前,现在在国家美术馆,伦敦。Giustiniani有一个重要的艺术收藏,Honthorst尤其受到了当代艺术家,特别是卡拉瓦乔,巴特洛曼和Carracci。他尤其指出人工照明场景的描述。红衣主教Scipione鲍格才家族成为另一个重要的顾客,获得重要的他在圣德拉Silvestro Mariro佣金,Montecompatri在罗马,在圣玛丽亚德拉维特多利亚。他还曾为柯西莫二世德美第奇,托斯卡纳大公。






他的声望在荷兰,他打开第二个工作室在海牙,在他画的肖像法庭的成员,和教绘画。[2]这些大型工作室,工作包括制作的复制品Honthorst皇家肖像,雇佣大量的学生和助手;据一位学生,Joachim von Sandrart,描述他的经历在1620年代中期,Honthorst将有24名学生在任何一个时候,每个每年为他们的教育付100荷兰盾。

他的弟弟Willem van Honthorst(1594 - 1666)也是一个肖像画家。威廉的许多画作以前错误归因Gerrit由于相似性如果他们的签名。亚伯拉罕Bloemaert威廉是一个学生,也教了他自己的哥哥。1646年,他去了柏林,他成为宫廷画师Louise-Henriette,勃兰登堡选举人弗雷德里克二世的妻子。他在1664年回到乌特勒支。


Honthorst通常被称为“Gherardo delle notti”(“夜”Gerrit)现代意大利人。[6]然而,绰号实际上并没有出现在任何已知的大利来源约会Honthorst死前。幸存的意大利在1656年之前的文件是指艺术家是“Gherardo Fiammingo”(“Gerrit弗莱明”)或“Gherardo Hollandese”(“Gerrit荷兰人”),强调他的外国的特性而不是他标志性的技能在渲染夜间照明。直到18世纪,昵称“Gherardo delle notti”来广泛使用。



他的一些最著名的作品是白金汉公爵和他的家人的肖像(汉普顿宫),国王和王后的波西米亚(汉诺威和峡谷修道院),玛丽·德·美第奇(阿姆斯特丹Stadthuis),1628年,总督和他们的妻子(阿姆斯特丹和海牙),查理一世的侄子(查尔斯•路易斯和鲁伯特卢浮宫彼得堡,峡谷修道院和下手),和男爵克雷文 (国家肖像画廊,伦敦)。他早期的风格中可以看到琵琶(1614)在卢浮宫,圣约翰的殉难圣玛丽亚德拉Scala在罗马,或者解放的彼得在柏林的博物馆。


Honthorst 1623音乐会是购买的金额不详国家美术馆的艺术华盛顿特区。2013年11月,从一个私人收藏在法国。自1795年以来,这幅画还没有展出。1.23 - 1.23米(4.0,6.8英尺)音乐会将于218年首次在一个特殊的安装在国家美术馆的艺术的西方建筑在11月23日,2013年。它仍将在六个月之前发生了永久显示在博物馆的荷兰和佛兰德画廊。 

English Introduction

Early life

Honthorst was born in Utrecht to a son of a decorator, and trained his father, then under Abraham Bloemaert


After completing his education, honthorst went to Italy, where he made his first record in 1616. He was an artist from Utrecht who went to Rome this time, and everyone was deeply influenced by the latest art they met. They named caravaggisti in Utrecht. The other three are Dirk van baburen, Hendrick ter Bruggen and the Jane family. He lived in the palace of Rome, the high priest Vincenzo giustiniani, before he painted Christ, now in the National Gallery, London. Giustiniani has an important art collection, and honthorst is especially popular with contemporary artists, especially Caravaggio, bartholoman and Carracci. In particular, he pointed out the description of artificial lighting scenes. The cardinal scicione bogeys became another important customer, receiving important commissions from him in Silvestro mariro, montecopatri in Rome and Vittoria. He was also the Great Duke of Tuscany.

Back to Utrecht

After returning to Utrecht, honthorst continued to build a considerable reputation in 1620 for the Dutch Republic and abroad. His marriage was in 1623, and his chairman, St. Luke's guild, was in Utrecht. He soon became fashion Mr. Dudley Carlton, and then English envoy Hague recommended his works Earl Arendell and Lord Dorchester. In 1626, honthorst held a dinner in Rubens, describing him as an honest man seeking and discovering Diogenes

Royal sponsorship

The Bohemian sister of Queen Elizabeth, Charles I of England and the voting palate, who was exiled in the Netherlands, commissioned honthorst as a great painter and hired him as her child's Creed. [when?] he became Charles through her, and he invited him to England in 1628. He painted some portraits, a huge fable, and now Hampton palace Charles and his queens Diana and Apollo receive the children of the Duke of Buckingham as king and guardian of mercurial Bohemia in the cloud. He painted a more intimate group of four eldest children like the Bohemian king, and the two eldest ones (also in Hampton) depicted Diana and Apollo.

Then he went back to hondhorst in Utrecht to keep the sponsorship of the British monarch, painting for him, in 1631, a large picture of the Bohemian king and queen, all their children. At the same time, he drew some pictures to illustrate Lord Odyssey Dorchester and some events to show the history of Denmark. He also painted a portrait of the king's daughter, Countess leonola, in the Hague.

His reputation in Holland, he opened a second studio in the Hague, where he painted portraits of court members, and taught painting. [2] these large studios, including the production of replicas of the Royal portrait of honthorst, employ a large number of students and assistants; according to one student, Joachim von sandrart, describing his experience in the mid-1620s, there will be 24 students in honthorst paying 100 Dutch guilders for their education every year at any time.

His brother Willem van honthorst (1594 - 1666) is also a portrait painter. Many of William's paintings were previously wrongly attributed to Gerrit due to similarity if they were signed. Abraham Bloemaert William was a student and taught his own brother. In 1646, he went to Berlin, where he became Louise Henriette, the court painter, the wife of Frederick II, the Brandenburg elector. He returned to Utrecht in 1664.


Honghorst is often called "Gherardo delle Notti" (the "night" Gerrit) Modern Italian. [6] However, the nickname did not actually appear before the death of any known big money source date, hondhorst. The surviving Italian documents before 1656 refer to the artist as "Gherardo fiammingo" ("Gerrit Fleming") or "Gherardo hollandes" ("Gerrit Dutch"), emphasizing his foreign characteristics rather than his iconic skills in rendering night lighting. Until the 18th century, the nickname "Gherardo delle Notti" was widely used.


Honthorst is a prolific artist. The most attractive part of him is the Caravaggio style he developed, usually with musician pub scenes, gamblers, people eating. He has a good technique in contrasting light and shade, usually depicting lighting by a single candle.

Some of his most famous works are portraits of the Duke of Buckingham and his family (Hampton Palace), Bohemia of the king and Queen (Hanover and Canyon Abbey), Mary de Medici (stadthuis, Amsterdam), 1628, the governor and their wives (Amsterdam and the Hague), the nephew of Charles I (Charles Louis and Rupert Louvre, St. Petersburg, canyon Abbey And start), and Baron Craven (National Portrait Gallery, London). In his early style, Pipa (1614) can be seen at the Louvre, St. John's martyrdom St. Maria della Scala in Rome, or the liberation of Peter in Berlin's Museum.

His shepherd worship of ufiz in 1620 was destroyed by the 1993 unit through some georgofili massacres. 

The fonthorst 1623 concert was purchased for an unknown amount of art at the National Gallery in Washington, D.C. November 2013, from a private collection in France. The painting has not been on display since 1795. The 1.23 - 1.23 m (4.0,6.8 ft) concert will be held in 218 for the first time in a special installation at the National Gallery of art of Western architecture on November 23, 2013. It will still take place six months ago, permanently displayed in the museum's Dutch and Flemish galleries.






    最近更新:2025-01-17 17:50:11
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