石涛又名原济(1642年-1708年),清初画家,广西全州人。俗姓朱,名若极,明靖江王朱守谦后裔。明亡后出家为僧,法名原济,一作元济,小字阿长,字石涛,号大涤子。清湘老人,清湘遗人,晚号瞎尊者、零丁老人等。南明元宗朱亨嘉之子,与弘仁、髡残、朱耷合称“清初四僧”。石涛是中国绘画史上一位十分重要的人物,他既是绘画实践的探索者、革新者,又是艺术理论家。The common name is Zhu, whose descendant is Zhu Shouqian, king of Jingjiang in Ming Dynasty. After the death of the Ming Dynasty, he became a monk with the name of Yuanji, a small word A Chang, a word Shi Tao and a large polyester. Old people of Qingxiang, the survivors of Qingxiang, the late blind and the old people of Zero Ding, etc. The son of Zhu Hengjia in Yuan Zong of Nanming Dynasty, together with Hongren, Kui Disabled and Zhu Jin, is called the "Four Monks in the Early Qing Dynasty". Shi Tao is a very important figure in the history of Chinese painting. He is not only an explorer and innovator of painting practice, but also an artistic theorist.