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郎世宁(Giuseppe Castiglione,1688年7月19日—1766年7月16日)是意大利人,原名朱塞佩·伽斯底里奥内,生于米兰,清康熙帝五十四年(1715)作为天主教耶稣会的修道士来中国传教,随即入宫进入如意馆,成为宫廷画家,曾参加圆明园西洋楼的设计工作,历任康、雍、乾三朝,在中国从事绘画达50多年。

  • 中文名郎世宁
  • 外文名Giuseppe Castiglione
  • 别名朱塞佩·伽斯底里奥内
  • 性别
  • 国籍意大利
  • 出生地意大利米兰
  • 出生日期1688年7月19日
  • 逝世日期1766年7月16日
  • 信仰天主教
  • 职业传教士、宫廷画家
  • 毕业院校热那亚耶稣会
  • 主要成就参与圆明园设计
  • 代表作品《瑞谷图》《聚瑞图》、《嵩献英芝图》、《百骏图》、《弘历及后妃像
  • 所属年代清代

中国美术网 09-17 浏览





雍正在位13年,由乾隆继承大统。乾隆皇帝雅好书画诗文,在位期间重视宫廷绘画的发展,所以从康熙时就入宫的画家郎世宁仍然得到重用,成为宫廷画家中的佼佼者。乾隆登基时年24岁,每日必去画室看郎世宁作画。而且从现存的郎世宁作品上看,弘历在即位前任宝亲王期间,就与郎世宁相识,并有颇多接触,关系甚为密切。即位后的乾隆皇帝多次颁赐钱和实物奖赏宫廷画家,几乎每次都有郎世宁的份儿,与宫廷画家中的元老冷枚、唐岱等人待遇相同。后来乾隆皇帝还为郎世宁举行了非常隆重的七十岁寿辰祝寿仪式,赏赐寿礼甚丰,并亲笔书写了祝词。 这时郎世宁已77岁,谙习内廷事务,于是教会高级人士令他向皇帝呈递奏折,此举很危险。某日乾隆照常来看他作画,郎世宁匍匐跪下,说了几句有关“我们的神圣教律”遭受谴责之类的话后,就从怀中掏出一卷用黄绸包裹的耶稣会奏折呈上。当时内廷太监看见郎世宁的大胆举动,都吓得心惊胆战,乾隆却温和地说:“朕并没谴责你们的宗教,朕只是禁止臣民皈依罢了。”从此以后,郎世宁每晨入宫必受搜查,以保证他的确没有怀带什么奏折。







争议1 大山像不像郎世宁

争议2 郎世宁可曾有养女养子
争议3 剧中画作是否有历史根据






新体画从郎世宁一生的业绩来看,他的主要贡献在于大胆探索西画中用的新路,熔中西画法为一炉,创造了一种前所未有的新画法、新格体,堪称郎世宁新体画。郎世宁来到中国后仔细研习了中国画的绘画技巧,他画的中国画具有坚实的写实功力,流畅地道的墨线,一丝不苟的层层晕染,外加无法效仿的颜色运用,中西合璧,焕然一新。以其独创的新画体博得了皇帝的赏识和信任。从现存的郎世宁亲笔画迹来看,它既有欧洲油画如实反映现实的艺术概括,又有中国传统绘画之笔墨趣味,确有较高的艺术感染力。 在1724年所绘为雍正祝寿的《禽献英芝图》中,郎世宁充分展示了他的西画功底。此图造型准确、精细,以素描和明暗效果使图中物象具有比较强烈的凹凸立体感。弯曲盘旋的松树枝叶掩映,树皮斑驳,居中挺立的白鹰则极为突出,羽毛的质感很强,呼之欲出。中国画并不仅是将山水动植物当作自然存在之物,而是要赋予所绘对象某种喻意。图中所绘苍松、雄鹰、灵芝、山石、流水,在中国文化中多寓意强健、长寿和吉祥。在色彩上,鹰白、松绿、芝棕红、土坡绛色和藤萝花粉紫,也是不同于中国传统的郎世宁风格的鲜明、绚丽和浓重。 郎世宁以严谨扎实的写实功底、注重明暗效果的绘画特色,以及作品整体上浓厚的欧洲绘画风格和情调,确立了自己在官廷画师中的地位。
历史价值以惊人的艺术表达能力,创造了大量具有高度的历史价值和艺术价值的作品,也使清代宫廷纪实绘画的数量与水平远超前代。这些绘画以精彩的笔墨记录了中华帝国最辉煌的历史,栩栩如生地表现了盛世的恢宏光荣。 据文献记载,郎世宁的画法被称作“线画法”,代表当时宫廷的主流画派。郎世宁来到中国以后,画有大量作品,存世的有近百幅。 虽然郎世宁的绘画并不能代表那时欧洲绘画的最高水平,但是他擅于采纳中国绘画技巧而又保持西方艺术的基本特点,融中国工笔绘法和西洋画三维要领为一体,从而形成了自己独有的风格,创作了新的画风。在一定程度上代表了西方文化和中国文化的汇通。郎世宁所作的油画人物肖像画,在造型上都相当严谨,注重解剖结构和立体感的表达,但是在光线的运用上则与欧洲画法有所区别。欧洲画家喜欢表现人物脸部在特定的光线照射下分明的凹凸感,而传统的中国写真技艺,则要求被画者是处在不受光线变化常态下的相貌。从清宫的肖像上可以看到,欧洲画家来到中国后,为适应中国观者的欣赏习惯,而在画风上作了微妙调整。 郎世宁新体画中最受乾隆喜爱的则是“御容”肖像画。所谓“御容”肖像画不仅包括皇帝正襟危坐的全身或半身的肖像画,也包括各种行动中的皇帝像。

English is introduced

Giuseppe Castiglione (Giuseppe Castiglione, July 19, 1688 - July 16, 1766) is an Italian, formerly known as Giuseppe Gaspinal, born in Milan, the Qing emperor Kangxi fifty-four years (1715) as Catholic Jesuit missionaries to China to teach, then enter the palace into the Ruyi Museum, a court painter, has participated in the Yuanmingyuan Western House design work, Kang, Yong, dry three dynasties, engaged in painting in China for 50 years.

Qing emperor Kangxi fifty-four years (1715) as a Catholic Jesuit monks to China missionary, in November by Emperor Kangxi summoned. Kangxi was 61 years old, love of art and science, although not in favor of Castiglione religion, but he regarded as an artist, very courteous. Kangxi said to him: "The Western doctrine violates Chinese orthodoxy only because the missionaries understand the basic principles of mathematics, the state only to be employed." He also expressed surprise: "How can you always care about the future you have not yet entered the world and ignore The real world? In fact, all things are their own. "Immediately sent Lang Shining for the court painter, do not give him the opportunity to preach.
Palace painter every morning from Beijing Donghua Men's apartment near the house to wal

People experience

Kangxi times
In a painting room, situated between the courtyard and the Imperial Garden, until 5 pm. This room is hot in summer, cold in winter, the painter must put a cylinder of paint on a small charcoal stove baking to avoid condensation. In addition to painting they have to practice Chinese and Manchu.
Kangxi does not like oil painting, because the age will become dark, blurred. So Castiglione and other European painters to learn the use of colloidal paint in the silk painting difficult skills. A pen can not add a second pen, nor modify the retouching. Sometimes the brush strokes are hesitant, or the pen is too heavy, and the painting is destroyed.
The court painter in accordance with the principles of the Song Dynasty Guo Xixing painting: "landscape painting, painting Shan Ying Zhang, trees Ying Chi, Ma Ying-inch, characters one-inch inch." Parallel lines is parallel to the letter down. In Castiglione's view, the concept of distance between Chinese and foreign painting completely wrong. He proposed to Kangxi to set up a painting school, not be adopted. Later, he helped banner year Xi Yao published a "inspection". A landscape painting garden landscape performance different point of view and perspective However, in the eyes of many Chinese people, with the perspective of geometry to deal with the problem of space, is hypocritical, non-artistic. Chinese painting in the point of view of more than one but a few, line of sight angle is not fixed, so the artist in the same painting can landscape or garden performance different point of view and angle. Castiglione's painting theme by the emperor designated. Portrait must be painted flat plate front, can not draw shadows, people think that the shadow on the "like the spot blemishes."

Yongzheng era
In 1722 Kangxi Jiabeng, Emperor four son Yin zhen ascended the throne, namely the Yongzheng throne, the missionaries are bad luck, only in the court service priest received special courtesies to the Chinese emperors and court painters show European charm painting and calligraphy . For the first year of the reign of Emperor Yongzheng (1723), the axis of the poly-ritu was illustrated by the axis of the "Songxian Yingzhi" in the Yongzheng two years (1724) and the "Baijun figure" of the Yongzheng six years (1728) , Have shown Lang Shining a solid foundation of realism, reflecting his early paintings of the characteristics and outlook, with a strong distinctive European painting style and mood.
During the reign of Emperor Yongzheng, in accordance with the will of the emperor, Castiglione taught European painting techniques to the Chinese painters of the court, such as Bodarisha, 80, Sun Weifeng, Wang, Ge and Yongtai. From then on, purely European paintings, Qing Dynasty palace also began to pop. From the archives of the Office of the Imperial Household Office in the Qing Dynasty that, during this time, Castiglione created many works, but preserved so far is only one part, most have been lost.
Yongzheng two years (1724), the emperor began a large-scale expansion of the Yuanmingyuan, which Castiglione provided an excellent opportunity to play to their creative talents. He has a longer period of time living in this famous Oriental Park, painted a number of decorative hall paintings. Which both European-style paintings, as well as in-depth performance on the plane three-dimensional perspective of the European perspective. Yongzheng Emperor for the works of the foreign painter is very appreciated, once a picture of the manuscript made the following comments: "This is a good painting!" (See the Qing government to create the Office of the file)
In the court, the Lang Shining also with the Emperor Yongzheng's half-brother relationship is quite close, such as Yi Wang Yunxiang, fruit Prince Yunli, Shen Jun Wang Yunxi, for their painting, and a number of works spread so far . Such as the "Prince Yunli like" page (Beijing Palace Museum collection), "Eight Chun map" banner (Jiangxi Provincial Museum), "Matou" (Shanghai Museum collection). These works and this phenomenon, on the one hand that Lang Shining outside the frequent art of the court activities, on the other hand also shows that at the time of the Manchu aristocratic circles, enjoy European-style works of art is a popular fashion.
Qianlong era
Yongzheng reigned for 13 years, by the Qianlong inheritance. During the reign of Emperor Qianlong, he paid great attention to the development of the palace painting, so the painter Lang Shining from the reign of Emperor Kangxi was reused and became the outstanding painter of the court. Qianlong ascended the throne at the age of 24, will go to the studio every day to see Lang Shining painting. And from the existing works of Castiglione see, Hong Li in the throne before any Po Prince, met with Lang Shining, and a lot of contact, the relationship is very close. After the emperor ascended the throne after the emperor repeatedly awarded money and in-kind award palace painter, almost every time has Castiglione's sake, and the court painter in the old cold, Tang Dai et al. Later Emperor Qianlong also held a very solemn birthday ceremony for the seventy-year-old birthday, reward Shou Li Feng, and handwritten a congratulatory message. At this time Castiglione was 77 years old, familiar with the affairs of the inner court, so the church senior who made his memorial to the emperor, this is very dangerous. One day, as usual, Emperor Qianlong looked at his paintings, Castiglione prostrate kneel down, said a few words about the "sacred law of our condemnation of the kind of words, from the arms and took out a roll wrapped in yellow silk Jesuit memorial on. At that time, the inner court eunuchs to see the courageous actions of Castiglione, are scared frightened, Qianlong but gently said: "I did not condemn your religion, I just ban subjects conversion." Since then, Castiglione every morning into the palace will be subject to search, To ensure that he did not harbor any memorial.
In 1746 five Benedictine missionaries were sentenced to death. On the first day of Emperor Qianlong's reign, when he was presented with a new painting, he knelt down and said, "Your Majesty is pleased with the sadness of our religion." Emperor Qianlong's decision was irrevocable. But Castiglione in the palace also has a relaxing moment. One day, see the concubine around Qianlong Shi Lang Shi Ning quite uncomfortable, asked him: "Qing see them among the most beautiful?" Shi-Ning replied: "The emperor's concubines are all beautiful." Qianlong asked: "Yesterday that a few "" Wei Chen did not see them, when the number of porcelain tile in the palace. "" How many pieces of porcelain tile? "Castiglione replied:" 30. "Emperor ordered eunuchs to a few, really Yes. Since then no longer make fun of Lang. But he was ordered to depict a Queen and 11 concubines with the image, the picture is: "heart write Zhiping." This is one of the most famous of the 200 figures painted by Castiglione. Qianlong only finished in the painting, seventy thousand life and let the time to read this painting three times. Then the picture will be sealed in the box, intended to enlighten anyone who stole the painting, will be executed later.
Lang Shi-ning as a court painter, Qianlong's life will be one by one into the painting - the scene of the war, spectacular hunting, festive banquet. One of his best works is "Kazak Gomatu", the whole scroll in the scroll of the brush freely, the scenery vivid.

Painting achievements

Nie Chongzheng that, although the painting can be described as Castiglione Chinese and Western, in fact, the main painting or the West, but according to the Chinese aesthetic habits in the use of light on the adjustment. European portraits, such as Rembrandt of the Netherlands, often put the characters in the side light environment, the face will be half-dark, but at the time, the Chinese people can not accept that "Yin and Yang face" Dirty face painted. Castiglione draw on Chinese portrait, let the human face as far as possible to accept the positive light, to avoid side light, while the characters on both sides of the nose, nose, neck, slightly heavier, so facial features clearer, three-dimensional.
Lang Shining for the introduction of perspective in China also played a significant role. Yongzheng scholars, the famous governor of Nian Gengyao's brother Xi Yao wrote China's earliest introduction perspective works "inspection", the text has mentioned that the book is and Long Bachelor several times to talk to explore only written. Which is accompanied by a lot of introduction of the European perspective of the woodcut diagram.
In the absence of the camera's age, Castiglione has also used his brush to record a number of important people and important events, such as Emperor Qianlong in Chengde Mountain Resort met with the submission of the minority leader of the scene.
Lang Shining and Western floor
People who are not familiar with the art may not be familiar with Castiglione, but he participated in the design of the Yuanmingyuan Western House can be described as no one does not know. Nie Chongzheng that has been taken away by the British and French coalition forces, a few years ago to be purchased back to the water of the Lunar New Year 12 part of the beast head, some very likely from the hands of Castiglione. Although there is no information to prove this point, but many places are clearly seen "Lang style."
Lang Shining works market
Nie Chongzheng introduction, the existing Castiglione's works are divided into two kinds, there is a Ming paragraph, painting on the title of "minister", are painted for the emperor, about sixty or seventy; in addition to some works, although not His title, but the Western style is very strong, but also to achieve the level of painting Lang Shining. The two can add up to a hundred.
His works are mainly stored in the Palace Museum and Taipei Palace Museum, the Shanghai Museum, Museum of Jiangxi Province, Zhenjiang City Museum, Shenyang Palace Museum, Tianjin Art Museum also has one or two. The Cleveland Museum of Art in the United States and the East Asian Art Museum in Berlin, Germany, also hold individual works.
Nie Chongzheng had previously Ma Jin collection of "100 Chun" manuscript identification, the works in the Imperial City Museum of Art exhibition, and will be held June 15, 2006 - 17 on the auction Beijing Hongzheng spring auction . Nie Chongzheng introduction, the United States Metropolitan Museum also holds the same manuscript. In ancient times, important works have to be drafted by the emperor to look at the official creation, so the file often "into a preview" records. [6]
Nie Chongzheng said that the works of Mr. Castiglione in the art market prices are very irregular, but in general, the appreciation of the space is very large, because the Castiglione works lost in the civil and overseas rarely. A few years ago, "Ping Ming", "Qiu Lin Qun" two works in overseas to shoot a very good price, he has been identified. France also filmed a bust of a concubine, but because there is no money, the transaction price is very low.
Lang Shining painting auction over billions of RMB:
In 2008, at the autumn auction of Beijing Zhongjia International Auction Co., Ltd., the Qing Dynasty Emperor Qianlong painted 12 pieces of "Yongzheng December Yuanmingyuan", with 144 million yuan (excluding commission) won the first prize.






    最近更新:2025-01-14 01:46:04
人民日报刊文:性教育不是洪水猛兽 应坦然面对