迭戈·罗德里格斯·德·席尔瓦·委拉斯凯兹(Diego Rodríguez de Silva y Velázquez,1599——1660),十七世纪巴洛克时期西班牙画家。 生于西班牙的塞维利亚,与许多大师级的画家一样,委拉斯凯兹从小喜欢绘画,并显示出极高的创作天分。父亲是当地的一个下等贵族,尽管当时做画家没有社会地位,出人意料的是,父亲非但没有反对他的爱好,反而非常支持他,亲自把12岁的委拉斯开兹送到当时正享有盛名,号称"塞维里亚的米开朗基罗"的埃里拉家里进行系统的训练。然而不久,迪埃戈发现这位以刻板的临摹为要义的老师根本不对自己的胃口,于是毅然离开了埃里拉的画室。
Diego Rodrigues de Silva Velasquez (1599-1660), Spanish painter of the 17th century in Baroque period. Born in Seville, Spain, like many master painters, Vlasquez grew up fond of painting and showed great creative talent. Father was a local inferior aristocrat, although he had no social status as a painter at that time. Unexpectedly, instead of opposing his hobby, his father supported him very much and personally sent 12-year-old Venezuela to Erila's home, which was well-known at that time, for systematic training. Soon, however, Diego found out that the teacher, whose main meaning was rigid copying, had no appetite for himself at all, so he left Erila's studio resolutely.