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乔瓦尼.卡塞利Giovanni Caselli

乔瓦尼.卡塞利Giovanni Caselli(1815年4月25日——1891年6月8日),意大利画家。

  • 中文名乔瓦尼.卡塞利
  • 外文名Giovanni Caselli
  • 性别
  • 国籍意大利
  • 出生地锡耶纳
  • 出生日期1815年4月25日
  • 逝世日期1891年6月8日
  • 职业画家
  • 毕业院校佛罗伦萨大学

在他的职业生涯的开始他学习文学,历史,科学和宗教。CASELLI被任命的成员dell'Ateneo意大利语。除了他对科学和物理的兴趣,他的研究成为一名天主教神父 1836年CASELLI被祝圣








1858年CASELLI的改进版是由法国物理学家证明了亚历山大-埃德蒙·贝克勒尔的科学在巴黎法兰西学院。拿破仑看见CASELLI的pantelegraph示范于1860年与启动了法国国家电报网内订购了服务明年。CASELLI曾获得不仅是法国电报线路为他pantelegraph传真机技术,但资金是由拿破仑提供。测试成功做到,那么巴黎之间亚眠与作曲家的签名焦阿基诺罗西尼作为图像发送和接收,140公里的距离。进一步测试巴黎之间做到,那么马赛,800公里,这也是成功的距离。法国法颁布然后于1864年的它被正式受理。下一年在1865年的业务开始与巴黎的里昂线,并延伸至马赛在1867年 亚历山大·格雷厄姆·贝尔没有收到他的电话专利(174465号)由美国专利局,直到1876年。


CASELLI专利他在欧洲pantélégraphe于1861年(EP 2532),并在美国于1863年(第37563)。CASELLI成功地展示了他的pantelegraph于1861年在佛罗伦萨展览的观众,其中包括国王维克托·伊曼纽尔,意大利国王CASELLI的pantelegraph开始了如此的成功,拿破仑授予他荣誉军团。巴黎的科学家和工程师开始在Pantelegraph学会分享的pantelegraph思想和观念。

法国议会和国务委员会授权的巴黎和马赛之间的永久线。在英国,他们认可了为期四个月的伦敦和利物浦之间的试验线。拿破仑买CASELLI的pantelegraph作为公共服务投入到位图像的传送从巴黎到里昂这是在地方,直到轿车的失利在1870年,俄国沙皇尼古拉我放在一个试验性服务到位他的宫殿之间的彼得和莫斯科1851年至1855年之间。在pantelegraph运作的第一年几乎系统传输5000传真,用传真的高峰正在以每小时110发送速度尽管这一切,技术开发的,所以慢慢地,使其完全可靠的,它落入遗忘。 CASELLI最终放弃了他的发明,回到佛罗伦萨,在那里他死了。人CASELLI的技术前100年走红。


English Introduction

At the beginning of his career he studied literature, history, science and religion. The Italian language of dell'ateneo, the appointed member of Caselli. In addition to his interest in science and physics, his research became a Catholic priest. In 1836, Caselli was consecrated.

In 1841, he went to Parma to become the son mentor of Marquis sanvitale in Modena province. In 1849 he took part in the riots and voted for the annexation of the kingdom of Sardinia in the Principality of Modena. Because of this, he was forced to leave by Modena and returned to Florence. In that year, he became a professor of physics at the University of Florence.

In Florence, he studied physics in norbilly Bordeaux. These are involved in the study of electrochemistry, electromagnetism, electricity and magnetism. Caselli began in 1851, in the so-called "leisure" magazine, to talk about the terms on which physics was written to laymen.


Main article: pantelegraph

Pant è L è graph is a "pantograph" character, a tool to copy text and pictures, plus "telegram", an electromechanical system that sends messages over long distances through wires. Although Caselli was teaching physics at the University of Florence, he devoted his research to the technology of telegraphic transmission of images and simple words. Alexander Bain and Frederick Beckwell are also working on this technology. The main time problem is to get the complete synchronization between the sending and receiving parts so that they can work together correctly. Caselli has developed an electrochemical technology to "synchronize" (adjust the clock) so that the sending and receiving mechanisms work together much better than any technology Bain or Beckwell.

The technology is quite simple. The image is made in a tin foil using non-conductive ink. A stylus, which is in the foil circuit, then passes through it by gently touching it foil. The stylus is slightly separated from the parallel scan. Electric conduction has no ink and no ink. This makes it possible to turn image matching on and off because of its circuit scan. The signal is then sent along a long telegraph line. The receiver at the other end has an electric contact pin and a scanning blue dye ink to reproduce the image row by row on white paper, a fac metaphor (Latin, "make similar") of the original image.

Caselli made a prototype of his system in 1856 and submitted it to Leopold II, Duke of Tuscany, in a demonstration. The Duke and Caselli's equipment for a while, he funded his experiments so impressed. [1] when the Duke's enthusiasm gradually subsided, Caselli moved to Paris to introduce Napoleon III, his invention. Napoleon immediately became a passionate admirer of the technology. Between 1857 and 1861, Caselli developed his pantelegraph (also known as "autotelegraph") in Paris under the guidance of French inventor and Mechanical Engineer Leon Foucault.

An improved version of Caselli in 1858 was demonstrated by French physicists at the French Academy in Paris by Alexander Edmund Becquerel's science. Napoleon saw Caselli's pantelegraph demonstration in 1860 with the launch of a service ordered within the French national telegraph network next year. Caselli had acquired not only French telegraph lines for his pantelegraph fax machine technology, but funds were provided by Napoleon. If the test is successful, then Amiens and the composer's signature joaquino Rossini between Paris as image sending and receiving, 140 km away. Further test between Paris, then Marseille, 800 km, which is also a successful distance. French law was enacted and then formally accepted in 1864. Next year in 1865 the business began with the Lyon line in Paris and extended to Marseille in 1867 when Alexander Graham Bell did not receive his telephone patent (174465) from the U.S. patent office until 1876.

Later life

Caselli patented his pant é L é graph in Europe in 1861 (EP 2532), and in the United States in 1863 (37563). Caselli successfully demonstrated the audience of his pantelegraph exhibition in Florence in 1861, including King Victor Emanuel, king of Italy. Caselli's pantelegraph began to be so successful that Napoleon awarded him the Legion of honor. Scientists and engineers in Paris began to share pantelegraph ideas and concepts with pantelegraph society.

The permanent line between Paris and Marseille authorized by the French parliament and the Council of state. In the UK, they have approved a four-month trial line between London and Liverpool. Napoleon bought Caselli's pantelegraph as a public service input to deliver images from Paris to Lyon. This was in place until the car's defeat in 1870, when Russian czar Nikolai put me in an experimental service place between his palaces in St. Petersburg and Moscow between 1851 and 1855. In the first year of pantelegraph's operation, almost 5000 faxes were transmitted by the system, and the peak speed of faxing was 110 per hour. Despite all this, technology developed, so slowly, making it completely reliable, it fell into oblivion. Caselli eventually gave up his invention and went back to Florence, where he died. The technology of Caselli became popular in the first 100 years.

Although many of his patents, letters and telegraphic transmissions are currently kept in the city library of Siena, some can be found in the archives of the Galileo Museum in Florence.






    最近更新:2025-01-20 01:41:16
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