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波洛克 Pollock Jackson

( 抽象表现主义绘画大师 )

杰克逊·波洛克(Jackson Pollock,1912-1956),美国画家,抽象表现主义绘画大师,也被公认为是美国现代绘画摆脱欧洲标准,在国际艺坛建立领导地位的第一功臣。1929年就学纽约艺术学生联盟,师从本顿。1943年开始转向抽象艺术。1947年开始使用“滴画法”,把巨大的画布平铺于地面,用钻有小孔的盒、棒或画笔把颜料滴溅在画布上。其创作不作事先规划,作画没有固定位置,喜欢在画布四周随意走动,以反复的无意识的动作画成复杂难辨、线条错乱的网,人称“行动绘画”。此画法构图设计没有中心,结构无法辨识,具有鲜明的抽象表现主义特征。主要作品有《秋韵:第30号》、《薰衣草之雾:第1号》、《大教堂》、《蓝杆:第11号》等。

  • 中文名杰克逊·波洛克
  • 外文名Paul Jackson Pollock
  • 性别
  • 国籍美国
  • 出生地美国 怀俄明州 考第镇
  • 出生日期1912年1月28日
  • 逝世日期1956年8月11日
  • 职业画家
  • 代表作品《秋韵》《大教堂》《蓝杆》
波洛克的癫狂之舞  作者:张 羿

中国美术网 09-17 浏览


杰克逊·波洛克(Jackson Pollock,出生日期1912年1月28日,美国印第安纳州加里市人)是一位有影响力的美国艺术家以及抽象派表现主义(abstract expressionism)运动的主要力量。其名字又译做杰克森·波拉克,以巨幅的"滴色"画(如《第一号》,1948)而获殊荣。他把自己的作品题材解释为绘画自身的行动。他的创作并没有开始的草图,而只是由一系列即兴的行动完成作品。他把棍子或笔尖浸入盛着通常是珐琅和铝颜料的罐子中,然后把颜色滴到或甩到钉在地上的画布上,凭着直觉和经验从画布四面八方来作画。这些留在画布上纵横交错的颜料组成的图案具有激动人心的活力,记录了他作画时直接的身体运动,于是观众可以分享到创造这些色迹的经验。


杰克逊·波洛克生于怀俄明州,后来于1929年移居纽约,在托马斯·哈特·本顿(Thomas Hart Benton)门下学习。他从象征艺术上转移,并发展了一个在帆布上喷涂和滴颜料的绘画技术。他是20世纪美国抽象绘画的奠基人之一。他的作品被视为二战后新美国绘画的象征。
1938年到1942年间,他为联邦艺术工程工作;1950年代到1960年代,他通过“文化自由议会”(Congress for Cultural Freedom)受到中央情报局的支持。波洛克的创作过程与众不同,他先把画布钉在地板上或墙上,然后随意在画布上泼洒颜料,任其在画布上滴流,创造出纵横交错的抽象线条效果。波洛克有时还用石块、沙子、铁钉和碎玻璃掺和颜料在画布上摩擦。他摒弃了画家常用的绘画工具,绘画时完全摆脱受制于手腕、肘和肩的传统模式,行动即兴、随意,这种方法被称为行动绘画或抽象表现主义。



English Introduction

Jackson Pollock (Jackson Pollock, born January 28, 1912, Gary Indiana city) is an influential American artist and abstract expressionism (Abstract Expressionism) the main force movement. The name was translated as Jackson Pollack, in the huge "drop of color" painting (such as "first", 1948) and the award-winning. He interpreted his works as the action of painting itself. His work does not start with a sketch, but only by a series of improvised actions. He put a stick or tip is usually filled with immersion enamel and aluminum pigment pots, then the color is dropped or thrown to the nail on the canvas, intuition and experience from the canvas from all sides. Those left on the canvas of the pigment composition of the pattern is arranged in a crisscross pattern of exciting activity, recorded the movement of the body directly when he was painting, so the audience can share to create these track experience.
Jackson Pollock was born in Wyoming, later moved to New York in 1929, in Thomas Hart Benton (Thomas Hart Benton) study under. He moved from symbolic art, and developed a painting and painting on canvas. He is one of the founders of the United States in twentieth Century Abstract painting. His work is regarded as a symbol of the new American painting after the second world war.
From 1938 to 1942, he worked for the Federal Art Project; from 1950s to 1960s, he was supported by the Central Intelligence Agency (Congress for Cultural Freedom) by the cia. Pollock's creation process out of the ordinary, he first put the nail in the canvas on the floor or wall, then freely on the canvas with paint, let it drip on the canvas, creating the effect of abstract lines arranged in a crisscross pattern. Pollock sometimes with stones, sand, nails and broken glass paint on the canvas with friction. He abandoned the painter used a painting tool, completely get rid of the traditional model subject to the wrist, elbow and shoulder painting, improvisation and random, this method is called action painting or abstract expressionism.Jackson Pollock was born in the United States Cody Wyoming, died in New York springs. He is the representative painter New York action painting and abstract leaders. In the early years of the Union College art students in New York city by benton. In 30s, he participated in the work of the federal government, and after the two World War, he became a symbol of the new American painting.
In 1947, after Pollock's experiment with a trickle of painting, his dripping was a kind of non - intuitive action, full of body and contour pressure and rhythm changes. Each part of the canvas are under equal weight, he created a uniform, not the climax of the surface, forcing the eyes in his tangled net and clusters of pigment maze path, constantly looking for saccades and constantly shuttle information. His unique style has the characteristics of freedom and neglect of objective and spatial demarcation.
Pollock created the "drip painting" known to the world, his drip painting became the typical performance of unfettered American character, became the classic works of abstract expressionism. A man saw Pollock recalls: "Pollock entered the studio like entering another world, the artist put his thoughts and emotions completely revealed in his studio. The studio side is to listen to the big pot of paint, the case is full of color drop marks. The other side is the huge scale of his works, Pollock often sit in front of several hours of meditation, the lines of his face very hard, and often frown, obviously, every one of Pollock's works are not easily
Draw out. When he was working, he indulged in scary action." Critics say his paintings as "action painting", so the artist on the canvas is not a picture presented to us, but on the canvas course of action picture has become a painter action place, canvas has become a painter action record.
Pollock founded the action painting significance is: first, change the traditional concept of easel painting, painting is no longer the aesthetic design, and became a carrier borne by the inner control of human movement; painting is no longer through the image or form of symbolic expression of emotion, is a direct record of emotions out. Two, change the painting space, foreground and background no longer exist in action painting, composition of the traditional relationship disappeared, all spatial relations do not exist, is a painter in the picture. Three, there is no theme, no center, no primary and secondary, boundless, as the only painting in a marginal overall, this painting can be arbitrary segmentation.
The fundamental significance of Pollock's painting is to get rid of all the shackles, the pursuit of extreme freedom and openness, which prompted the development of human consciousness to create bold.
Pollock's most brilliant moment began in 1950, and this year alone, he created two works of "the rhythm of the fall" and "the number thirty-second, the 1950". But Pollock was not a success in itself, anti traditional creative spirit inspired his inspiration, but the self closed personality and to the society, dissatisfaction with the culture, he will again and again into the abyss of misery. His life destitute, all the day with wine.
In 1956, in a car accident, 44 year old Pollock had a short life.






    最近更新:2025-01-14 10:46:42
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