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乔治·德·基里科Giorgio de Chirico

乔治·德·基里科Giorgio de Chirico(1888年7月10日——1978年11月20日),意大利画家。

  • 中文名乔治·德·基里科
  • 外文名Giorgio de Chirico
  • 性别
  • 国籍意大利
  • 出生地希腊沃洛斯
  • 出生日期1888年7月10日
  • 逝世日期1978年11月20日
  • 职业画家


基里出生在沃洛斯希腊,一个Genoan母亲和一个西西里的父亲。1]在研究艺术雅典理工——主要的指导下影响希腊画家乔治·Roilos乔治·Jakobides——弗洛伦斯在1906年,他搬到德国,他的父亲1905年去世。他进入了美术学院慕尼黑,在那里他学习了马克斯·科林格和阅读哲学家的著作尼采,亚瑟叔本华奥托威宁在那里,他也研究的作品阿诺德Bocklin '.

他回到意大利在1909年的夏天,花了六个月米兰在1910年初,他搬到佛罗伦萨,他画他的第一个“形而上学的城市广场”系列中,启示后的谜的一个秋天的下午,他觉得广场圣十字区他还画了Oracle在佛罗伦萨的谜。1911年7月他在都灵度过了几天到巴黎。基里深深感动了他所谓的形而上学方面都灵,特别是拱门的建筑和广场。基里搬到巴黎在1911年7月,他加入了他的弟弟安德里亚。通过他的哥哥他遇到了皮埃尔Laprade陪审团的成员沙龙d 'Automne,他表现出他的三个工作:甲骨文的谜,谜的一个下午,自画像。在1913年,他表现出绘画的沙龙des独立和沙龙d 'Automne;他的工作被注意到毕加索纪尧姆·阿波利奈尔,他第一次将自己的画卖出去,红色的塔。1914年,通过Apollinaire,他会见了艺术品经销商保罗·纪尧姆为他的艺术,他签署了一份合同,输出。

在第一次世界大战的爆发,他回到意大利。在他到达1915年5月,他应征入伍,但被认为是不适合工作和分配给医院在费拉拉。他会见了卡罗卡拉然后他们一起成立了pittura metafisica运动。他继续画,1918年,他转移到罗马。从1918年开始,他的工作是在欧洲广泛展出。


1919年秋天,基里发表了一篇文章Valori Plastici题为“工艺”的回归,他提倡回归传统的方法和图解。本文预示他的艺术方向的突然改变,他采用了一种模仿古典方式受等大师拉斐尔Signorelli,成为直言不讳地对手现代艺术.


基里认识并和他的第一任妻子结婚,俄罗斯芭蕾舞演员Raissa Gurievich 1925年,和他们一起搬到巴黎。他与超现实派的关系变得越来越有争议,因为他们公开诋毁他的新工作;1926年,他已经将他们视为“白痴病的敌意”。他们很快就在辛辣分道扬镳。1928年,他举行了他的第一个展览在纽约和不久之后,伦敦。他写的论文在艺术和其他科目,并于1929年发表小说《Hebdomeros形而上学者。同样是在1929年,他做了舞台设计谢尔盖·列夫


1939年,他采用neo -巴洛克式的风格的影响鲁本斯.基后来的绘画没有收到相同的关键一样赞美那些从他的形而上学的时期。他讨厌这个,因为他认为他的以后的工作更好、更成熟。他不过生产追溯“self-forgeries”都从他早期的成功,作为一个行动的revenge-retribution关键偏爱他的早期作品。他还谴责许多绘画归因于他在公共和私人收藏文件是伪造的。1945年,他出版了自己的回忆录。





基的风格影响了几个电影,尤其是在1950年代到1950年代。法国动画电影的视觉风格Le Roi et l 'oiseau,通过保罗Grimault雅克·卜、受到德•基里科的工作,主要是通过Tanguy卜的一个朋友。的视觉风格Valerio Zurlini的电影鞑靼人的沙漠(1976)受到德•基里科的工作。米开朗基罗安东尼奥尼意大利电影导演,也自称是受基的影响。一些比较能长期从1960年代,在安东尼奥尼的电影的相机继续停留在荒凉的城市居住着一些遥远的数字,或者根本就,没有电影的主角。


这个盒子艺术Fumito建筑师PlayStation 2游戏图标在日本和欧洲被基的强烈影响的封面新订单的单一的“像我们这样的小偷“基于基的绘画国王的邪恶天才。


在画他的形而上学的时期,基发达的曲目motifs-empty拱廊,塔,细长的影子,人体模型,和火车在他国家——他安排创建“forlornness和空虚的图像”,矛盾也传达一种“权力和自由”的感觉。据Sanford Schwartz,De Chirico-whose父亲是铁路engineer-painted图像表明“你在建筑和景观从火车窗口的角度。他的塔,墙壁,和广场似乎一闪而过,和你感觉的力量来自于看到的东西:你觉得你更深入了解他们的比那些住在一起的人。”


可以通过隐喻和协会凝结的感觉……1915年回归的喜悦,基里的火车再一次进入了城市……一个亮球气烟囱的直接。也许它来自火车和靠近我们。或这是一个云在地平线上,阳光从未穿透建筑物,在过去的电动蓝色寂静的黄昏。合同远近的,妩媚的空间感。早期德基里充满了这样的效果。等英镑amabo非绝对的牢狱aenigma est吗?(“我爱如果不是谜吗?”)——问题,壁上刻有1911年年轻的艺术家在他的自画像,是他们的潜台词。


English Introduction

Life and work

Kiri was born in wolos Greece, a genoan mother and a Sicilian father. 1] under the guidance of the Athenian Institute of technology, the main influence of Greek painters George roilos and George jakobides, Florence moved to Germany in 1906, and his father died in 1905. He went to the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich, where he studied Max Klinger and read philosophers such as Nietzsche, Arthur Schopenhauer and ottoweining. There, he also studied the work Arnold Bocklin '

He returned to Italy in the summer of 1909 and spent six months in Milan. In early 1910, he moved to Florence, where he painted his first "metaphysical city square" series, inspired by the mystery of an autumn afternoon, he felt the square of the Holy Cross. He also painted the Oracle mystery in Florence. He spent a few days in Turin in July 1911 in Paris. Kiri was deeply moved by what he called the metaphysical aspects of Turin, especially the arch buildings and squares. Kiri moved to Paris in July 1911, and he joined his brother Andrea. Through his brother, he met Sharon d'automne, a member of Pierre laplade's jury. He showed three jobs: the Oracle mystery, the mystery of an afternoon, self portrait. In 1913, he showed the independence of Salon des and salon d'automne in painting; his work was noted by Picasso and Guillaume Apollinaire, who sold his paintings for the first time, the red tower. In 1914, through Apollo Laire, he met with art dealer Paul Guillaume for his art, and he signed a contract to export.

In the outbreak of the first World War, he returned to Italy. When he arrived in May 1915, he was enlisted, but was considered unfit for work and assigned to the hospital in Ferrara. He met with Carlo Cara and together they formed the pittura metafisica movement. He continued to paint, and in 1918 he moved to Rome. Since 1918, his work has been exhibited extensively in Europe.

The most famous of his works is that between 1909 and 1919, his metaphysical period was characterized by haunted, melancholic images. During this time, his subjects were still exposed to the bright light of Mediterranean cities, but gradually he turned his attention to the study of messy storage rooms, sometimes inhabiting manikin hybrid data.

In the autumn of 1919, Kiri published an article entitled "the return of craftsmanship" by valori plastici, who advocated the return to traditional methods and diagrams. This paper indicates the sudden change of his art direction. He adopted a kind of imitation of classical way to be accepted by master Raphael and Signorelli, and became an outspoken opponent of modern art

In the early 1920s, surrealist writer Andre lettani discovered that a metaphysical painting of Ki was exhibited in Guillaume's Paris gallery and was fascinated. Many young artists are also drawn by the base image as the core group of Paris surrealism around Brittany. In 1924, Ji visited Paris and was admitted, although Surrealists were severely criticized for his work in dialectics.

Kiri knew and married his first wife, Russian Ballerina Raisa gurievich, who moved to Paris with them in 1925. His relationship with the Surrealists has become increasingly controversial, as they publicly denigrate his new job; in 1926, he already saw them as "the animosity of idiocy.". They soon parted ways in the heat. In 1928, he held his first exhibition in New York and soon after, in London. He wrote papers in art and other subjects, and published his novel "hebdomeros metaphysical scholar" in 1929. Also in 1929, he did stage design for Sergey lev

Ki and his second wife, Isabella pakszwer, Russia, in 1930, he will continue for the rest of his life. They moved together to Italy in 1932 and 1936 to the United States, and finally settled in Rome in 1944. In 1948, he bought a house near the Spanish Steps and now the museum is dedicated to his work.

In 1939, his adoption of Neo baroque style influenced Rubens key's later paintings and did not receive the same critical praise for those periods from his metaphysics. He hates this because he thinks his future work is better and more mature. He only produced retroactive "self forgeries" from his early success, as an action of the revenge - contribution key preference for his early works. He also denounced the forgery of documents in his public and private collections for many paintings. In 1945, he published his memoirs.

He is still very productive even as he approaches his 90th year. In the 1960s, Noah Fuksas worked in his studio. In 1974, he was elected as Academie art of France. He died in Rome on November 20, 1978.

His brother, andriyaki, is also known as savinio in Alberto. He is also a writer and painter.


Kyi's work was almost immediately represented by his acclaimed writer Guillaume Apollinaire, who introduced his works to the later surreality. Kyrie strongly influenced the surrealism movement: Yves Tanguy wrote about how many days in 1922, he saw a window of Kyrie's painting art dealer, and was very impressed that he solved the problem on the spot and became an artist although he had never even held a brush. Including other Surrealists who acknowledge Keith's influence on Max Ernst, Salvador Dali, and Rene Magritte. Among other artists in the 20th century, karocara, Paul Delvaux, Carl Willink, Harue Shirang and Philip Guston were influenced by ki.






    最近更新:2025-01-19 22:15:34
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