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何塞·克莱门特.奥罗斯科Jose Clemente Orozco

何塞·克莱门特.奥罗斯科Jose Clemente Orozco(1883年11月23日——1949年9月7日),墨西哥画家。何塞·克莱门特奥罗斯科出生于1883年在Zapotlán昆内特拉格兰(现古斯曼城),哈利斯科州罗莎·德·弗洛雷斯·奥罗斯科。他娶玛格丽塔巴利亚达,并且有三个孩子

  • 中文名何塞·克莱门特.奥罗斯科
  • 外文名Jose Clemente Orozco
  • 性别
  • 国籍墨西哥
  • 出生地墨西哥
  • 出生日期1883年11月23日
  • 逝世日期1949年9月7日
  • 职业画家

讽刺插图画家何塞·瓜波萨达,他的版画有关墨西哥的文化和政治的挑战墨西哥人不同的思考革命后的墨西哥,曾在位于奥罗斯科去学校的路上商店橱窗众目睽睽。在他的自传中,奥罗斯科承认,“我会停下[我的方式,从学校],花了几个心醉分钟观看[波萨达] ...这是第一次设置我的运动想象的推动和促使我盖纸我最早的小数字,这就是我觉醒绘画艺术的存在“。(奥罗斯科,1962)他接着说,看波萨达的雕刻装饰,给了他介绍了色彩的运用。上学农业和建筑后,奥罗斯科在学习艺术圣卡洛斯学院。他曾担任墨西哥城报纸画插画,并直接为通过“首任行政”监督的宪政军队之一的插画贝努斯蒂亚诺·卡兰萨。当革命派别于1914年分裂后,维多利亚诺·韦尔塔被赶下台,奥罗斯科支持卡兰萨和通用阿尔瓦罗·奥夫雷贡对潘乔维拉和埃米利亚诺·萨帕塔。


与1922年至1924年,奥罗斯科绘壁画:“产假”,“人在战斗违反自然”,“基督销毁他的十字架”,“旧秩序的破坏”,“贵族”和“沟槽和三位一体”在全国大学预科学校。有些壁画被奥罗斯科自己毁了,后来重新绘制。其他由保守的学生破坏和实际销毁。因此,奥罗斯科不得不重新绘制许多人,当他于1926年。1925年又重新回到了学校,他画的壁画“ 无所不知的” 墨西哥城瓷砖之家。1926年,他画在工业学校壁画奥里萨巴,韦拉克鲁斯。

与1927年至1934年奥罗斯科住在美国。即使股市在1929年倒台后,他的作品仍然供不应求。三月至六月1930年,在邀请波莫纳学院艺术系,他画什么,他说是“由当代墨西哥学院的画家画在国外第一个壁画。” 壁画,普罗米修斯(PROMETEO德尔波莫纳学院),在墙上波莫纳学院食堂,是直接的和个人的,当壁画预计是高雅和装饰一时间,被称为在美国的第一个“现代”的壁画。后来这一年,他的手绘壁画新社会研究学院,纽约市,现在被称为新学院大学。他最著名的壁画是美国文明的史诗在达特茅斯学院,新罕布什尔州,美国。它被画1932年和1934年之间,并在24个板几乎覆盖了300平方米(3200平方英尺)。其组成部分包括:“迁移”,“人的牺牲”,“的外观羽蛇神 ”,“玉米文化”,“盎格鲁-美国”,“西班牙-美”,“科学”和“精神的现代迁移”(另一种版“基督销毁他的十字架”)。




English Introduction

Jose Clementeorozco was born in 1883 in Zapotl, n El Lagrange (the old city), Jalisco, Rosa de Flores Orozco. He married Margarita of Bavaria, and has three children. At the age of 21, Orozco lost his left hand gunpowder to make fireworks for a while.
Satirical illustrator Jose Guapo Saddam, his prints about Mexico's cultural and political challenges Mexico different thinking revolution in Mexico, was located in Orozco under the watchful eyes of the people going to school in the shop window. In his autobiography, Orozco admits, "I will stop my way from school, took a few minutes to watch. [] Posada... This is the first time I set my imagination and promote movement prompted me to cover my earliest paper small numbers, this is my painting is awakening". (Orozco, 1962) and then he said, see Posada decoration, for he introduced the use of color. After studying agriculture and architecture, Orozco studied art at San Carlos college. He served as the Mexico City newspaper illustrator, and directly through the "one of the first administrative supervision" constitutional military illustrator Venustiano Carranza. When the revolutionary faction split in 1914 after Vitoria Rino Welta was ousted, Orozco and general Alvaro AF Carranza support rekong of Pancho Vera and Emiliano Zapata.
With Diego Rivera, he is known as the leader of the movement of artists in Mexico, Muralism. He has an important difference from Rivera's view of his more pessimistic view of the Mexico revolution. While Rivera is a bold, optimistic figure, advocating the glory of the revolution, the social movement in which blood is being taken is less comfortable for Orozco. Orozco is known as one of the "big" murals along with Diego Rivera and one of the three. All three artists, as well as the painter Rufino Tamayo, tried to use the murals of the big wall, elevated and mural art.
From 1922 to 1924, Orozco painted murals: "maternity leave", "people in the fight against nature", "Christ destroyed his cross", "old order destruction", "noble" and "trench and three-in-one" in the national college preparatory school. Some of the murals were destroyed by Orozco himself, and then repainted. Others were destroyed and destroyed by conservative students. So Orozco had to re paint many people when he was in 1926. In 1925 it returned to the school, he painted the mural "omniscient" Mexico City ceramic tile house. In 1926, he painted frescoes in the industrial school Orizaba, Veracruz.
Orozco lived in the United States from 1927 to 1934. Even if the stock market fell in 1929, his works are still in short supply. March to June, in 1930, when invited to the Pomona Academy of art, he painted what he said was the first mural painting by the contemporary Mexico Academy of painters in foreign countries." The mural, Plo Michel J (PROMETEO Del Pomona College), Pomona college canteen on the wall, is a direct and personal, is elegant and decorative murals as expected for a time, called the first "modern" murals in the United states. Later this year, he painted murals of the new Institute of social studies, New York, now known as the New College of the university. His most famous fresco is an epic of American civilization at Dartmouth College, New Hampshire, United states. It was painted between 1932 and, and the 24 plates were almost covered by 300 square meters (3200 square feet). Its components include: "transfer", "human sacrifice", "the appearance of Quetzalcoatl", "corn culture", "Anglo American", "Spanish beauty", "science" and "the spirit of modern migration" (another version of "Christ the destruction of his cross").
In 1935 after returning to Mexico, Orozco painting in Guadalajara, Jalisco, murals of "people and their leaders" in the government sector, and for the hospicio cabanas, murals, which is considered to be his masterpiece. In 1940, he painted the GABINO Ortis library Jiquilpan, michoacan. From 1942 to 1944, Orozco painted the hospital in Mexico City. Orozco in 1948 "Juarez reborn" huge portrait, mural painting is one of his last works.
In 1947, Orozco described the book as a pearl by John Stainback.
Orozco died in Mexico City in 1949.






    最近更新:2025-01-18 05:28:52
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