王雪涛(1903--1982),河北成安人,原名庭钧,字晓封,号迟园,中国现代著名小写意花鸟画家。历任北京画院院长、中国美术家协会理事、美协北京分会副主席、北京市第七届人大代表、北京市第五届政协常委、中国农工民主党中央联络委员会委员及北京市委委员 。著有《王雪涛画集》、《王雪涛画辑》、《王雪涛画谱》、《王雪涛的花鸟画》等。Wang Xuetao (1903-1982), a famous flower-and-bird painter in modern China, was born in Chengan, Hebei Province, formerly Tingjun, Xiaofeng, No. Chiyuan. He has successively been president of Beijing Academy of Painting, director of China Artists Association, vice-chairman of Beijing Branch of AAA, representative of the Seventh Beijing People's Congress, member of the Standing Committee of the Fifth Beijing Political Consultative Conference, member of the Central Liaison Committee of China Agricultural and Industrial Democratic Party and member of the Beijing Municipal Committee. His works include Wang Xuetao's Paintings, Wang Xuetao's Paintings, Wang Xuetao's Paintings, Wang Xuetao's Flowers and Birds Paintings, etc.