让.巴蒂斯.西美翁.夏尔丹Jean-Baptiste-Siméon Chardin(1699年11月2日——1779年12月6日),法国画家。夏尔丹出生在巴黎,一个木工的儿子,很少离开这座城市。他住在左岸附近的圣叙尔皮斯教堂,直到1757年,当路易十五授予他的工作室和宿舍卢浮宫。夏尔丹进入玛格丽特Saintard 1723年,婚约人,他没有结婚,直到1731年。他担任学徒与历史画家皮埃尔·雅克·卡兹和诺埃尔-萨科Coypel酒店,并于1724年成为了大师的Académie德圣-吕克。
Jean Batis Simeon Chardin (November 2, 1699 - December 6, 1779), French painter. Chardin was born in Paris, the son of a carpenter, and rarely left the city. He lived in St. Sylpis Church near the left bank until 1757, when Louis XV awarded him his studio and dormitory, the Louvre. Chardan entered Margaret Saintard in 1723 and was engaged. He was not married until 1731. He served as an apprentice and historical painter Pierre Jacques Katz and the Noel-Sarko Coypel Hotel, and in 1724 became the master of Acad Mie de Saint-Luc.