约翰·莱斯利·布雷克John Leslie Breck(1859年——1899年),美国画家。布雷克出生了香港在海上在1860年,美国的海军军官的儿子。回到美国,他长大马萨诸塞州牛顿市,在那里他参加了州长学院[1]一年京师从之前圣 马可中学于1877年在他的毕业,年轻的艺术家在皇家慕尼黑学院学习绘画。布雷克回到波士顿于1882年,度过了他的职业生涯画在新英格兰的下一部分。
布雷克出生了香港在海上在1860年,美国的海军军官的儿子。回到美国,他长大马萨诸塞州牛顿市,在那里他参加了州长学院一年京师从之前圣 马可中学[2]于1877年在他的毕业,年轻的艺术家在皇家慕尼黑学院学习绘画。布雷克回到波士顿于1882年,度过了他的职业生涯画在新英格兰的下一部分。
当他回到波士顿在1890年他陈列在圣 Botolph酒店俱乐部于1890年在这个节目,并与他的剩余期间的绘画,人们可以注意到,大气的观点和他的山水充满活力的颜色马萨诸塞州,吉维尼和威尼斯不仅证明他的伟大人才作为一个风景画家,但他的融入印象派的伟大的艺术运动。[3]他在1899年去世了。
Blake was born in Hongkong on the sea in 1860, the son of the United States Navy officer. Back in the United States, he grew up in Newton, Massachusetts, where he attended the school year from the governor [1] [2] on 1877 in St. Mark's school before his graduation, the young artist to study painting at the Royal Academy of Munich. Blake returned to Boston in 1882 and spent his career painting the next part of the new England.
In 1886, John Leslibrek returned to Europe to study in Acad Mie in Paris. During the school, Blake established a lot of connections, which will affect his artistic style. He learned from Gustav Brown and Jules Joseph Lefebvre, also met the American artists abroad a. In 1887, Blake, together with fellow American artists Willard Metcalfe and Theodore Robinson, went to Giverny, the French Impressionist master Monet family, where he was acquainted with monet. Blake introduced Impressionism to the United States in 1890.
Blake had absorbed the formal aspects of Holland. In Giverny he learned and adopted the impressionist style and technique monet.
Despite some success, in 1888 and 1889 in the salon, Blake and Monet's stepdaughter, Blanche left Paris after the break Hosched, monet.
When he returned to Boston in 1890 he exhibited at the Santa Botolph Hotel Club on 1890 in the program, and with his remaining period of painting, people can notice, the atmosphere of his landscape views and vibrant colors of Massachusetts, Giverny and Venice not only proved his great talent as a landscape painter, but with his Impressionist great art movement. [3] he died in 1899.
There is also a significant 1891 portrait of Blake in France by his friend James Carol, a permanent exhibition at the The National Gallery in Washington d.c.,
The John Leslie Blake foundation, the artist's legacy of real estate, continue to support the arts there at St. Mark's School of Southborough.