宋旭后皈依佛门,隐居佛寺,通禅理,一生笔耕不辍,81岁时尚绘《平沙落雁图》轴,精神难能可贵。他笔下的山水人物大都严谨细秀,用笔沉着劲练,以骨力 胜。尤其难得的是他的画技艺全面,功力浑朴,在师法前人的基础上有自己的创造,有一种超然物外的情趣,继承了宋、元讲求士气逸格、缜密秀雅的文人画传统风 格,布局爽朗明媚,景物雅意疏淡,笔墨苍润,追求摹古之风,于简淡中显示清雅含蓄的境界,表达了作者窥透世事红尘、悠游林泉的幽雅情怀,令人观之眼界肃 清,清心寡欲,在向往之余,生起无限联想。
宋旭能詩工畫,善山水,兼長人物。少年時師事沈周(石田),筆意相近,山石林泉,無不精妙;晚年融董源、巨然及元四家筆法,古拙蒼勁,自成風格。其巨幅大幛,層巒疊嶂,邃墼幽林,神韻飛逸,气象恢宏,海內競相購藏。明万歷間(1573~1620),名重一時。年七十八﹐應苕上(今湖州市)諸名流邀請,至法華寺(原白雀寺﹐明万歷間僧如松重建后更名)繪名山十二景于殿壁﹐歷時五月而成﹐時人贊為妙絕。万歷三十三年(1605),八十一歲時所作《羅漢圖》、 《干沙落雁圖》以及西湖山水,亦极有名。宋旭的畫作后來深得乾隆皇帝賞識,曾為之題字﹐尺幅寸縑,皆奉為至寶。桐鄉博物館藏有宋旭七十一歲時所作的《松壑 樹石圖》,畫面有清溪幽谷,奇峰峻岭,山石樹木,蒼勁古拙
Song Xu (1525-1606), the beginning of the word Yang, No. Shimen, after the monk, law ancestral mysterious, and No. Tianchi hair monk, Jingxi lay, ranking Songjiang; late Ming Dynasty famous painting monk. Song Xu good at landscape, and long figures. His division of Shen Zhou, the painting landscape, often painted giant Ju large, vigorous and vigorous ink, majestic. In the late Ming Dynasty, the famous school of painting "Su Song School" and "School of Clouds" were derived from Song Xu, showing that Song Xu played a decisive role in the late Ming painting. His works are a number of museum collections.
Song Xu after the conversion to Buddhism, seclusion Buddhist temple, through Zen, life pen stopped working, 81-year-old fashion painting "flat sand fall geese" axis, the spirit is commendable. He described the landscapes of most of the rigorous fine, with pen calm practicing, to bone strength wins. In particular, his painting skill is comprehensive, skill muddy park, in the division on the basis of predecessors have their own creation, there is a detached object of taste, inherited the Song, Yuan morale Yat grid, meticulous literati painting traditional style, The layout of bright and bright, scenery Ya meaning sparse, ink Cang Run, the pursuit of the ancient style of the wind, in the short light show elegant and subtle state, expression of the author to see through the world of Red dust, leisurely Linquan elegant feelings, the concept of eliminating the vision, In the longing, apart from the birth of unlimited association.
Song Xu can poetry painting, good landscape, and long figures. In his later years, Dong Yuan, Ju Ran and Yuan four strokes, Guzhuo vigorous, self-styled style. Its huge large fringes, layers upon range of peaks, deep and quiet forest, exudes charm, meteorological magnification, the domestic competing to buy. Ming Wanli (1573 ~ 1620), were heavy. In the seventy-eight, should Shao (now Huzhou City) celebrities invited to the Fahua Temple (the original Baique Si, Ming Wanli monk, such as the pine after the re-renamed) painted mountains twelve temple wall, which lasted from May , When people praise for the wonderful absolutely. Wanli thirty-three years (1605), eighty-year-old made "Luo Han map", "dry sand map" and the West Lake landscape, is also very famous. Song Xu's paintings won the Qianlong emperor's appreciation, once the inscription, the size of the inch, are regarded as treasure. Tongxiang Museum possession of Song Xu at the age of seventy-year-old made of "pine tree tree stone", the picture has a stream valley, peaks and peaks, rocks and trees, vigorous Guzhuo.