约翰·辛格·萨金特( 1856年1月12日- 1925年4月14日)是美国的艺术家。他被认为是“肖像画家的龙头”。在他的职业生涯中,他创作了大约900幅油画和超过2000水彩,以及无数的草图和木炭画。他的作品源于全球旅游,从威尼斯到蒂罗尔,科孚岛,中东,蒙大拿州,缅因州和佛罗里达州。John Singer Sargent (January 12, 1856 - April 14, 1925) is an American artist. He is regarded as "the leader of portrait painters". During his career, he created about 900 oil paintings and over 2000 watercolors, as well as numerous sketches and charcoal paintings. His works originate from global tourism, from Venice to Tyrol, Corfu Island, the Middle East, Montana, Maine and Florida.