拉斐尔·圣齐奥(意大利语:Raffaello Sanzio,1483年4月6日-1520年4月6日),本名拉斐尔·桑西,常简称拉斐尔,意大利画家、建筑师,与列奥那多·达芬奇和米开朗基罗合称“文艺复兴艺术三杰”。拉斐尔所绘画的画以“秀美”著称,画作中的人物清秀,场景祥和。他为梵蒂冈教宗居室创作的大型壁画《雅典学院》是经典之作,他将柏拉图和亚里斯多德,将基督教和异教,统统融合在一起,创造出和谐的场面。同时也创作出许多著名的肖像如:“教皇利奥十世像”。拉斐尔于1520年高烧猝逝于罗马,终年37岁,葬于万神庙。
Rafael Sanzio (April 6, 1483 - April 6, 1520), the real name of Rafael Sansi, often referred to as Rafael, Italian painter, architect, and Leonardo Da Vinci and Michelangelo collectively known as the "three masters of Renaissance art". Raphael's paintings are famous for their "beauty". The characters in his paintings are beautiful and the scenes are peaceful. The large fresco Athens Academy, which he created for the Vatican Pope's residence, is a classic work. He combined Plato and Aristotle, Christianity and paganism, and created a harmonious scene. At the same time, many famous portraits were created, such as "Pope Leo X". Raphael died of a high fever in Rome in 1520, aged 37, and was buried in the Pantheon.