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安德斯·佐恩Zorn, Anders

安德斯·佐恩 (18二月1860月22–1920)是瑞典最重要的艺术家。他获得了国际性的成功作为一个画家,雕塑家, 蚀刻师。

  • 中文名安德斯·佐恩
  • 外文名Anders Zorn
  • 性别
  • 国籍瑞典
  • 出生地安德斯伦纳德Zorn
  • 出生日期1860年2月18
  • 逝世日期1920年8月22
  • 职业画家,雕塑家,蚀刻师
  • 毕业院校瑞典皇家艺术学院,斯德哥尔摩

 Zorn出生在他祖父母的农场在Yvraden长大,在教区附近的Utmeland村村落 莫拉  说 他研究了直到十二在莫拉链在学校时代取得进展之前,1872年秋到次要的文法学校 ENKö平 。


从1875到1880的佐了 瑞典皇家艺术学院 进入 斯德哥尔摩 ,他惊讶他的老师与他的才华。 斯德哥尔摩社会成员走近他的佣金。这就是Zorn遇到了他的妻子,Emma Lamm,早在1881。她的背景是不同于Zorn的。来自一个富裕的犹太商人家庭,是她在艺术和文化感兴趣。Zorn游历了伦敦、巴黎的 巴尔干半岛 ,西班牙,意大利和 美国 ,成为国际成功在他的那个时代最著名的画家。  它主要是作为一个肖像画家,获得了国际赞誉,本文主要对Zorn他精辟的描述能力,他的个性他的技能模型。 他的研究对象包括三位美国总统,其中一人是 格罗弗·克利夫兰 1899,以及他的妻子,随着 塔夫脱 和 西奥多罗斯福 。在29,他做了一个 荣誉勋章 在 1889年巴黎世界博览会世界博览会。


Zorn的艺术使他富有,因此他能够建立一个可观的艺术收藏。对象不仅是在他的祖国,买了也在许多的旅行他出国。在他们的联合会,安德斯和Emma Zorn捐赠了他们的整个控股的瑞典国家。


他的一些最重要的作品中可以看到在美术国家博物馆(瑞典: 国立博物馆 )在斯德哥尔摩。其中 仲夏之舞 (1897)、在乡村黄昏的灯光描绘的舞者 仲夏夜 庆祝其他博物馆由Zorn控股的主要作品包括 奥赛博物馆 进入 巴黎 ,的 大都会艺术博物馆 进入 纽约 ,和 美术博物馆,波士顿 。这个 Zorn的收藏 (英语: zornsamlingarna )位于Mora和Garberg,Älvdalen,包括四个博物馆致力于安德斯·佐恩的生平和创作。主要的博物馆zornmuseet -设计 östberg守护神 1939、打开。显示有Zorn和他的艺术作品的广泛收集 harmensz van Rijn伦勃朗 ,“hovingham硕士(普桑的follower),深褐色的liljefors,艾伯特edelfelt,和pehr hilleström。 行李员奖 (bellmanpriset)是“一个杰出的瑞典诗人”的文学奖,每年颁发 瑞典文学院 。该奖项是在1920由安德斯·佐恩和他的妻子艾玛建立。


1886、安德斯·佐恩和他的妻子艾玛,买了土地靠近Mora教堂,在这里他们从他的外祖父的农场小屋。当安德斯和Emma Zorn决定几年后出国回到瑞典,他们开始扩大的小屋。zorngården完成了在1910。


zorngården今天仍然多是在1942 Emma Zorn的死亡时间。这是一个很好的例子,一个艺术家的家从世纪之交。从英国和瑞典建筑的灵感,这是今天的特点,年约1900的建筑自由的一个很好的例子。对zorngården由Zorn的家和他的艺术博物馆的主要部分,但有两个其他的博物馆,也是Zorn收藏的一部分。gammelgården在莫拉南部,由约40的木材的房子,Zorn买了确保建筑这样的房屋,古老的艺术不会被遗忘。gopsmor避难,Zorn在压力下,在市 Älvdalen 只是在七月对游客开放。

English Introduction

Born on his grandparents' farm and raised in yvraden, in the village of utmeland near the diocese, Mora said he studied ENK ö Ping, a secondary grammar school, in the fall of 1872, until twelve years before mozars made progress in their school days.

From 1875 to 1880, he entered Stockholm at the Royal Swedish Academy of art. He was surprised by his teachers and his talent. Members of Stockholm society approached his commission. This is Zorn meeting his wife, Emma Lamm, back in 1881. Her background is different from Zorn's. From a wealthy Jewish businessman family, she is interested in art and culture. Zorn traveled to the Balkans in London and Paris, Spain, Italy and the United States, becoming the most famous painter of international success in his time. It is mainly as a portrait painter, and has won international praise. This paper mainly focuses on Zorn's brilliant description ability, his personality and his skill model. He studied three American presidents, one of whom was Grover Cleveland 1899, and his wife, along with Taft and Theodore Roosevelt. At 29, he made a medal of honor at the 1889 World Expo in Paris.

Zorn's art made him rich, so he was able to build a considerable art collection. The object is not only in his homeland, but also in many trips he goes abroad. In their union, Anders and Emma Zorn donated their entire holding in Sweden.

Some of his most important works can be seen in the National Museum of Fine Arts (Sweden: National Museum) in Stockholm. Among them, midsummer dance (1897), dancers depicting lights at dusk in the countryside celebrate Midsummer Night. Other major works held by Zorn include the entrance of the Orsay Museum into Paris, the Metropolitan Museum of art into New York, and the Museum of fine arts, Boston. The Zorn collection (in English: Zorn samlingarna) is located in Mora and Garberg, culvdalen, and includes four museums dedicated to the life and creation of Anders Zorn. Main museum zornmuseet - Design ö stberg patron saint 1939, open. Showing Zorn and his extensive collection of works of art, harmensz van Rijn Rembrandt, "master of hovingham (Poussin's follower), dark brown liljefors, Albert edelfelt, and PEHR hillestr ö M. The bellman prize is a literary award for "an outstanding Swedish poet" and is awarded annually to the Swedish Academy of Arts. The award was founded in 1920 by Anders Zorn and his wife, Emma.

In 1886, Anders Zorn and his wife, Emma, bought land near Mora church, where they came from his grandfather's farm cottage. When Anders and Emma Zorn decided to go abroad a few years later to return to Sweden, they began to expand the cottage. Zorng Darden completed in 1910.

Zorng å rden is still mostly dead in 1942 Emma Zorn. This is a good example of an artist's home from the turn of the century. Inspired by British and Swedish architecture, this is a good example of today's characteristics of architectural freedom around 1900. On zorng å rden by Zorn's home and main part of his art museum, but there are two other museums that are also part of Zorn's collection. Gammelg å rden is in the south of mora. Zorn bought a house made of about 40 timbers to ensure that the ancient art will not be forgotten. Gopsmor asylum, Zorn under pressure, in the city of lvdalen is only open to tourists in July.






    最近更新:2025-01-18 05:27:42
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