王其智,1930出生于山东省掖县(现为莱州市)。别名书海。擅长油画、中国画。自幼受父亲王式廓影响,学习绘画。1951年毕业于中央美院。作品 《钢铁工人》、《丰收》入选第二届、第三届全国美术展,《万里千担一亩田》入选建国25周年全国美展等。
1930出生于山东省掖县(现为莱州市)。自幼受父亲王式廓影响,学习绘画。1949年入华北 大学学习,从师王式廓及胡一川先生。后入国立北平艺专学习绘画,中央美术学院美干班学习西画。曾得到齐白石、徐悲鸿、师吴作人、李可染、蒋兆和、罗工柳、张仃等画坛名师的指教。中央美术学院结业后留该院肖像画室工作,与前辈张振仕、左辉先一起创作、绘制天安门城楼、新华门、人民大会堂等处的毛泽东油画肖像。在原北京市美术公司继续从事创作、绘制天安门城楼、新华门、人民大会堂、国务院等处的毛泽东及其它伟人油画肖像。之后开始兼攻中国水墨画,在前辈画虎大师的基础上,潜心研习中国画画虎的新技法,其深厚的绘画功力自然地融入水墨表现技巧中,他笔下的虎,与众不同,是介于大写意和工笔之间,笔墨虚实结合,色彩冷暖结合,努力追求师法自然,重在写神。无论静、卧、动都具虎的威猛气势。被选入《中国当代美术家人名录》、《当代中国名家书画 宝鉴》、《中国美术、书法界名人名作博揽》。油画作品《延安风光》、《井冈山》被人民大会堂收藏。国画作品《虎》被江苏省美术馆、天津美术馆收藏;被编入台湾出版的《当代名家作品集锦》、香港出版的《国立北平艺专画选》。
Was born in 1930 in Shandong province Yexian (now Laizhou city). By his father Wang Shikuo, studying painting. In 1949 the North China University of learning, learning from Wang Shikuo and Mr. Hu Yichuan. After entering the national Beiping art school to study painting, China Central Academy of Fine Arts stem classes to learn painting. Have Qi Baishi, Xu Beihong, Wu Zuoren, Li Keran, Jiang Zhaohe, Shi Luo Gongliu, Zhang Ding and other famous painting exhibitions. China Central Academy of Fine Arts after graduation to stay in the hospital and portrait studio work, senior Zhang Zhenshi, left Fai together first, draw the creation of Tiananmen square, the Great Hall of the people at xinhuamen, Mao Zedong portrait. In the original Beijing city art company continue to engage in the creation, rendering Mao Zedong Tiananmen gate and xinhuamen, the Great Hall of the people, the State Council office and other great painting portraits. After the start and attack the Chinese ink painting, based on predecessors master tiger painting, devote themselves to learning new techniques China painting tiger, the deep drawing capability to integrate ink performance skills, he's a tiger, out of the ordinary, is between the freehand brushwork and ink paintings, virtual reality, combined with the warm and cold colors, the pursuit of nature, focusing on the writing of god. Both static and dynamic, with the horizontal momentum fierce tiger. Was elected "China people list", "contemporary artists of contemporary painting and calligraphy treasures", "China Chinese art, calligraphy celebrity masterpieces Bo LAN". Oil painting "Yanan scenery", "Jinggangshan" by the Great Hall of the people collection. Chinese painting "tiger" by the Jiangsu Provincial Art Museum, Tianjin Art Museum; Taiwan was incorporated into the published works of contemporary artists "," collection published in Hongkong "Beijing art paintings".
As the first generation of new China great portrait painter, one of the creators of the Tiananmen gate is painting a portrait of Mao Zedong standard paradigm, Mr. Wang Qizhi in 1949 in the North China University of National Taiwan University of Arts Department of learning, from the father type profile and Mr. Hu Yichuan. After entering the national Beiping art school to study painting, China Central Academy of Fine Arts stem classes to learn painting. Qi Baishi, Xu Beihong, had been Wu Zuoren, Li Keran, Jiang Zhaohe, Luo Gongliu, Zhang Ding and other famous painting. After graduating from China Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1951 left the hospital and portrait studio, senior Zhang Zhenshi, left Fai together first, draw the creation of Tiananmen square, the Great Hall of the people at xinhuamen, Mao Zedong portrait. In the original Beijing city art company continue to engage in the creation, rendering Mao Zedong Tiananmen gate and xinhuamen, the Great Hall of the people, the State Council office and other great painting portraits. Until 1978 of 27 years, Wang Qizhi has been struggling in Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Deng Xiaoping, drew Sun Zhongshan, Engels and Lenin, and Ma, the great portrait position, is Chinese great contemporary painting portraits of the longest painter, and established the standard paradigm of the Tiananmen gate portrait of Mao Zedong. After the start and attack the Chinese ink painting, based on predecessors master tiger painting, devote themselves to learning new techniques China painting tiger, the deep drawing capability to integrate ink performance skills, he's a tiger, out of the ordinary, is between the freehand brushwork and ink paintings, virtual reality, combined with the warm and cold colors, the pursuit of nature, focusing on the writing of god. Both static and dynamic, with the horizontal momentum fierce tiger. Was elected "China people list", "contemporary artists of contemporary painting and calligraphy treasures", "China Chinese art, calligraphy celebrity masterpieces Bo LAN".
April 29, 2013 --5 month 11 days, Mr. Wang Qizhi personal exhibition in London's host, this is Mr. Wang Qizhi 60 years of art on the road to the first international exhibition, the audience can make London a feast, enjoy the famous painter China across the 50 year history of the "Chinese Impressionist paintings".
The exhibition hall of the most prominent position, a large portrait of Mao Zedong is in the red frame floor against that painting and the painter The brightness dazzles the eyes., extraordinary historical significance, a portrait of Chairman Mao is the independent creation of Wang Qizhi 20 years ago.
This year has been 83 year old Mr. Wang Qizhi hale and hearty, in the exhibition site and Chinese Embassy Cultural Office Minister counsellor Xiang Xiaowei admiring visitors cordial conversation, however.
Mr. Wang Qizhi in the great portrait in the field of extraordinary achievement, have deep erudite through paternal teaching and influence. His father, Wang Shikuo, the master of Chinese realistic painting art, is the contemporary revolutionary realist painter and the people's art educator. After the founding of new China, Mr. Wang Shikuo created a large painting "army" of "Jinggangshan" realignment and many other important works, especially the large "sketches" are far-reaching pants, Chinese art classic history.
The London Wang Qizhi Chinese landscape painting exhibition ", exhibition of old man nearly 30 to Chinese landscape oil paintings, show his unique blend of traditional Chinese painting and Western painting art China concept of" Chinese Impressionist "style to the British audience.
On the evening of 9, Mr. Wang Qizhi also with the London local famous painter Jason Boyer, common brush painting, left an unforgettable story of British culture and art exchange.