亨利.热尔韦Henri Gervex(1852年12月10日——1929年6月7日),法国画家。
他的早期作品属于几乎完全的神话体裁,其中担任了裸体画的借口,但并不总是在最好的味道。他罗拉 1878年的基础上,一首诗阿尔弗雷德·德·缪塞,被陪审团驳回巴黎沙龙为不道德的,因为它与她的客户性行为后,从描述一个裸体妓女的诗一景。
他与几个重要的官方绘画和公共建筑装修委托。其中第一类是大奖的分布在(1889年)宫欧莱雅工业,尼古拉二世的加冕,在市长宴会(1900年),以及肖像组共和法语 ; 第二间,上限为沙利DES祝宴(舞厅)在市政厅,巴黎,以及装饰面板涂会同埃米尔-亨利Blanchon了的市政府大楼19郡,巴黎。他还画,有艾尔弗雷德·史蒂文斯,全景,本世纪的历史(1889年)。在卢森堡博物馆举行他的绘画色狼体育与Bacchante,以及大沙龙的陪审团成员(1885年)。其它重要的照片,除了油和柔和人像众多,是共融的三一教堂,返回从球,戴安娜和恩底弥翁,工作,民事婚姻法,在Ambassadeurs酒店,游艇在群岛,娜娜和生育。
His early work belonged almost exclusively to the mythological genre, which served as an excuse for the painting of the nude, but not always in the best of taste. HisRolla of 1878, based on a poem by Alfred de Musset, was rejected by the jury of the Salon de Paris for immorality, since it depicted a scene from the poem of a naked prostitute after having sex with her client.
Gervex afterwards devoted himself to representations of modern life and achieved signal success with his Dr Péan at the Salpétrière ("The Operation"), a modernized paraphrase, as it were, of Rembrandt's Anatomy Lesson.
He was entrusted with several important official paintings and the decoration of public buildings. Among the first are The Distribution of Awards (1889) at the Palais de l'Industrie, The Coronation of Nicolas II, The Mayors' Banquet (1900), and the portrait group La République Française; and among the second, the ceiling for the Salle des Fêtes (ballroom) at the Hôtel de Ville, Paris, and the decorative panels painted in conjunction with Emile-Henri Blanchon for the mairie of the 19th arrondissement, Paris. He also painted, with Alfred Stevens, a panorama, The History of the Century (1889). The Musée du Luxembourgholds his painting Satyr Sporting with a Bacchante, as well as the large Members of the Jury of the Salon(1885). Other pictures of importance, besides numerous portraits in oils and pastel, are Communion at Trinity Church, Return from the Ball, Diana and Endymion, Job, Civil Marriage, At the Ambassadeurs,Yachting in the Archipelago, Nana and Maternity.
In 1913 he was elected to the Académie des Beaux-Arts.