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( 中国美术家协会理事 )


  • 中文名蔡超
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族汉族
  • 出生地上海嘉定
  • 出生日期1944年6月
  • 职业南昌美术馆馆长,江西省文联副主席
  • 协会中国美术家协会
  • 主要成就中国美协中国画艺委会委员,国家一级美术师
  • 代表作品《集思》、《扶臂》、《吊装》、《天地间》、《众志成城》、《毛主席在农村调查》等

中国美术网 09-17 浏览






 2008 国画家蔡超中国画搭载神舟七号遨游太空;

2007 国画家蔡超应邀赴日本、英国参展;

2001 国画家蔡超中国画《欧阳修》特邀入选《二零零六中国画家提名展》聘兼评委;

2005 国画家蔡超率中国美术家印度之行采风团应邀参加《巴黎·中国美术周》

2001 国画家蔡超中国画《消夏图》特邀入选《二零零四中国画展》聘兼评委;

2001 国画家蔡超中国画《南国风情》特邀入选《第二届全国中国画展》聘兼评委;

1998 国画家蔡超中国画《赏松图》特邀入选《庆祝毛泽东同志在延安文艺座谈讲话发表六十周年》全国美术作品展聘兼评委; [2] 

1998 国画家蔡超中国画《晨读》特邀入选《庆祝建党八十周年全国美展》聘兼评委;

1998 国画家蔡超中国画《东坡赏砚图》特邀入选《2000年全国中国画展》兼画展评委;

1998 国画家蔡超中国画《静静的夜》入选第九届全国美展,聘任全国美展评委;

1998 国画家蔡超参加中国美术家访问美国代表团;

1997 国画家蔡超中国画《积学图》获中国文联、中国美协97年中国画坛百杰作品展与称号中国画《协奏》获97年首届全国人物画展览银奖;

1996 《刘大为、蔡超作品联展》在汕头展出;

1995 国画家蔡超中国画《铜墙铁壁》获《纪念抗日战争和世界反法西斯战争胜利五十周年》全国美展金奖;

1994 国画家蔡超中国画《顶梁柱》获第八届全国美展中国画大奖、聘任全国美展评委;

1993 国画家蔡超中国画《钢筋铁骨》获全国首届中国画展银奖;

1992 国画家蔡超中国画《吊装》获《纪念毛泽东同志在延安文艺座谈会上讲话发表五十周年》全国美展银奖;

1991 国画家蔡超编绘《古今中外历史人物图谱》甘肃省人民出版社出版,并获甘肃省委、省政府颁发优秀图书奖;

1990 国画家蔡超中国画《春韵》参加90年当代中国画珠海邀请赛获优秀作品奖并收藏;

1989 国画家蔡超中国画《晨曦图》获“牡丹杯”国际书画大奖赛银奖并收藏;

1989 国画家蔡超中国画《青山恋》获全国美协“中华杯”中国画大奖赛银牌并收藏;

1987 国画家蔡超中国画《野火春风》获省美展优秀作品奖,并参加全国美协“新人新作”展;

1986 国画家蔡超连环画《水冲龙王庙》、《集思》获江西省南昌市政府优秀文艺作品奖;

1985 国画家蔡超编绘《使用美术资料》获全国计划生育宣传品二等奖;

1984 国画家蔡超中国画《赣南游击战组画—转战》、《建设者》参加第六届全国美展,人民日报等全国多种报刊杂志发表;

1983 国画家蔡超连环画《梅岭星火》辽宁美术出版社出版;

1982 国画家蔡超中国画《陈毅出山》组画,由文化部中国画研究院收藏;

1981 国画家蔡超中国画《故乡行》参加第二届全国青年美展获铜奖;

1980 国画家蔡超中国画《惜别》获卫生部南方八省卫生美展一等奖;

1979 国画家蔡超连环画《陈毅在赣粤边》人民美术出版社出版;

1978 国画家蔡超中国画《咱们工人有力量》参加华东六省一市肖像画展,选入全国多种作品集及报刊发表;

1977 国画家蔡超连环画《方志敏》、《黄洋界保卫战》参加建军五十周年全国美展,人民美术出版社出版《黄洋界保卫战》并获江西省首届连环画一等奖;

1974 国画家蔡超中国画《理论新军》入选《全国中国画、油画展》人民日报等报刊发表;

1970 国画家蔡超中国画《农村调查》为江西革命历史博物馆收藏,全国主要报刊、外文杂志及京、津、沪出版社发表、出版;

1964 国画家蔡超中国画《师徒好》参加第一届全国职工美展获优秀作品奖,天津艺术博物馆收藏全国各大报刊发表;















Introduction in English

 Cai Chao was born in June 1944 in Jiading, Shanghai. He has successively served as Chairman of the Wenlian Association of Nanchang City, President of the Nanchang Painting Academy, Director of the Nanchang Art Museum, Vice-Chairman of the Wenlian Association of Jiangxi Province, Director and Secretary of the Jiangxi Museum, President and Secretary of the Jiangxi Academy of Calligraphy and Painting, Chairman of the Jiangxi Artists Association, Director of the China Artists Association, Member of the Chinese Painting Arts Committee of the Chinese Artists Association, and First-Class National Artists. The judges of the 8th, 9th and 10th National Art Exhibition were awarded "outstanding young and middle-aged experts with outstanding contributions from the state" and enjoyed special allowances from the Government of the State Council.


Brief Introduction to Artist Cai Chao


Cai Chao was born in June 1944 in Jiading, Shanghai. He has successively served as Chairman of the Wenlian Association of Nanchang City, President of the Nanchang Painting Academy, Director of the Nanchang Art Museum, Vice-Chairman of the Wenlian Association of Jiangxi Province, Director and Secretary of the Jiangxi Museum, President and Secretary of the Jiangxi Academy of Calligraphy and Painting, Chairman of the Jiangxi Artists Association, Director of the China Artists Association, Member of the Chinese Painting Arts Committee of the Chinese Artists Association, and First-Class National Artists. The judges of the 8th, 9th and 10th National Art Exhibition were awarded "outstanding young and middle-aged experts with outstanding contributions from the state" and enjoyed special allowances from the Government of the State Council. National Labor Medal winner, advanced workers of the national cultural system, Chinese Painting Baijie in 1997, outstanding members of the national literary and artistic circles of Germany and Arts Shuangxin, and many other national honors, was employed as visiting professor and master's student guide by Nanchang University, Jiangxi Normal University Academy of Fine Arts, Academy of Art of Nanchang Engineering College and other institutions. Division. He is good at figure painting in Chinese painting as well as landscape, flowers and birds. His works have won many national exhibition prizes and international prizes. He has been awarded the first Xu Beihong Art Achievement Award and the first Huang Binhong Art Achievement Award.


He is good at the creation of characters in Chinese painting, and specializes in landscapes, flowers and birds, and comic strips. His representative works include Collection of Thoughts, Arms, Lifting, Between Heaven and Earth, Cheng Cheng Cheng with All Wishes, Chairman Mao's Investigation in the Countryside, etc.


His works "Top Beam and Column" and "Reinforced Iron Bone" won gold, silver and copper awards in the National Art Exhibition. Some works are collected by the Chinese Art Museum, the Academy of Chinese Painting and Chairman Mao Memorial Hall at home and abroad. He has published Cai Chao's Modern Ink Painting Collection, Cai Chao's Fan Painting Collection, Baijie Painter Cai Chao and so on.

Artist Cai Chao's Honorary Course


In 2008, Cai Chao, a Chinese painter, traveled in space aboard Shenzhou VII.


In 2007, Cai Chao, a Chinese painter, was invited to exhibit in Japan and Britain.


2001 Chinese painter Cai Chao's Chinese painting Ouyang Xiu was invited to the 2006 Nominated Exhibition of Chinese Painters for appointment and judgement.


Cai Chao, a Chinese painter, was invited to attend the "Paris China Art Week" in 2005 when he led a group of Chinese artists on their trip to India.


In 2001, Cai Chao, a Chinese painter, was invited to participate in the "2004 Chinese Painting Exhibition" as an adjudicator.


In 2001, Cai Chao, a Chinese painter, was invited to the Second National Chinese Painting Exhibition for appointment and judgement.


In 1998, Cai Chao, a Chinese painter, was invited to the National Art Exhibition and Judge to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of Comrade Mao Zedong's Speech on Literature and Art in Yan'an.


In 1998, Cai Chao, a Chinese painter, was invited to participate in the National Art Exhibition to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party.


In 1998, Cai Chao, a Chinese painter, was invited to participate in the National Chinese Painting Exhibition 2000 and the judges of the Exhibition.


In 1998, Chinese painter Cai Chao's Chinese painting "Silent Night" was selected into the Ninth National Art Exhibition and appointed the judges of the National Art Exhibition.


In 1998, Cai Chao, a Chinese painter, participated in the delegation of Chinese artists to the United States.


In 1997, Cai Chao, a Chinese painter, won the silver prize of the first National Figure Painting Exhibition in 1997.


1996 "Joint Exhibition of Liu Dawei's and Cai Chao's Works" was displayed in Shantou.


In 1995, Cai Chao, a Chinese painter, won the gold medal of the National Art Exhibition in Commemoration of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan and the World Anti-Fascist War.


In 1994, Cai Chao, a Chinese painter, won the 8th National Art Exhibition Chinese Painting Award and appointed the judges of the National Art Exhibition.


In 1993, Cai Chao, a Chinese painter, won the silver prize of the first Chinese Painting Exhibition.


In 1992, Cai Chao, a Chinese painter, won the silver prize of the National Art Exhibition in commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of Comrade Mao Zedong's speech at the Yan'an Literature and Art Symposium.


In 1991, Cai Chao, a Chinese painter, compiled and painted Atlas of Historical Persons at Ancient and Modern Times, published by Gansu People's Publishing House, and was awarded the Excellent Book Award by Gansu Provincial Committee and Provincial Government.


In 1990, Cai Chao, a Chinese painter, participated in the 90-year Contemporary Chinese Painting Zhuhai Invitational Competition and won the prize for excellent works and collected them.


In 1989, Cai Chao, a Chinese painter, won the silver prize of the Peony Cup International Painting and Calligraphy Grand Prix and collected it.


In 1989, Cai Chao, a Chinese painter, won the silver medal of the National Association of Fine Arts "China Cup" Chinese Painting Grand Prix and collected it.


In 1987, Cai Chao, a Chinese painter, won the Provincial Art Exhibition Excellent Works Award for Wild Fire Spring Wind, and participated in the National Art Association New Works Exhibition.


In 1986, Cai Chao, a Chinese painter, won the award of Excellent Literary and Art Works of Nanchang Municipal Government of Jiangxi Province for his comic strips Shuichong Longwang Temple and Jisi.


In 1985, Cai Chao, a Chinese painter, won the second prize in the national family planning publicity materials for compiling and drawing "Use of Fine Arts Materials";


In 1984, Cai Chao, a Chinese painter, participated in the Sixth National Art Exhibition and published various national newspapers and magazines, such as Gannan Guerrilla Warfare Pictures - Transfer and Builder.


In 1983, Chinese painter Cai Chao's comic book "Meiling Starfire" was published by Liaoning Fine Arts Publishing House.


In 1982, Chinese painter Cai Chao's Chinese painting Chen Yi Chuishan was collected by the Chinese Painting Research Institute of the Ministry of Culture.


In 1981, Cai Chao, a Chinese painter, won a bronze prize in the Second National Youth Art Exhibition.


In 1980, Cai Chao, a Chinese painter, won the first prize in the Eight Southern Provinces Health Art Exhibition of the Ministry of Health.


1979 Chinese painter Cai Chao's comic strip Chen Yi at the border of Jiangxi and Guangdong was published by People's Fine Arts Publishing House.


In 1978, Cai Chao, a Chinese painter, participated in a portrait exhibition in six provinces and cities in East China, and was selected for publication in various collections of works and newspapers throughout the country.


In 1977, Chinese painter Cai Chao's comic strips Fang Zhimin and Huangyang Boundary Defense War participated in the National Art Exhibition for the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the army. People's Fine Arts Publishing House published "Huangyang Boundary Defense War" and won the first prize for comic strips in Jiangxi Province.


In 1974, Cai Chao, a Chinese painter, was selected for publication in the People's Daily, the National Chinese Painting and Oil Painting Exhibition.


The 1970 Chinese painter Cai Chao's "Rural Investigation" is a collection of Jiangxi Revolutionary History Museum. It is published and published by major newspapers, foreign magazines and Beijing, Tianjin and Shanghai Publishing House.


In 1964, Cai Chao, a Chinese painter, participated in the first National Staff Art Exhibition and won the prize for excellent works. Tianjin Museum of Art collected and published major national newspapers and magazines.






    最近更新:2025-01-15 01:56:37
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