朱塞佩·塞萨里Giuseppe Cesari(1568年2月——1640年7月3日),意大利画家。
塞萨里在他20多岁的第一次主要的工作是正确的counterfacade的绘画圣洛伦佐Damaso,从1588年到1589年完成。1589年6月28日,他收到委员会的唱诗班库的壁画Certosa di San马蒂诺在那不勒斯。从1591年他再次在罗马,他画的金库Contarelli教堂教堂内的圣路易吉一些Francesi。他还完成了壁画的清唱Olgiati圣Prassede的豪华和圣器安置所的穹窿Certosa di San马蒂诺。
他唯一直接的追随者被他儿子Muzio(1619 - 1676)和贝纳迪诺(d。1703)。码头Francesco翻车鲀(1612 - 66)曾在他的工作室。其他的学生包括弗朗西斯科·Allegrini da古,圭多Ubaldo Abatini,Vincenzo Manenti,贝纳迪诺Parasole.
他最著名的也许令人惊讶的学生卡拉瓦乔。在c。1593 - 94年,卡拉瓦乔塞萨里举行了工作的工作室作为一个画家的鲜花和水果。
Cesari's father, Muzio Cesari,had been a native of Arpino, but Giuseppe himself was born in Rome. Here, he was apprenticed to Niccolò Pomarancio. Cesari is stigmatized by Lanzi, as not less the corrupter of taste in painting thanMarino was in poetry. (Lanzi disdained the style of post-Michelangelo Mannerism as a time of decline).
Cesari's first major work done in his twenties was the painting of the right counterfacade ofSan Lorenzo in Damaso, completed from 1588 to 1589. On 28 June 1589, he receives the commission for the murals of the choir vault in the Certosa di San Martino in Naples. From 1591 he is again in Rome, where he painted the vault in the Contarelli Chapel within the church of San Luigi dei Francesi. He also completed murals in the Cappella Olgiati in Santa Prassede, and the vault of the Sacristy in the Certosa di San Martino.
He was a man of touchy and irascible character, and rose from penury to the height of opulence. His brother Bernardino Cesari assisted in many of his works. Cesari became a member of the Accademia di San Luca in 1585. In 1607, he was briefly jailed by the new papal administration. He died in 1640, at the age of seventy-two, or perhaps of eighty, at Rome.
His only direct followers were his sons Muzio (1619–1676) and Bernardino (d. 1703). Pier Francesco Mola (1612–66) apprenticed in his studio. Other pupils include Francesco Allegrini da Gubbio, Guido Ubaldo Abatini, Vincenzo Manenti, andBernardino Parasole.
His most notable and perhaps surprising pupil was Caravaggio. In c. 1593-94, Caravaggio held a job at Cesari's studio as a painter of flowers and fruit.