乔凡尼·巴蒂斯塔·莫罗尼 GiovanniBattista Moroni(约1525-1578年)意大利波伦亚画派的代表画家,意大利文艺复兴时期著名肖像画家。他曾从师于莫列托,受到威尼斯画派的提香和洛托的强烈影响,他主要在波伦亚西北不远的贝加莫从事艺术创作活动。
莫罗尼是位卓越的现实主义肖像画家,以非常的朴素与潇洒而引人注目,他一生创作了各种各样人物的典型形象,从裁缝师到上流贵族,每个人都有自己独特相貌和个性特征,因此曾受到提香的夸奖和高度评价。代表作品有《裁缝师》《维斯塔贞女杜西亚 》《手拿信的男子画像 》《卢西亚·阿尔巴尼·阿沃加德洛的画像 》等.
Giovanni, fulgencio batista, Moroni GiovanniBattista Moroni (about 1525-1578) Italy bolognese on behalf of the painter, the famous Italian Renaissance portrait painter. He took lessons in mo leto, Venetian titian and strong influence of lotto, he mainly in pollan not far from the northwest of bergamo in artistic creation activities.Moroni, is an outstanding realistic portrait painter, in a very simple and natural and unrestrained and compelling, his life he created all kinds of the typical image of the characters, from the tailor to the upper noble, everyone has their own unique appearance and personality traits, so once praised by titian and spoke highly of. Representative works include "tailor", "vesta virgin du west Asia," the portrait of a man hand letter "warga o Lucia, Albany, a portrait of the DE los, etc.