汉斯查兹卡1859年8月——1945年12月17日 (1949) )是一个奥地利 学术和奇幻 画家 。他有时也被称为龙沙 , 龙沙宝石 或 H. zabateri , [并签署了他的许多作品约瑟夫伯纳德,J.伯纳德或伯纳德zatzka 。 对zatzka大量假名的目的是避免违约这有限的艺术品,他可以卖的处罚。 这引起了一些艺术数据库,将Zatzka的工作,化名Joseph Bernard与 具有相同名称的法国雕塑家 。
Hans Zatzka出生于8月1859在维也纳。他的父亲是一名建筑工人,母亲是女演员 希尔德索霍尔 。 1877和1882之间,他曾在 美术学院 , 在下面 基督教Griepenkerl , 卡尔wurzinger ,和 卡尔布砬斯 。 zatzka能够通过生产谋生 壁画 教堂和其他机构。
1885、zatzka委托制作的天花板壁画 Naiad of Baden 在 水疗巴登 。
Zatzka的很多作品都是宗教画和祭坛画,致力于各教会在奥地利。 然而,他更为人所知的是他画的女性,仙女,和其他的幻想场景。 通常,他会从作品中汲取灵感 华格纳 和 童话 格林兄弟 。
Hans Zatzka was born in August 1859 in Vienna. His father was a construction worker and his mother was actress Hilde Alfonso Hall. Between 1877 and 1882, he worked at the Academy of Fine Arts, following Christian Griepenkerl, Carle wurzinger, and Kalbra J. Zatzka be able to earn a living by making fresco churches and other institutions.
1885, Zatzka commissioned the production of ceiling murals Naiad of Baden in spa Baden.
Many of Zatzka's works are religious and altar paintings dedicated to the church in Austria. However, what he is more aware of is his paintings of women, fairies, and other fantasy scenes. Usually, he will draw inspiration from the Green brothers and Wagner fairy tale works.
In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, several pieces of Zazka were filmed into commercial and collecting postcards.
In 20s, Zatzka's style became the first choice for europe. In addition, over the past thirty years has been the recovery of zatzka.
Currently, most of Zatzka's paintings are in private collections.