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萨尔瓦多达利Salvador Dali

( 超现实主义画家 )

萨尔瓦多多明戈费利佩·哈辛托·达利我多梅内克马尔克斯德达利德普博尔(1904年5月11日- 1989年1月),称为萨尔瓦多·达利是一位著名的西班牙 超现实主义画家出生在菲格雷斯,加泰罗尼亚,西班牙。


达利归因于他“,也就是镀金和过度一切的爱,我的激情豪华和我的东方服饰的爱” 为一个“阿拉伯血统”,声称他的祖先是从下降摩尔。


  • 中文名 萨尔瓦多达利
  • 外文名Salvador Dali
  • 性别
  • 国籍西班牙
  • 出生地加泰罗尼亚
  • 出生日期1904年5月11日
  • 逝世日期1989年1月

萨尔瓦多多明戈费利佩哈辛托·达利我多梅内克出生于1904年5月11日,在上午8:45 GMT,[6]在一楼CARRER蒙图里奥尔,20(6现),在镇格雷斯的Empordà 地区,靠近在法国边境加泰罗尼亚,西班牙。[7]在1912年夏天,全家搬到顶楼CARRER蒙图里奥尔24(目前10) [8] [9]达利的哥哥,谁也被评为萨尔瓦多(生于一九○一年十月一十二日),死于胃肠炎九个月前,于1903年8月1日他的父亲萨尔瓦多达利我卒死,是一个中产阶级律师和公证[10] 其严格的纪律的做法是由他的妻子,Felipa多梅内克Ferrés,谁鼓励她儿子的艺术活动锻炼。[11]

他五岁时,达利被带到他弟弟的坟墓和他的父母告诉他是他哥哥的转世灵童,[12]这是他来到一个概念相信。[13]他的弟弟,达利说,“(我们)相似的水对方喜欢两滴,但我们有不同的思考。” [14]他“可能是自己的第一版本,但在绝对设想太多”。[14]他早已过世的哥哥的照片再次出现会嵌入在他后来的作品,包括人像我死去的弟弟(1963年)。

达利也有一个妹妹安娜玛丽亚,谁年轻三岁。[10] 1949年,她出版了一本关于她的哥哥,大理视为由他的妹妹[15]他儿时朋友包括未来的巴萨球员Sagibarba何塞普萨米提尔期间的加泰罗尼亚度假胜地假期卡达克斯,三人打出的足球(足球)在一起。


1921年2月,达利的母亲死于乳腺癌Dalí年龄16岁; 他后来说他的母亲的死是“我在生活中经历的最大的打击,我崇拜她...我不能让自己失去一个生命,我计数使我看不见的不可避免的我的灵魂的瑕疵。[5] [16]在她去世后,达利的父亲娶亡妻的妹妹。达利没有反感这种婚姻,因为他有一个伟大的爱和尊重他的阿姨。[10]


达利在他的工作中使用了广泛的象征。例如,首先出现的标志“融手表” 记忆的坚持认为爱因斯坦的理论认为,时间是相对的,而不是固定的。[29]钟表以这种方式运作的象征性的想法来到大理,当他在流鼻涕一块盯着卡门培尔奶酪在炎热的八月的一天。[76]

大象也是在达利的作品中反复出现的形象。它出现在1944年他的作品被蜜蜂的飞行约一个石榴第二个觉醒之前引起梦大象,灵感来自贝尼尼的雕塑基地在罗马大象背着一个古老的方尖碑[77]被刻画“,长,多关节,欲望几乎看不见腿” [78]对他们的背上一起方尖碑。加上他们脆弱的腿的形象,这些负担,注意到他们的阴谋色彩,创造幻觉现实的感觉。“大象是空间中的扭曲”,一个分析解释说,“它的大胆的腿对比了失重与结构的想法。[78]  我画的图片这让我死的喜悦,我用一个绝对的自然生成,没有丝毫的审美关注,我在做的事情,使我产生了深厚的感情,我想诚实地描绘他们。” -Salvador达利,在黎明阿德斯,达利和超现实主义

鸡蛋是另一种常见的Dalíesque形象。他将鸡蛋连接到产前和宫内,因此使用它来象征希望和爱; [79]它出现在大手淫水仙的变形记水仙的蜕变也象征着死亡和石化

各种其他动物出现在他的作品,以及:蚂蚁点死亡,腐烂,和巨大的性欲; 蜗牛是连接人类头(他看到一只蜗牛在外面弗洛伊德的房子自行车,当他第一次见到弗洛伊德); 蝗虫是浪费和恐惧的象征。[79]



萨尔瓦多·达利的政治在他作为一个艺术家的出现中发挥了重要作用。在他的青年时期,他都接受无政府主义共产主义的,虽然他的作品告诉做出激进的政治言论更震撼听众比任何深信的轶事。这与达利的效忠保持达达运动。[ 来源请求 ]

随着年龄的增长他的政治信仰改变,尤其是在超现实主义运动的转换,通过走到领导下托派作家安德烈·布雷顿,谁是说中呼吁大理在他的政治质疑。在他1970年的书大理达利,达利宣称自己既是一个无政府主义者和君主主义者[ 来源请求 ]

随着爆发西班牙内战(1936-1939),达利从战斗逃跑,拒绝调整自己与任何一组。他在第二次世界大战(1939-1945)期间也这样做,他受到了严重的批评; 乔治·奥威尔指责达利曾在战前年代在法国繁荣后,“只要法国正处于危险之中凿开了像老鼠”的他。“当欧洲战争接近他只有一个专注:如何找到一个有良好的烹饪的地方,如果危险来得太近,他可以从一个快速螺栓”,奥威尔观察。[103]在1944年显着达利检讨的自传中,奥威尔写道:“一个人应该能够在一个人的头部同时按住两个事实:达利是一个很好的绘图员和恶心人”。[103]

他返回后,加泰罗尼亚第二次世界大战后,达利移近独裁政权佛朗哥达利的一些言论是支持性的,祝贺弗兰科采取“清除西班牙破坏力量”的行动。[104]达利,已经回到了天主教信仰和日益宗教随着时间的推移,可能已经指共和党的 西班牙内战期间的暴行[105] [106]达利拍发电报佛朗哥,称赞他签署死刑执行令囚犯。[104]他甚至还遇到了佛朗哥本人,[107]和彩绘佛朗哥的孙女的肖像。[ 来源请求 ]

他还曾经发了一封电报称赞Conducător罗马尼亚 共产党领导人齐奥塞斯库,他采纳的权杖作为他的王权的一部分。罗马尼亚日报Scînteia刊登出来,不怀疑它的嘲讽方面。一个开放的不服从达利的一些可能的位数是他的持续好评费德里科加西洛尔卡甚至在几年的时候洛尔卡的作品被禁止。[19] [ 未给出引证 ]

达利是一个多姿多彩的,令人印象深刻的场面,他长期以来的长披风,手杖,傲慢的表情和上翘的胡须,以“每天早上觉醒,我体验到最高的乐趣:萨尔瓦多·达利” 。[108]的艺人雪儿和她的丈夫桑尼波诺,年轻的时候,来到了一个聚会,达利在纽约的住所昂贵广场酒店和都吓了一跳,当雪儿坐到了留在安乐椅一个形状奇特的性振动器。[ 来源请求 ]在20世纪60年代,他给女演员米娅·法罗在一个瓶子一只死老鼠,手绘,其中她的母亲,女演员莫琳·奥沙利文,要求从她家中删除。[109]


当为粉丝签名时,达利总是保持他们的笔。[ 来源请求 ]萨尔瓦多达利经常往来与他的宠物豹猫 Babou,甚至把它乘坐豪华远洋客轮SS法国[111]他也被称为由他写的检查,绘图,以避免在餐厅支付卡。他的理论是,餐厅永远不会想要现金这样一个有价值的艺术品,他通常是正确的。[112]

除了视觉双关语,Dalí分享在超现实主义的喜悦在语言双关语,晦涩的暗示和文字游戏。他经常在法语,西班牙语,一个奇怪的组合讲加泰罗尼亚语和英语这是有趣的,有时还有神秘。他丰富的作品自由地混合不同语言的词语,完全是他自己设计的。[ 来源请求 ]

当采访麦克·华莱士在他60分钟的电视节目,达利一直提到自己在第三人,作为“Divino的达利”(神圣的达利),和就事论事,实事求是地告诉一震华莱士,他不相信他的死亡。[113] 1957年1月27日,他在美国的电视讨论节目的神秘嘉宾什么是我的线?并签署了厚厚的白色油漆的黑板。[114]他的回答是误导,促使从主机指导达利[115] [116]


English Introductio

Salvadodomingofelipejacinto Daly Domenech was born on May 11, 1904 in the morning, 8:45 GMT, [6] CARRER on the 1st floor monturiol, 20 (6), Town Figueres Empord, in the area near the French border, in Catalonia, spain. [7] in the summer of 1912, the family moved to the top of the CARRER 24 monturiol (at 10). [8] [9], the brother of Daly, who was also named Salvatore (born 19 October 12th 2001), died of gastroenteritis in nine months ago, in August 1, 1903, his father Salvatore Daly I died dead, was a middle-class lawyer and notary [10], its strict discipline is done by his wife, Domenech Felipa Ferr s, who encouraged her son's artistic activities. [11]
When he was five years old, Daly was brought to his brother's grave and his parents told him that he is the reincarnation of his brother, he came to the [12] this is a concept that. [13] his younger brother, Daly, said, "(we) similar to each other like two drops of water, but we have different thinking." [14] he may be the first version of his own, but in absolute imagination too much". [14] his long dead brother's photo again appears to be embedded in his later works, including portraits of my dead brother (1963).
Daly also has a younger sister, Anna, who is three years younger than the age of. [10] in 1949, she published a book about her brother, Dali as his sister. [15] his childhood friends include future Barcelona players Sagibarba and Josep Sami Till. Catalonia during the holiday resort of cadaques, three people play football (soccer) together.
Daly attended painting school. In 1916, he and his family found cadaques modern painting Ramon Pichot at TI in the summer vacation, make regular visits to the local artists who went to Paris. [10] second years, his father held his charcoal painting exhibition in their own home. In his 1919 figgures City Theatre held its first public exhibition, this is where he came back after a few years.
In February 1921, his mother died of breast cancer. Dal, 16 years of age; he later said that his mother's death was "my experience in life's biggest hit, I adore her... I cannot lose a life, I count that I couldn't see the inevitable flaws in my soul. [5] [16] after her death, his father married his wife's sister. Daly did not resent this marriage, because he had a great love and respect for his aunt. [10]Daly used a wide range of symbols in his work. For example, the first sign of the emergence of "melting watch" memory insisted that Einstein's theory that time is relative, not fixed. [29] watch works this way the symbolic idea came to Dali when he was in a runny nose and stared at Carmen Bayle cheese on a hot August day. [76]
The elephant is a recurring image in Daly's works. It appeared in 1944 that his work was caused by the flight of the bees about a pomegranate before the awakening of second dreams. The elephant, inspired by Benigni's sculpture base carrying an ancient Obelisk in Rome elephant, [77] was portrayed, long, multi joint desire, almost invisible legs [78] on their backs with the obelisk. Coupled with the image of their fragile legs, these burdens, noting their intrigue, create the illusion of reality. "The elephant is a distortion in the space," an analysis explains. "It's bold legs contrast the idea of weightlessness and structure. [78] "I draw the picture of this let me die of joy, I use an absolute nature, without the slightest aesthetic attention, what I was doing, I have deep feelings, I want to portray them honestly." -Salvador in Dali, dawn ADEs, Dali and surrealism.
Egg is another common Dal esque image. He connects the eggs to prenatal and intrauterine, so use it to symbolize hope and love; [79] it appears in the metamorphosis of great masturbation and narcissus. The metamorphosis of Narcissus is also a symbol of death and fossilization.
All other animal appeared in his works, as well as ants death, decay, and great desire; in the snail is connected with human head (he saw a snail on the outside of the house of Freud bicycle, when he first met Freud); and the grasshopper is a symbol of waste and fear. [79]
Both Dali and his father love to eat fresh sea urchins, caught in the waters near Cadaqu s. The symmetry of sea urchins attracted Daly, and adapted to the form of many works of art and other foods that also appeared in his work. [80]Salvador Daly's politics played an important role in his appearance as an artist. In his youth, he was accepted by anarchism and communism, although his work tells the audience to make radical political speech more shocking than any of the anecdotal anecdotes. This keeps the Dada movement and Daly's allegiance. [source request]
With the growth of the age of his political beliefs change, especially in the transformation of the Surrealist movement, through go under the leadership of Trotskyist writer Andre Breton, who is said in calling on Dali in his political question. In his 1970 book, Daly, Dali, Daly declared himself an anarchist and a. [source request]
With the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939), Daly fled from the fighting, refusing to adjust himself with any group. He is in the Second World War (1939-1945) during this, he was severely criticized; George Orwell accused Daly once before the war in France after the boom, "as long as France is in danger as he scuttling the mouse". "When the war in Europe came close to him there was only one focus: how to find a place where there was good cooking, if the danger came too close, he could get from a quick bolt," Orwell observed. [103] in 1944 marked Daly's review of the autobiography, written by Daly: "a man should be able to hold down two facts in one's head while the other: the fact that he is a good draftsman and a sick man," said Orwell". [103]
He returned to Catalonia after the Second World War, Dali moved near the Franco dictatorship. Some of Mr Daly's comments were supportive, and congratulated Mr Franco on the "removal of the destructive forces of Spain". [104] Daly, who has returned to the Catholic faith and increasingly religious over time, may have been referring to the Republican Party during the Spanish Civil War atrocities. [105] [106] Dali cable Franco, praised he signed the death warrant of prisoners. [104] he even met Franco himself, [107] and the portrait of the painted granddaughter of Franco. [source request]
He once sent a telegram to praise Conduc tor, Romania Communist Party leader Ceausescu, he adopted the scepter as part of his kingship. Romania daily published Sc nteia lies, no doubt at it. An open or from some possible number of Daly is his continuous praise Federico Jiaxiluoer card even in a few years his works have been banned. [19] [no citation]
Daly is a colorful and impressive scene, his long cloak, long stick, haughty expression and upturned beard, "every morning awakening, I experienced the highest joy: Salvador Daly". [108] actress Cher and her husband Sonny Bono, when young, came to a party, Dali's residence in New York expensive The Square Hotel and were frightened when sitting on the chair in the snow a peculiar shape of vibrator. [source] in 1960s, he gave actress Mia Faro a bottle of a dead mouse, hand-painted, in which her mother, actress Maureen OSullivan, asked to be removed from her home. [109]
Religion in Dali is a matter of interest. In the interview, Dali reveals his mysticism. In his later years, although Rome is still a Catholic, Dali also claimed to be an agnostic. [110]
When signing autographs for fans, Daly always keeps their pens. [source] request Salvatore with his pet cat Dali often between Babou, it even take a luxury ocean liner SS france. [111] he is also referred to as he wrote the check, drawing to avoid payment cards in the restaurant. His theory is that the restaurant would never want to cash such a valuable work of art, he is usually right. [112]
In addition to the visual puns, Dal share in the Surrealist joy in language puns, obscure allusions and word games. He often in French, Spanish, a strange combination of Catalan and English speaking this is interesting, and sometimes mysterious. His rich works are free to mix the words of different languages. [source request]
When the interview with Mike Wallace in his 60 minute television program, Daly has referred to himself in the third person, as "Divino Daly" (Saint Daly), and the case facts tell a shock Wallace, he did not believe his death. [113] in January 27, 1957, he was in the United States on the television show mystery guest what is my line? And signed a thick white paint on the blackboard. [114] his answer is misleading, prompting Daly from the host to guide. [116] [115]
Dali appeared in front of the public and many anteaters, especially in the lead in Paris in 1969, in the Dick Cavitt show in March 6, 1970, when he made his stage of the small anteater. It is claimed that he was a guest of Lillian Gish onto her lap by shaking the anteater. [117]






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