文征明的书画造诣极为全面,诗、文、书、画无一不精,人称是"四绝"的全才。与沈周共创"吴派",与沈周、唐伯虎、仇英合称"明四家"("吴门四家")。诗宗白居易、苏轼,文受业于吴宽,学书于李应祯,学画于沈周。在诗文上,与祝允明、唐寅、徐祯卿 并称"吴中四才子"。在画史上与沈周、唐寅、仇英合称"吴门四家"。Wen Zhengming's accomplishments in painting and calligraphy are very comprehensive, and his poems, essays, books and paintings are all excellent. He is known as the "Four Great Talents". He co-founded the "Wu School" with Shen Zhou and jointly called the "Four Ming Schools" ("Four Wumen Schools") with Shen Zhou, Tang Bohu and Qiu Ying. Bai Juyi and Su Shi, the poets, were educated in Wu Kuan, Li Yingzhen and Shen Zhou. In poetry and prose, they are called "Four Talents of Wuzhong" together with Zhu Yunming, Tang Yin and Xu Zhenqing. In the history of painting and Shen Zhou, Tang Yin, Qiu Ying together known as "Wumen Four Families".