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路德维希·多伊奇Deutsch, Ludwig

路德维希·多伊奇Deutsch, Ludwig(1855年——1935年),奥地利画家。

  • 中文名路德维希·多伊奇
  • 外文名Deutsch, Ludwig
  • 性别
  • 国籍奥地利
  • 出生地维也纳
  • 出生日期1855年
  • 逝世日期1935年
  • 职业画家
  • 毕业院校奥地利美术学院

路德维希·多伊奇(维也纳,1855 -巴黎,1935)是一位奥地利画家在巴黎定居。

多伊奇来自一个行之有效的犹太家庭。他的父亲是一个金融家在奥地利法庭。 他就读于维也纳美术学院1872 - 1875年,1878年,搬到巴黎,在那里他成为密切相关东方主义他跟另一个奥地利东方巴黎,鲁道夫·恩斯特.[2][3]

传记1855年出生于奥地利的维也纳。1872 - 1875年高中毕业后,他进入美术学院学习古典绘画与安塞姆费尔巴哈(1875 - 1877)1877年费尔巴哈退休作为一名教师,Deutsch和其他一些学生试图进入的利奥波德卡尔穆勒在1876年他搬到巴黎,但被拒绝入境。- 1878 Deutsch接受。- 1880维也纳Deutsch减免他的接触- 1894后开始了自己的名字在巴黎他在维也纳Kunstlerhaus“太监”。多伊奇,继续他的研究在上课上有影响力的画家让·保罗·劳伦斯让·保罗·还介绍了巴黎的买家最有天赋的学生。——他建立自己的工作室在巴黎勒佩尔蒂埃街。- 1879 Deutsch进入第一次沙龙的肖像的竞争。- 1880”夫人琼Bohorques,痛苦的调查显示。一块表明劳伦斯的影响。- 1881年他第一次记录了东方绘画- 1882幅创建Domino的球员完成(死Dominospieler(这些运动员de多米诺骨牌——1883年,他表现出一块现在失去了沙龙的法国艺术家在标题“东方业余。- 1883年绘画的“音乐家”——1883年完成绘画的答案'completed多伊奇——在这段时间的工作经历一个变化。虽然受试者仍然几乎相同,他慢慢地从绘画捕捉独特的字符,从描绘世俗的地方,漂亮的宫殿和宗教活动场所的。- 1885 Deutsch找到了新的工作室。在他的职业生涯中,他有几个在巴黎和法国南部的工作室。他一直在旅行期间收集大量的对象,如瓷砖,家具、手臂、管道、面料和服装。和同时代的许多人一样,艺术家利用摄影,以确保考古精度在他画效果图的当地建筑,砖和ablaq石头工作,传统mashrabiyyah木制品。这一次也标志着一个时代的伟大的生产力和进军post-impressionistic风格。总是追求完美,他的工作特点是准确的对细节的关注。- 1885幅的前哨——1885年完成绘画的新闻从苏丹'completed - 1886 Deutsch前往埃及第一次- 1886幅的橙色卖家'completed - 1886幅果汁牛奶冻供应商完成- 1887幅的小时祷告'completed - 1888幅“蛇人'completed(“蛇人”——死Schlangenbeschworer(Les charmeurs de蛇)显示一个活泼的一群人)- 1890 Deutsch前往埃及第二次。这些旅行使他为他的工作收集对象和主题。就像他的朋友鲁道夫·恩斯特Deutsch招募摄影师摄影工作室在开罗。- 1890幅“El爱资哈尔大学法院,开罗”——1891年完成绘画治疗——1892年完成绘画的宫廷卫队——1893年完成绘画的埃米尔的后卫——1893年完成绘画的宫廷卫队——1894年完成绘画的抄写员,1896年完成抄写员,1896年完成绘画的绘画的棋手(这些运动员d 'echecs)- 1897年完成绘画的哲学家——1898年完成Deutsch第三次前往埃及- 1898幅的祈祷墓'completed - 1900幅宫殿守卫——1900年完成绘画的离开清真寺'completed - 1900获得了金牌在巴黎沙龙在巴黎成为一个多产的画家四十年。- 1901幅画室内学习,1902年完成绘画的清真寺——1902年完成绘画的宫廷卫队——1903年完成绘画的“闺房守望'completed - 1906幅早上祈祷完成- 1906幅“Narghil吸烟者'completed - 1911幅Scribecompleted - 1914年第一次世界大战的爆发,他被迫离开巴黎。虽然他的行踪不知道在这段时间里,他记录了前往北非一段时间。- 1919在第一次战争沙龙之后,他获得了法国国籍,开始签署他的名字作为路易Deutsch - 1923幅祈祷——1927年完成绘画的算命先生,1932年完成绘画音乐插曲的1932 - 1932年完成未婚和退出世界,他死于1935年4月9日,在巴黎据说鲁道夫·恩斯特仍然是他最亲密的朋友之一。


English Introduction

Ludwig Deutsch (Vienna, 1855 - Paris, 1935) was an Austrian painter who settled in Paris.

Deutsch came from a well-established Jewish family. His father was a financier at the Austrian court. He studied at theVienna Academy of Fine Arts 1872-1875, then, in 1878, moved to Paris where he became strongly associated with Orientalism. He was on good terms with another Austrian Orientalist in Paris, Rudolf Ernst.[2][3]

Biography 1855 born in Vienna, Austria. 1872-1875 After high school, he entered the Academy of Fine Arts to study Classical painting with Anselm Feuerbach (1875-1877) 1877 When Feuerbach retired as a teacher, Deutsch and some others students attempted to enter the class of Leopold Carl Müller, who had moved to Paris in 1876, but were refused entry. - 1878 Deutsch was accepted. - 1880 Deutsch breaks his contacts with Vienna - 1894 after making a name for himself in Paris he showed "The eunuchs"at the Künstlerhaus in Vienna. - Deutsch continued his studies while taking lessons with the history influential painter Jean-Paul Laurens. Jean-Paul also introduced his most gifted students to Parisian buyers. - He established his own studio at Rue Le Pelletier in Paris. - 1879 Deutsch entered for the 1st time a portrait in the Salon competition. - 1880 "Dona Joan Bohorques, Agony of the Inquisition was shown. A piece that suggest the influence of Laurens. - 1881 His first recorded Orientalistes painting is created - 1882 Painting of 'The Domino Players' completed (Die Dominospieler (les joueurs de dominos - 1883 he exhibits a now lost piece to the Salon of French Artists under the title "An Orientalist Amateur. - 1883 Painting of 'The Musician' completed - 1883 Painting of 'The Answer'completed - During this time Deutsch's work goes through an evolution. Although the subjects remain almost the same, he slowly turns from group paintings to that of capturing unique characters, from depicting secular places to that of beautiful palaces and places of worship. - 1885 Deutsch found a new studio. During his career he was to have several studios throughout Paris and the South of France. He kept a vast amount of objects collected during his travels, such as tiles, furniture, arms, pipes, fabrics, and costumes. Like many of his contemporaries, the artist made use of photography to ensure archaeological accuracy in his painted renderings of local architecture, tile and ablaq stone work, and the traditional mashrabiyyah woodwork. This time also marked an era of great productivity and forays into a post-impressionistic style. Always the perfectionist, his work is characterized by exact attention to detail. - 1885 Painting of A Sentinel completed - 1885 Painting of 'News from Sudan'completed - 1886 Deutsch traveled to Egypt for the 1st time - 1886 Painting of 'The Orange Sellers'completed - 1886 Painting of The Sherbert Vendor completed - 1887 Painting of 'The hour of Prayer'completed - 1888 Painting of "Snake Charmers'completed ("Snake Charmers" - Die Schlangenbeschwörer (Les charmeurs de serpents) shows a lively looking group of people) - 1890 Deutsch traveled to Egypt for a 2nd time. These trips allowed him to gather subjects and motif for his work. Just like his friend Rudolf Ernst, Deutsch enlisted photographers from photography studios in Cairo. - 1890 Painting of 'Court of El Azhar University, Cairo' completed - 1891 Painting of The Healer completed - 1892 Painting of The Palace Guard completed - 1893 Painting of 'The Emir's Guard' completed - 1893 Painting of The Palace Guard completed - 1894 Painting of The Scribe completed - 1896 Painting of The Scribe completed - 1896 Painting of 'Chess Players' completed (Les Joueurs d'échecs) - 1897 Painting of The Philosopher completed - 1898 Deutsch traveled to Egypt for a 3rd time - 1898 Painting of 'Prayer at the Tomb'completed - 1900 Painting of Palace Guard completed - 1900 Painting of 'Leaving the Mosque'completed - 1900 Won the Gold Medal at the Paris Salon in Paris for being a prolific painter for forty years. - 1901 Painting of The Learned completed - 1902 Painting of Interior of Mosque completed - 1902 Painting of Palace Guard completed - 1903 Painting of 'The Harem Watchman'completed - 1906 Painting of Morning Prayer completed - 1906 Painting of 'The Narghil Smoker'completed - 1911 Painting of The Scribecompleted - 1914 With the break out of the First World War, he was forced to leave Paris. Although his whereabouts during this time are not know, it is recorded that he did travel to North Africa for a time. - 1919 At the first after war Salon he had obtained French citizenship and started to sign his name as Louis Deutsch - 1923 Painting of At Prayer completed - 1927 Painting of The Fortune Teller completed - 1932 Painting of Musical Interlude 1932 completed - 1935 Unmarried and withdrawn from the world, he died on April 9, 1935 in Paris It is said that Rudolf Ernst remained one of his closest friends.

Ludwig Deutsch, always the perfectionist has throughout his career aimed to perfect his photo realistic technique and to offer variety through the sparkling ways he has treated his canvases. Despite the exactness in the details, there is also evidence that he aimed to convey cultural relevance. Some thing do repeat within the different paintings, such as certain accessories and models, who without doubt were Arabs or Africans living in Paris. One can wonder if some of the Eastern compositions of Ludwig Deutsch were not entirely workshop inventions, yet the colors of the architectural details are in accordance with reality and leave no doubt that he has been influenced by his observations in the East.






    最近更新:2025-01-28 21:28:39
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