现为中央美术学院教授,曾任版画系主任。1946年,他和张梅溪结婚。 黄永玉、中国画院院士,受过小学和不完整初级中学教育。因家境贫苦,12岁就外出谋生,流落到安徽、福建山区小瓷作坊做童工,后来辗转到上海、台湾和香港。14岁开始发表作品,以后一段时间主攻版画,其独具风格的版画作品饮誉国内外。16岁开始以绘声绘色画画及木刻谋生。曾任瓷场小工、小学教员、中学教员、家众教育馆员、剧团见习美术队员、报社编辑、电影编剧及中央美术学院教授、中国美协副主席,中国文学艺术界联合会第十届荣誉委员。
Huang Yongyu, pen name Huangxing Betel, Cattle, Niufuzi. Born on July 9, 1924 in Dingcheng District, Changde County, Hunan Province, the ancestral home of Fenghuang County, Hunan Province. Tujia people.
He is currently a professor of the Central Academy of Fine Arts and has served as the chairman of the Department of Printing. In 1946, he married Zhang Meixi. Huang Yongyu, academician of Chinese Painting Academy, has received elementary and incomplete primary and secondary education. Because of the poor family, he went out to make a living at the age of 12 and worked as a child laborer in small pottery workshops in mountainous areas of Anhui and Fujian. Later, he moved to Shanghai, Taiwan and Hong Kong. At the age of 14, he began to publish works, and later he focused on printmaking. His unique style of printmaking works is well known at home and abroad. At the age of 16, he began to make a living by painting, painting and woodcarving. He was a small worker in a porcelain factory, a primary school teacher, a middle school teacher, a family education librarian, an apprenticeship art team member of a theatre troupe, a newspaper editor, a film writer, a professor of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, a vice-chairman of the Chinese Artistic Association, and an honorary member of the tenth session of the Chinese Federation of Literature and Art Circles.