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( 中国美术家协会主席 )

主要作品《布里亚特婚礼》、《雏鹰》、《幼狮》、《张华壮曲谱新篇》、《小米加步枪》、《漠上》、《阳光下》、《马背上的民族》、《晚风》、《辉煌之路》、《帕米尔高原的婚礼》、《草原上的歌》、《巴扎归来》、《人民公仆》、《雪线》、《远山》、《雪域生灵》等。 出版有《写意人物画技法》、《刘大为速写》、《刘大为作品集》、《刘大为小品集》、《刘大为水彩画作品》、《史诗与牧歌——刘大为作品集》等。其作品多次参加国内重大展览并获奖,在日本、英国、美国、德国、法国及香港、台湾等国家和地区展出。

  • 中文名刘大为
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族汉族
  • 祖籍山东诸城
  • 出生地山东潍坊
  • 出生日期1945年
  • 职业画家、教授
  • 协会中国美术家协会
  • 毕业院校内蒙古师范大学
  • 主要成就作品在国内外展出,获奖30余次
  • 代表作品《晚风》、《马背上的民族》、《人民公仆》

中国美术网 09-18 浏览

时间:2006年1月  地点:北京刘大为先生寓所  访谈画家:刘大为(以下简称刘)  采访记者:韩伟华(以下简称韩)  非常远也非常近  韩:听说您曾经是妥先生的学生,请您谈一谈对妥老师的印象。  刘...

1945年 10月出生于山东潍坊,祖籍山东诸城;
1951年 随父母、祖父母全家移居内蒙古包头。自幼喜欢绘画,随祖父习书法;
1956年 上小学时受到美术老师韩维祥的启蒙、关注培养,11岁时创作第一张大幅水彩画《五一群众大游行》;
1958年 中学读书期间,参加课余美术组,在美术老师兰尚廉指导下,接受了系统的素描、速写和水彩画基本功训练;14岁时正值大跃进时期,绘制了多幅巨幅宣传画、壁画;
1963年 9月考入内蒙古师范学院美术系(现内蒙师范大学美术学院);
    1967年 文化大革命中,到内蒙古红卫兵展览办公室工作两年,担任美术组长;承担各种展览设计和绘画任务,期间绘制了大量巨幅油画毛主席像、巨幅宣传画及大量历史画;多幅宣传画在内蒙古各大报纸和杂志发表;
1968年 12月大学毕业,分配到包头市半导体器件厂当钳工,“接受工人阶级再教育”;每逢外地出差,坚持油画及水彩画风景写生;
1970年 创作中国画《彩笔绘新图》,内蒙古人民出版社出版发行明信片;
1971年 创作年画《钢铁是这样炼成的》,由内蒙古人民出版社出版,并刊登于“包头文艺”;
1972年 调到包头市日报社工作,担任美术编辑、记者;
1974年 创作《草原颂歌》(和贾方舟合作),作为内蒙古自治区入选的两幅作品之一,参加全国美术作品展,中国美术馆展出;
1975年 创作水粉连环画《小骑手》,内蒙古人民出版社出版、国家外文出版社出版,该作品1978年参加全国连环画展,获二等奖;
1976年 5月借调到内蒙古三十周年大庆办公室工作一年,任美术组长,负责“三十周年成就展”美术创作等;
1977年 5月带领包头美术创作学习班学员赴土默特右旗大青山农村写生;
1978年 5月赴内蒙古达茂旗百灵庙、察干敖包牧区写生;
1979年 4月参加中央慰问团,赴云南前线及西双版纳、黄山慰问写生;
1980年 4月赴内蒙呼伦贝尔、锡林格勒草原体验生活写生;
1981年 3月带军艺本科班学员赴贵州乌江水电站、黔东南、从江采风写生。创作工笔重彩《草原小英雄》,参加中国国家画院第一届画展,原作由中国国家画院收藏,中国美术馆展出。刊入中国国家画院作品选第一集;
1982年 2月创作连环画《血衣》,人民美术出版社出版;
1983年 2月为连环画《渔女春秋》、《鸡毛信》等作封面设计,人民美术出版社出版;
1984年 9月带领军艺学员赴山西芮城写生,第二次前往云岗石窟、永乐宫临摹壁画;
1985年 中国画《东渡》(与钟儒乾合作),参加抗日战争胜利40周年美展;
1986年 创作连环画《嫦娥奔月》,人民美术出版社出版;
1988年 5月作品《亘古的记忆》,参加中国长城首届美术书法展;
1989年 9月该作品作为第七届全国美展(获奖作品展),在中国美术馆展出;
1990年 5月带学员由兰州出发,赴西宁、塔尔寺、岗察县草原、甘肃河西走廊、山丹军马场、玉门、敦煌、吐鲁番、南疆喀什、塔什库尔干、红其拉甫边防哨所等地写生;
1991年 7月创作工笔画《晚风》,入选“庆祝中国共产党七十周年美术作品展览”,获银奖。同年获关山月中国画创作奖首奖。参加“叶浅予师生艺术行路团”登泰山写生、研讨;
1992年 月出席“首届全国中国画展览”开幕式,参展作品《丰收图》。由中国美术家协会中国画艺术委员会、深圳文化局等主办;
1993年 1月赴海南岛黎族少数民族地区写生;
1994年 12月创作《帕米尔高原的婚礼》,参加第八届全国美展,任评委;
1995年 4月应日本水墨交流协会邀请,与中国画艺委会姚有多先生、孙克等,赴日本参加“中日水墨画交流展”,展览作品《五彩路》;
1996年 2月赴云南西双版纳写生;
1997年 3月作品《吉祥图》,参加首届中国画人物画展,中国美术馆展出;
1998年 6月深圳何香凝美术馆举办九人联展;
1999年 3月广东东莞举办个展;
2000年 1月赴美国洛杉矶举办联展;4月出版《当代名家素描精品》并撰文小议“国画素描”;
2001年 2月第四次赴云南前往丽江、大理写生;
2002年 1月乌镇写生;
2003年 1月为西安国际机场创作中国画《长安出行图》;
6月主持创办 “中国北京国际美术双年展”;
2004年 1月赴海南岛黎族地区写生;
2005年 1月中国画《巴扎归来》等10幅作品,参加“春华秋实·中央美术学院1978级研究生成果汇报展”;
2006年 1月参加中国文联代表团赴九江地震灾区慰问,宁夏扶贫等活动;为《直面生活·中国国家画院刘大为工作室人物画高研班师生作品集》撰文“当代人物画的艺术精神”,刊《国画家》2006.1期;
2007年 2月率中国美术家代表团赴美国旧金山举办联展、学术交流并授课讲座
2008年 2月为人民大会堂绘制巨幅中国画《草原雏鹰》;





English Introduction

October 1945 born in Shandong, Weifang, Zhucheng, Shandong province;
1951 with his parents, grandparents family moved to Inner Mongolia, Baotou. I love painting, with his grandfather learning calligraphy;
On 1956 by the primary school art teacher Han Weixiang's enlightenment, focus on training at the age of 11, his first large watercolor "51" mass parade;
During the 1958 middle school, after-school art group, the art teacher under the guidance of Lan Shanglian, accepted the drawings, sketches and watercolours basic skills training system; at the age of 14 when the great leap forward, drawing huge pieces of posters, murals;
September 1963 admitted to the Inner Mongolia Normal College of Fine Arts Department (now Inner Mongolia Normal University Academy of Fine Arts);
The cultural revolution in 1967, to Inner Mongolia red guards Exhibition Office for two years, as the head of art design and painting exhibition; undertake all kinds of tasks, during drawing a large number of huge oil painting like Chairman Mao, giant posters and a large number of historical paintings; many posters published in Inner Mongolia newspapers and magazines;
The university graduated December 1968, assigned to the semiconductor plant in Baotou city as a fitter, "the working class to accept re education"; during the trip, insist on oil painting and watercolor landscape painting;
In 1970 the creation of China painting brush "new", the Inner Mongolia people's Publishing House postcard;
In 1971 the creation of "iron and steel New Year paintings are made of this", published by Inner Mongolia people's publishing house, and published in the "Baotou literature and art";
1972 transferred to the Baotou daily work, as art editor, reporter;
The creation of "the truth" (silver setting and the Malian cooperation), the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region as the only selected works, Mao Zedong to commemorate the Yanan Art Symposium speech published the 30 anniversary of the national art exhibition, on display at the Museum of fine arts China;
1974 creation of "grassland Carol" (and Jia Fangzhou cooperation), as one of the two selected works in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, to participate in the national art exhibition, China Art Museum exhibition;
The artist went to Inner Mongolia in August and the Baotou Wulanchabu League Saihantala grassland sketching experience life;
To Baotou in November 57 cadre study for 6 months;
In 1975 the creation of gouache comic rider "small", Inner Mongolia people's publishing house, the National Foreign Language Press, the work in 1978 to participate in the national exhibition series, won the two prize;
Creating oil painting frontier female militia, selected national art exhibition, China Art Museum exhibition;
May 1976 seconded to the Inner Mongolia thirty anniversary of Daqing office for one year, as art leader, responsible for the "thirty Anniversary Exhibition" art creation;
The creation of a huge gouache "red sun lights up the Inner Mongolia prairie", as one of the selected works in Inner Mongolia, "the smashing of the gang of four national art exhibition";
In December, accompanied by Zhejiang Sculpture Department of Academy of Fine Arts Shen Wenqiang four professors in the tin ringler Zhenglanqi, Xianghuangqi sketch;
In May 1977 to lead the Baotou fine arts class students to go to Mount Daqing from rural tumoteyouqi;
The creation of comic book "dragon plum, Yu Rong" prairie heroic little sisters, Inner Mongolia people's fine arts publishing house;
October went to the outskirts of Baotou when five communes commune Shiguai mining sketch;
May 1978 went to Inner Mongolia Damaoqi Bailingmiao, qagan OBO pastoral painting;
September was admitted to the China Central Academy of Fine Arts China painting graduate class, listening to Ye Qianyu, Jiang Zhaohe, Li Kuchan, kiss, Li Keran, Liu Lingcang, Wu Zuoren and other generation teacher education;
October graduate classes in Dunhuang, Shanxi Yongle Palace murals copy. For the comic "in addition to" rape cover design, Inner Mongolia people's fine arts publishing house;
April 1979 to participate in the central condolences to Yunnan frontline and Xishuangbanna, Mount Huangshan condolences sketch;
In June the creation of comic book "night arrest", Inner Mongolia people's fine arts publishing house;
In April 1980 he went to Inner Mongolia and Hulun Buir, the tin ringler prairie life sketch;
The creation of meticulous "Buryat wedding", to participate in the Graduate Exhibition and the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Hongkong exhibition, works by the Central Academy of fine arts collection;
In March 1981 with the students to go to Guizhou Wujiang hydropower station, Qiandongnan, Congjiang folk painting. The creation of meticulous "Prairie Little Hero", in the first session of the National Academy of China exhibition, the original by the National Academy of Chinese, Chinese art museum. Published in the National Academy of China selected works of the first episode;
In September the creation of comic book "Mulan" (cooperation and Hu Bo), Hebei Fine Arts Publishing house;
In October to lead the students to go to Huashan from the Yungang Grottoes and Yongle temple copy;
In February 1982 the creation of comic "pants", people's fine arts publishing house;
In April to lead the students to go to Guangxi, Pingxiang, Kazan, Baise Longbang front sketch;
Scroll "ink painting faka Shan soldiers front sketch" in 1983, the Egyptian pyramids journal editor of china;
In August the creation of China painting "Gaoshanyangzhi", in the fifty-five anniversary of the establishment of the exhibition, by Chinese Artists Association of Beijing collection;
In September to lead the students along the long road to Zunyi, ABA, Barkam, the original red paint;
In February 1983 for the "spring and Autumn", "comic yunu JIMAOXIN" as the cover design, people's fine arts publishing house;

In September 1984 to lead the students to go to Shanxi from Ruicheng, second to the Yungang Grottoes, Yongle Palace murals copying;
In October the creation of China painting "utter innocence in the Sixth National Art Exhibition";
In December China painting "Zhang Huazhuang and new", as the Sixth National Art Exhibition (part of the outstanding works on display at the Museum of art Chinese);
In 1985 China painting "East" (in collaboration with bell Ruqian), to participate in the Anti Japanese War victory 40 anniversary exhibition;
In August went to the Three Gorges folk painting;
In 1986 the creation of comic book "Moon", people's fine arts publishing house;
May 1988 work "everlasting memory", in the first China the Great Wall art calligraphy exhibition;
In August the creation of comics "Chinese ancient story" riddle, workers publishing;
In November the creation of Chinese painting "autumn" in Hongkong the crouching camel, newspaper published forty anniversary exhibition;
In September 1989, the works of the Seventh National Art Exhibition (exhibition), on display at the Museum of fine arts China;
In August went to Inner Mongolia Horqin grassland painting;
In May 1990 with students starting from Lanzhou, went to Xining, Kumbum Monastery, Gangcha County, Gansu grassland in Hexi Corridor, shandanjun Ma field, Yumen, Dunhuang, Turpan, southern Kashi, Taxkorgan, Khunjerab border posts to sketch;
In September the creation of China painting "plateau camel racing map", to attend the second session of Chinese sports art exhibition. Works "under the sun", held in Tokyo to participate in the "Japan China Friendship Center Art Museum" and "China modern art exhibition" (seven national awards);
In November the creation of Chinese painting "battle of Jimo", "Tao", "dial extension Yizhou", "Tang Feng Fu" as a military museum to display works;
In July 1991 the creation of painting "wind", was "to celebrate the seventy anniversary of the Communist Party of China Art Exhibition", won the silver medal. The same year by GuanShanYue Chinese painting award. In "Qianyu art teachers and students on board the Taishan painting and research group";
December Art Department of the PLA Academy of arts;
1992 years to attend the first national exhibition of Chinese painting opening ceremony, exhibiting works harvest map. Sponsored by Chinese Artists Association Chinese Painting Art Committee and Shenzhen cultural bureau;
April "freehand figure painting techniques", in April 1992, the people's fine arts publishing house;
In May China painting "countryside Sanlao" dimension, in Beijing city to commemorate the 50 anniversary of Mao Zedong "speech" in the forum of Art: Art exhibition;
July Chinese Artists Association, deputy director of the Chinese painting art committee;
In August the creation of Chinese painting "brilliant road" (and Ren Huizhong), "in celebration of China people's Liberation Army sixty-five anniversary Art Exhibition", won the first prize. In Xinjiang, Yili, Kang Sugou, Zhao Su Jun Machang the prairie provinces;
October should be invited by the Japan Cultural Exchange Association, the rate of delegation of Chinese artists to visit japan. "Hay" car six paintings, in "Qianyu exhibition of teachers and students";
December, Professor of fine arts, PLA Art college;
In January 1993 Went to Hainan Island Li minority area sketch;
In July published "the character sketch techniques and drawings, diagrams of 124, the people's Liberation Army Literature and Art Publishing house;
September painting "Wanchui", in the "1st Chinese Exhibition", as the judges, China art museum;
In December 1994 the creation of "Pamirs wedding", in the Eighth National Art Exhibition, served as judges;
In April 1995 the Japanese ink Exchange Association invited and art painting will be Mr. Yao Youduo, Sun Ke China, went to Japan to participate in the "Japan ink painting exhibition", exhibition "colorful";
The creation of painting "prairie song", "Mao Zedong Memorial in Yanan Forum on literature and art";
Should be invited to the Ministry of culture of Romania, held a solo exhibition in Bucharest;
Diaoyutai State Guest House painting for July. To Ji'nan military communications station sketch;
February 1996 to Yunnan Xishuangbanna sketch;
Sydney was invited to Australia, and the painter Zhang Daoxing, Xu Lele, Yang Chunhua held four exhibitions;
November invited Chinese artists delegation to the United States, San Francisco, Losangeles, New York exhibition and academic exchanges;
March 1997 works "auspicious map", participated in the first Chinese painting figures exhibition, China Art Museum exhibition;
In June the creation of Chinese painting "the Yellow River ballad", in 97 Chinese 100 painting exhibition;
In August the creation of China painting "founder of the people's army" (with Ren Huizhong), in the ninth session of the 70 anniversary of the army art exhibition, as the judges. Mao Zedong Memorial Hall for the creation of Chinese painting "people's good prime minister" (with the cooperation of Ren Huizhong);
As of November China Artists Association of party secretary, presided over the daily work of the association;

June 1998 Shenzhen He Ningxiang Art Museum exhibition nine;
September Chinese Artists Association held its Fifth National Congress, was elected vice chairman of the China Artists association;
November work "spring news", to participate in the Shenzhen academy hosted the first Shenzhen international ink painting biennale";
March 1999 Dongguan held a solo exhibition in Guangdong;
"Nancy" luma ink portrait seven paintings, to participate in the "extension of 99 China ink portrait Exhibition", Chinese art museum;
In September China painting "bazaar return" (the judges work) to participate in the Ninth National Fine Arts Exhibition, served as director of the organizing committee, chairman of the jury;
In January 2000 the United States held in Losangeles exhibition; April published "contemporary artists" and the author of "fine sketch painting sketch";
September Hongkong city hall held a solo exhibition, "GuanShanYue preface - on the view of life to create art and his paintings";
In October at the invitation of the Propaganda Department of Yunnan Province, and Chinese Artists Association delegation to Yunnan Dali and Lijiang. Chinese painting "for a drawing of the general office of the State Council,";
The creation of "Polo map" to participate in the Olympic sports, art exhibition, collection of works by Samaranch;
In December Chinese painting "cadenza", "Oriental Pearl", in the second Shenzhen international ink painting biennale. Liu Xilin wrote "Liu Dawei and the portrait of" published "art observation" in 2000 third. In the "Xinjiang Normal University Academy of Fine Arts listed", and Deng Weidong, Kang Shizeng went to Turpan and Kashi;
February 2001 fourth went to Yunnan to Lijiang, Dali sketch;
June should be invited to Hungary international art camp, the rate of Chinese art delegation to Hungary exchanges and visits;
In July the creation of "people's Park", to participate in the 80 anniversary of its founding exhibition, as the judges. Go to Xinjiang Korla, Luntai, Kuche, tower in the field of painting;
August to Xinjiang to attend the national minority art creation theory seminar";
Works of "wind" in September, jointly organized by the Ministry of culture, Chinese Artists Association, Chinese Art Museum, National Academy of China "Centennial Chinese Exhibition", Chinese of hundred years of work income "". And was invited to tour de artist Xiao Han in Germany Berlin held "modern color painting exhibition, academic exchanges and teaching seminars;
In December China painting "a new generation of" plateau, "brilliant" poplar three paintings, in "gathering" Western works Chinese painting exhibition;
January 2002 Wuzhen sketch;
In April went to Gannan Xiahe grassland painting. Visit to Japan Chinese painting creation "benmatu" for the Chinese Communist Party delegation, with former Japanese Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori;
May work "under the sun", in the fifth Chinese painting exhibition, served as director of the organizing committee, wrote to meticulous art more brilliant tomorrow "," Proceedings of the Fifth National Cup Qidi painting works ", people's fine arts publishing house. Organize painter to Xitang Tongli sketch;
September is drawing huge China painting "military building journey". For the publication of Hubei Art Publishing House "art master road series" preface;
October was invited to Greece, Athens (Mr. Jin Shangyi headed a line of five people), attended the fifteen IAA conference, the general assembly by absorbing China's accession to the IAA organization;
January 2003 Xi'an International Airport for the creation of Chinese painting "Changan travel map";
In March, "" ancient works "Qiuci Tibet spring" seven paintings, in Chinese Art Research Institute Research Institute "Chinese artists nominated exhibition beauty";
In June, the founder of "Chinese Beijing international art biennale";
July creation of Chinese painting "urgent" to participate in the fight against SARS exhibition;
October Shanghai Qingpu Chen Yun Memorial Chinese painting creation "Chen Yun" was invited to go to France in the FAW Norman brother, to participate in the "Sino French culture year", organized the exhibition and the French painter;
February Chinese Artists Association held its Sixth National Congress, continue to be elected vice chairman of the China Artists association;
January 2004 in Hainan Island Li nationality area sketch;
April "painter Liu Dawei said Ren said paintings", Hebei Fine Arts Publishing house;
In September the creation of "Snow" (judges Chinese painting works), in the Tenth National Fine Arts Exhibition, served as deputy director of the organizing committee, the director of works of the "Snow", in the "second - China figure painting exhibition to commemorate the 100 anniversary of the birth of Jiang Zhaohe", China art museum. The delegation was invited to rate artists Wang Yong, Tao Qin went to Brazil to participate in the 2004 20 St Paul Biennale opening ceremony and investigation;
In October the Principality of Monaco should be invited to Monaco Art Committee held "works exhibition and academic exchanges;
In January 2005 Chinese painting "bazaar return" 10 paintings, in "the glorious China Central Academy of Fine Arts 1978 graduate students achievement exhibition";

In January 2006 China Federation delegation to Jiujiang condolences to quake hit areas, Ningxia poverty alleviation activities; to "face the life Chinese National Academy of painting studio in high class research works" writing "of contemporary figure painting art spirit", published "the painter" 2006.1;
In February he went to Yunnan and Xishuangbanna folk songs;
In April went to the Jinggang Mountains, Guizhou Miao folk painting;
May work "Eagles", to participate in the sixth national fine art exhibition, served as director of the organizing committee, wrote "to create the spirit of the times, create brilliant chinese". Shenzhen Federation Chairman Dong Xiaoming, Shenzhen and Baoan District signed a letter of intent to establish Guanlan printmaking base;
June to participate in the "army creation seminar", and the troops went to Inner Mongolia, Ordos painter tin ringler, West Ujimqin sketch. Went to Xinjiang to participate in the donation ceremony Huocheng hope primary school "," China painting into the Xinjiang launch ceremony and other activities, and went to Kashi, Hotan, Kunlun Mountains folk painting;
July to Tibet, Lhasa to participate in the Tibet hope primary school donation ceremony";
August paper "contemporary Oriental Art in the development of diverse cultures" - in 2006 the SASAC Art Forum lecture, was hired by the Chinese Academy of Arts Graduate School doctoral tutor;
In September, drawing huge Chinese painting line for the first meeting of the State Council "fengle room";
October watercolor "Venice", to participate in China's Centennial watercolor exhibition. Go to Yunnan Xishuangbanna, Meng Lun sketch;
In November Chinese Federation of the Eighth National Congress was elected vice chairman of the presidium of the eighth Chinese federation;
December Jingxi Hotel meeting room China painting drawing huge "Kashi dance". Chinese artists delegation held a Chinese art exhibition in Paris, France, and delivered a speech at the Paris Chinese cultural center;
In February 2007 the rate of Chinese delegation to the United States of San Francisco artists held exhibitions, academic exchanges and teaching seminars
March Chinese Embassy in Jordan painting Chinese painting silk road;
April to participate in the same world - Chinese painter painting United Nations family art exhibition, Mongolia style works exhibition;
In May the creation of "a" Chinese painting bazaar, participated in the third National Art Exhibition China. In listing Shenzhen Guanlan Print Base "ceremony. Ruijin folk songs in Jiangxi. In Inner Mongolia Siziwangqi hope primary school opening, Tara Gergen grassland painting;
In June the first National Academy of China elite class in the studio "sketch collection", "full of passion and inspiration in feeling, ink painting seven works. Went to Xinjiang to participate in the "Chinese painting into the Xinjiang Exhibition" opening, Kashi sketch;
July to participate in the 60 anniversary of the Daqing activities in Inner Mongolia, in Wulanchabu Phaeton Schiller prairie painting;
In August the creation of "Zhu De and Smedley" to participate in the 80 anniversary of the army art exhibition, served as judges. Should the Norway Artists Association invited artists Chinese rate delegation (Shao Dazhen, Wang Yong, Tao Qin and so on one line) to Norway for academic exchanges and lectures; chairman of Italy cultural center, the third Beijing International Biennale curator Vincenzo, Mr. Sanford's invitation, the rate of Chinese Association delegation to visit Italy and the 52 Venice Biennale art exchange;
In October China Embassy in Mongolia is drawing huge Chinese painting "Eagle";
In February 2008, the Great Hall of the people Chinese painting drawing huge "prairie eagles";
In May the line "miaonv", in "the first national Chinese painting line drawing art exhibition" (guest works);
June "Chinese Watercolor Exhibition" exhibition in Beijing Kai Sheng Art Museum, Chinese watercolor painting works "published". The creation of Chinese painting "defying Sichuan Road" "heart of Wenchuan, to participate in the national art exhibition". "Chinese painting drawing huge Chinese Polo map China Embassy in America.";
August went to Jiangxi Jinggangshan folk songs. Creation of Chinese painting "Zheng Banqiao", to participate in the "national culture of large-scale painting and calligraphy exhibition," works by the Chinese Art Museum collection;
In October published "sketch". Chairman of the third National Youth Art exhibition. Draw China "Zhongnanhai" for painting horses;
Published in November "the collection of works of. Shao Dazhen wrote "the combination and mastery of the State - Chinese liudawei painting";
December the Seventh National Congress of Chinese Artists Association was elected chairman of the Chinese artists association. Go to Yunnan, Guizhou sketch. [2]
The evening of October 30, 2013, held in New York National Arts Club ", Chinese ink dream - Painting Exhibition of contemporary Chinese opening ceremony, the partner of Chinese culture and art foundation awarded to the chairman China Artists Association Liu Dawei" Cultural Heritage Award ", since President Liu Dawei became the first recipient of the prize.
November 27, 2013 Chinese Artists Association Eighth National Congress closed in Beijing on the 27, the General Assembly elected a new Council and Liu Dawei as chairman of the Presidium

Liu Jianshan and freehand brushwork, to reflect the life style of ethnic minorities and major historical themes in the world, the representative works of "horse nation", he used traditional meticulous techniques to create masterpieces, which won awards in the national large-scale art exhibition. See the ordinary vicissitudes of life, peace and great show of skill is in more than ten years of frontier life, but also its unique grasp of the history and the spirit of the times.
Liu Dawei China painting department in Central Academy of fine arts graduate classes for two years, the main figure painting professional, hard study in Jiang Zhaohe, Huang Zhou, ye Qianyu, Lu Chen, Mr. Yao Youduo, under the guidance of progress soon, in the next few years, quickly grasp the performance of the China painting, regardless of fine color or freehand ink all kinds of different techniques, he used are very skilled. It is undoubtedly a very favorable condition for the rapid improvement of his creative level. However, for Liu Dawei such as middle-aged painter so today, it is a solid skill and painting language skill, it is more important to him because of the relationship between art and life, art and society was positive, deal with the relationship between tradition and innovation more robust it.
The view of art, not only inherit and continue painting actively reflect the life and the pursuit of art from ancient to modern times good and excellent traditional beauty, but also in the new era of reform and opening up as the leading force of socialist art both in the theme of literature or art forms on the performance of the skill, has its own unique use.

Reporter: Xinjiang folk songs came to an end, you will immediately lead the recovery wheal second teams went to Yanan, the schedule is very compact, must be very hard. "Yanan has what kind of consideration to commemorate deep life creation" folk songs of the second station [7]?
Liu Dawei: the Yan River, towering pagoda mountain, Yanan has long been the image of Yanan is the cradle of red for having heard it many times, and the shrine of the revolution. Speaking of Yanan, people will feel particularly kind, respect arise spontaneously. June 11th evening, we arrived in Yanan, artists really travel lawton. But when you see the magnificent Yanan, all tired out. Folk songs during, painters always immersed in a very excited mood. The CPC Central Committee and Mao Zedong here leadership, command of the Anti Japanese War and the liberation war, People's Republic of China laid the cornerstone of a historical chapter capable of evoking praises and tears. It is in Yanan, Yanan gave birth to the light spirit of revolution and construction in the future, the China provides great spiritual power. In the history of our party, the first historical leap of Marxism Leninism with the actual China combination is realized in Yanan, Yanan is Mao Zedong thought from the formation and development to mature.
In May 1942, I held a party in Yanan during the Yangjialing Art Forum, Chairman Mao issued "in Yanan speech". "Speech" to the literary and artistic circles of Yanan has brought a new spirit. Since then, the theory of Marxism Leninism and Mao Zedong thought under the guidance of China revolutionary art appear constantly new climax. Practice has proved that the spirit of "speech" not only in the war era, in the contemporary, and even in the future, are guiding the direction of the development of Chinese literature and art, is to shine on the progress of artists lighthouse. Artists who came to Yanan to review the "speech" spirit, experience the spirit of Yanan, were encouraged, and derive the inherent power to ascend; at the same time also can more deeply realize the "service" and "literature and art for whom, how to service", which will be demonstrated in their day after the artistic creation. A large number of artists in Yanan, learning, teaching, struggle, creation, such as Cai Ruohong, Hua Junwu, Li Qun, Jiang Feng and many other old man, old timers are here along the revolutionary line, made their contribution for the development of life and art in new China. Their course of art and creative passion that makes folk artists of gratitude and admiration, the spirit of Yanan is still the power today art development.
Reporter: the collection activity scale, caused great repercussions in the country. In addition to the memory of the history of new China and the praise and appeal of the revolutionary spirit, in depth life, improve the quality of various activities and other aspects of sketching undoubtedly has a great guiding role.
Liu Dawei: Yes, it is. Life is the source of all artistic creation. Life is the source, not the flow, speech encourages us to life, to the masses, with this feeling and creative passion, works can be moved to truly reflect the community, reflect the times. In the folk songs are successful artists, their good works are representative, in the contemporary here, again they feel this truth, that is, the artist never leave the fiery life, not out of time. In fact, this is what we say today, "three close", is a further interpretation of the speech. Scroll through the history, from the war to the new Chinese establishment, then to the reform and opening up can really have an impact in the society, loved by the people, or those who have touched people's real life experience works. The folk songs will inspire artists to go back to feeling to go into the creation, the creation of touching, profound spiritual strength, good works are the component.
We are flourishing, cultural and artistic prosperity and development, all kinds of exhibitions and art activities are very active, but behind the results, we also see the current art creation there are some problems, some regret. Especially recognized, can shake the people in the reflection of the revolutionary history theme creation, component works are not, at this point the artists themselves are aware of, this is not because our artists do not input, do not take seriously, the main reason is that in the life experience, do not feel deep, affected by the impetuous wind. China association has a responsibility to strive for, to provide a platform for the artists to create opportunities, organize people to life, thorough life, this is China Meixie organized the folk songs of the original intention, I hope we can see more impressive works of art in the near future, welcome the new climax after contemporary art creation.
It launched a lot of topics, it left us today's folk songs and the upcoming shortly after the creation with the experience and Inspiration of what?
Liu Dawei: the representative organization of the painting, China artists of all ages to red painter painting trip, painters thought have a strong impact. Set foot on the land of Yanan, artists have regrets. Yanan witnessed that we learned from the books of the history is not enough, here, there are too many hiding in the depths of the history of the memory is not awakened, there are too many art subjects waiting for digging, there are too many to be hidden creative passion breeds endless here seems to be triggered at any moment, the power of pulling the brush at any time start writing. All these feelings prove the necessity of artists entering into life.






    最近更新:2025-01-14 11:41:33
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