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迈克尔.斯特沃Sittow, Michel


  • 中文名迈克尔.斯特沃
  • 性别
  • 祖籍佛兰德
  • 出生日期1469年
  • 逝世日期1525年
  • 职业画家


 通过Sittow一个人的肖像(约1510)米歇尔斯特沃成为1488之间的一个独立的主- 1491年至1492年,虽然他没有成为当地布鲁日公会的高手。工作的肖像画家,他在欧洲南部旅行,如法国和意大利的艺术特征变得明显在他的工作。

时代从1942年斯特沃先后在托莱多,西班牙卡斯蒂利亚对伊莎贝拉的宫廷画家。伊莎贝拉组装院士和画家来自几个国家向她告上法庭。斯特沃被称为梅尔基奥尔·阿莱曼(“德国”)在法庭上,虽然信件皇帝马克西米和奥地利的玛格丽特也讲一个画家“Mychel弗拉门戈”(“迈克尔·弗莱明”),谁可能是迈克尔Sittow。 斯特沃是女王的宫廷收入最高的画家,接收50000的薪水Maravedis公司一年(胡安·Flandes,第二个收入最高的艺人,收到20000 Maravedis公司)。斯特沃合作与胡安·Flandes在系列基督和圣母为皇后的生活小板。




维也纳的肖像,可能是阿拉贡的凯瑟琳(约1500至1505年)如果在维也纳的肖像的确是梁洛施的女儿凯瑟琳·阿拉贡,已经被亨利的继承人死后守寡的亚瑟,威尔士王子,并很快再婚他的弟弟,后来亨利八世,这一切都被画上参观。的另外两个Sittow绘画玛丽·抹大拉(底特律)和圣母玛利亚(柏林)出现使用相同的模式,谁也可能是一个年轻的凯瑟琳,她离开英格兰之前。利用王室家庭为模型的神圣人物的成员在这个时候在荷兰宫廷艺术中找到; 但是,这三个画作表现出同样的人,而凯瑟琳为任何他们的模型,是不是一定的,部分原因是因为有她没有其他好的肖像年轻的时候。柏林处女形成的另一半雕刻板迭戈德格瓦拉,西班牙朝臣与哈布斯堡王朝的华盛顿画像,为给否则最著名阿诺菲尼肖像,以大公奥地利的玛格丽特,西班牙荷兰的州长。当菲利普在1506年去世,Sittow再次失去了他的赞助人。同年,他又回到了重估,他的继父,玻璃制造商Diderick面包车莱茵咬住了他的父母的房子,因为迈克尔的母亲1501凡莱茵去世曾远航到布拉班特于1501年,并提出了财产解决Sittow后者拒绝。[3]由于当地法院没有支持Sittow的继承说法,他不得不去更高一级的法院吕贝克。他在吕贝克赢了官司,但也没有正式登记他的父母的房子作为自己的财产,直到他的继父在1518死亡。



English is introduced

Michael. Stevo (1468 or 1469) was born in a rich family. His father was a painter and his mother was Margaret Molner. At first, Michels Talwar studied his father's workshop painting and sculpture, while attending the city school to learn Latin, arithmetic, singing. After his father's death in 1482, Michel continued his studies in Bruges, from 1484 to 1488, which is considered to have been his apprenticeship in the leading Holland workshop, Hans Memling.
Through a portrait of Sittow (about 1510) Michels Talwar became an independent master between the 1491 and 1492, although he did not become a master of the local Bruges Association of.  works as a portrait painter, and his travels in southern Europe, such as the artistic features of France and Italy became apparent in his work. 
Time from 1942 Steve worked in Toledo, Isabella on the court painter Castilla of spain. Isabella assembled academicians and painters from several countries to her court. Stevo called Melchior Aleman ("German") [9] in court, although the letters of emperor Mark and Margaret of Austria sago also speak of a painter "Mychel flamenco" ("Michael Fleming"), who is likely to be Michael Sittow. [3] is the highest income Stevo the Queen's court painter, received 50000 of the salary of Maravedis a year (Juan Flandes, the second highest income artists, received 20000 Maravedis). Stevo cooperation with Juan Flandes in a series of Christ and the Virgin Queen life ".
The official Sittow Isabella until her death in 1504, although two years ago he left Spain, and probably work in Flanders as the queen of the Habsburg son, son-in-law of Philip handsome,  painting a portrait of Philibert, Duke of Savoy.
Sittow probably visited London from 1503 to 1505, although it was not a record. He was once regarded as a portrait of the author Henry VII (National Portrait Gallery), later used as a model of Hans Holbein, and drafted the monarch's posthumous description of the other artists but it now by experts "discount".Vienna portrait, may be Aragon Catherine (1500 to 1505) in Vienna if the portrait is indeed Isabella Leong's daughter, Catherine Aragon, was the heir of Henry after the death of the widow Arthur, Prince Welsh, and soon remarried after his brother, Henry VIII, all of which were drawn on the visit. The other two Sittow paintings of Mary Magdalane (Detroit) and the Virgin Mary (Berlin) appear to use the same model, who may also be a young Catherine, before she left England, the. The royal family members of the sacred figures for the model found in the Holland palace art at this time; however, these three paintings show the same people, and Catherine for any of their models, is not certain, partly because she had no other good portrait when young. The other half formed Berlin virgin carving board Diego de Guevara, Spanish courtiers and the Habsburg Washington portrait, for otherwise the most famous portrait of Arno Feeney, the Archduke Margaret of Austria, the Spanish governor of Holland. When Philip died in 1506, Sittow once again lost his patron. The same year, he returned to the revaluation, his stepfather, glass manufacturer Diderick van Rhine bit into his parents' house, because Michael's mother had died in 1501 where Rhine sailed to Brabant in 1501, and put forward to solve the latter refused Sittow property.  as a result of the local court did not support the succession of Sittow argument, he had to go to the higher court of Lubeck. He won a lawsuit in Lubeck, but did not formally register his parents' house as their property until his stepfather died in 1518.
Michael Stevo joined the Kanut Association (German: Kanutigilde, Estonia: Kanuti gold, the local painters guild) in 1508 in 1507 and although marriage is the famous master of Europe, Tewocai is accepted as a skilled worker, was asked to paint a masterpiece to become a complete teacher in the council. The local Stevo orders for St. Peter's Church in J Ang Tio, Finland.
In 1514, he was called to visit Copenhagen, painting a portrait of Danish Christian II. The portrait is intended as a Christian bethrothed, the gift of Isabella, Austria, the granddaughter of the great granddaughter of Castilla, the son of. This is a portrait of the National Museum of Copenhagen at the Qwest hole may be lost from the original or a copy of a copy of the order of second stevo. From there, he went to the south of Holland, where he served as Austria's Margaret, Holland vice Regent of habsburg.






    最近更新:2025-03-06 01:13:11
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