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 章士钊(1881-1973),字行严,笔名黄中黄、青桐、秋桐,1881年3月20日生于湖南省善化县(今长沙市 )。曾任中华民国北洋政府段祺瑞政府司法总长兼教育总长,中华民国国民政府国民参政会参政员,中华人民共和国全国人大常委会委员,全国政协常委,中央文史研究馆馆长。清末任上海《苏报》主笔。1911年后,曾任同济大学教授,北京大学教授,北京农业学校校长,广东军政府秘书长,南北议和南方代表。新中国成立后为著名民主人士、学者、作家、教育家和政治活动家。曾任中央文史研究馆副馆长、第二任馆长,第二、三届全国政协常委,第三届全国人大常委。

  • 中文名章士钊
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族汉族
  • 出生地湖南省善化县
  • 出生日期1881年3月20日
  • 逝世日期1973年7月1日
  • 职业教育家、政治家
  • 毕业院校东京正则学校,阿伯丁大学
  • 主要成就将逻辑学传入中国
  • 代表作品《征聘农业专家特告》

中国美术网 09-17 浏览

即将亮相保利春拍的章士钊致潘伯鹰咏屈原诗稿,一通二纸,荣宝斋制笺。  诗稿内容为:今日重午,吾得二截,为伯鹰写记。餦锽粔妆 (去) 一些些,重午空将日月加。荆楚...






1903年4月,拒俄运动发生,上海各学校学生罢课,章士钊不顾学堂总办俞明震劝阻,率陆师同学三十余人赴上海,加入蔡元培等人组织的军事民教育会,任军理教习[3] 。不久被聘为上海《苏报》主笔,经常发表激烈的革命言论,并因此结识了章太炎、张继、邹容,意气相投,结拜为异姓兄弟。四兄弟中,章太炎、张继、邹容均有鼓动革命的书籍。于是章士钊将日本人宫崎寅藏所作《三十三年落花梦》编译成《大革命家孙逸仙》一书,将孙之别名"中山樵"与姓氏连在一起。于是1903年9月用黄中黄的笔名刊行,国内由此书而知重孙中山。1903年7月初,清政府查封了《苏报》,并先后逮捕了章太炎、邹容等七人。章士钊因得主办此案的江苏候补道、陆师学堂总办俞明震徇情,未予追究,侥幸得脱。于8月7日又与陈独秀、张继等人创办了《国民日报》,并继续激烈章士钊珍贵照片集 地鼓吹革命。1903年11月,他与黄兴由上海赴长沙,酝酿华兴会的筹建工作[3] 。



1905年流亡日本,入东京正则学校习英语。章回顾过去,认为自己"才短力脆",连累了同事,感到内疚,一改革命救国为求学救国,乃发愤力学[3] 。1905年8月,同盟会在日本东京成立,但坚不入盟,后来亦未入其他政党。

1907年,赴英留学[3] 。





1914年5月,在东京与陈独秀、谷钟秀等人创办《甲寅》月刊,章在第一期上发表《政本》一文,重申两党制的主张,提出执政党应借反对党之刺激而维持其进步[3] 。章倡言革新,反对专制,提倡共和,反对袁世凯,但反对暴力激进手段。批评革命党有"好同恶异"之弊,力主调和精神。

























English Introduction

 Zhang Shizhao (1881-1973) was born in Shanhua County, Hunan Province, on March 20, 1881. His pen name is Huang Zhonghuang, Qingtong and Qiutong. He was the judicial and educational director of Duan Qirui's government in the Northern Ocean of the Republic of China, the political councillor of the National Government of the Republic of China, the member of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China, the Standing Committee of the National People's Political Consultative Conference, and the curator of the Central Literature and History Research Library. At the end of Qing Dynasty, he was the chief writer of Shanghai Su Bao. After 1911, he was a professor of Tongji University, a professor of Peking University, the president of Beijing Agricultural School, the Secretary-General of Guangdong Military Government, the representative of the North-South Conference and the South. After the founding of New China, he was a famous democrat, scholar, writer, educator and political activist. He was the deputy director of the Central Research Museum of Literature and History, the second and third CPPCC Standing Committee, and the third NPC Standing Committee.


 In 1881, Zhang Shizhao was born in Shanhua County, Hunan Province. His father Zhang Jin used to be Li Zheng in the countryside and later practised Chinese medicine. Zhang Shizhao was very diligent in private school.

When Zhang Shizhao was 13 years old, he bought a collection of Liu Zongyuan's essays in Changsha and studied Liu Wen.

At the age of 16, he worked as a child teacher at his relatives'home.

In 1901, he left home to Wuchang and sent to the Lianghu Academy of Wuchang, where he met Huang Xing. He later taught in Zhu Qijun's private school.

In March 1902, he entered Nanjing Lushi School to study military affairs. The following year, he went to Shanghai Patriotic Society. In May, he was the chief writer of Shanghai Su Bao, which published anti-Qing articles by Zhang Taiyan and others. It was seized in July. In August, he and Chen Duxiu, Zhang Ji and others founded the National Daily to establish the Mainland Book Translation and Printing Bureau. In the winter of the same year, Huang Xing and other organizations organized Huaxing Meeting to engage in anti-Qing activities.

In April 1903, the anti-Russian movement took place, and students in Shanghai went on strike. Zhang Shizhao, despite the dissuasion of Yu Mingzhen, the head of the school, led more than 30 Lu teachers to Shanghai, joined the Military and Civil Education Association organized by Cai Yuanpei and others, and served as a military director. Shortly afterwards, he was hired as the chief writer of Shanghai Su Bao and often made fierce revolutionary remarks. Therefore, he met Zhang Taiyan, Zhang Ji and Zou Rong. He was in the same mood and worshipped as a brother of different surnames. Among the four brothers, Zhang Taiyan, Zhang Ji and Zou Rong all had books that inspired the revolution. So Zhang Shizhao translated the Japanese book A Dream of Falling Flowers in Thirty-three Years by Miyazaki Yinzang into the book Sun Yixian, the Great Revolutionist, and linked Sun Zhi's alias "Zhongshan Qiao" with his surname. So in September 1903, it was published under the pseudonym of Huang Zhonghuang, from which Sun Yat-sen was known in China. In early July 1903, the Qing government seized the Su Bao and arrested seven people, including Zhang Taiyan and Zou Rong. Zhang Shizhao, who had to sponsor the case, was grateful to Yu Mingzhen, the general manager of Lushi School and Jiangsu Alternate Road. He was not investigated and was lucky to get away with it. On August 7, the National Daily was founded with Chen Duxiu and Zhang Ji, and Zhang Shizhao's precious photo collection continued to advocate revolution. In November 1903, he and Huang Xing went to Changsha from Shanghai to prepare for the Huaxing Society.

In February 1904, he and Yang Shouren established the Patriotic Association in Shanghai as Vice President. Yang Shouren is the president. In August 1904, the Huaxing Society decided to hold an uprising in Changsha on November 6 of that year. Zhang set up a secret office in Yu Qingli, Shanghai, to help secretly. Due to the lack of opportunity, failure occurs without initiation. In October, Huang Xing went to Shanghai and convened a meeting of Yang Shouren, Chen Tianhua, Zhang Shizhao, Zhang Ji and Yang Du to hold another righteous banner in Hubei and Nanjing. Afterwards, more than ten people, such as Zhang Ji and Zhang Shizhao, were arrested because of the destruction of Fahua Xing Hui's organs in Yuqingli, and the plan of rebellion failed to come true. Zhang Shizhao and others were rescued by Cai Yong's trustee and released on bail after being detained for more than 40 days. People who were released from prison were afraid of further investigation by the Qing officials and rushed eastward to Japan.

The Period of Studying Abroad

In 1905, he went to Tokyo Regular School to study English. Chapter reviews the past, thinking that he is "short-term and fragile", involving colleagues, feeling guilty, a reform to save the country for the sake of learning, is angry mechanics [3]. In August 1905, the League was established in Tokyo, Japan, but it was firmly non-aligned, and later did not join other political parties.

In 1907, he went to study in Britain [3].

In 1908, he joined the University of Aberdeen to study law, politics and logic. In April 1909, he married Wu Weinan, a member of the League, in London. After his marriage, he joined the University of Aberdeen to study politics, economics and logic. During his stay in Britain, he often wrote articles for domestic newspapers and magazines, introducing political theories of various factions in Western Europe. He played an important role in constitutional politics and had a great influence on Chinese political circles at that time.

After the victory of the Wuchang Uprising in 1911, Zhang Shizhao returned home with his family from England and gave his heartfelt affirmation and support to Sun Yat-sen and the 1911 Revolution. At Sun Yat-sen's invitation, Britain returned home to preside over the League organ newspaper Minli Paper. Because the alliance does not conform to the standard of Western political parties, it advocates "destroying (old) party building (new) party theory" to implement the administrative party cabinet system, which is opposed by the members of the alliance and denounced as "royalist party". Zhang resigned in anger and went north at the invitation of Yuan Shikai. Yuan presented the house to the president of Peking University, but failed.

In the spring of 1912, he arrived in Nanjing. At the invitation of Huang Xing and Yu Youren, he was the principal writer of Shanghai Minli Newspaper and consultant of Jiangsu Dudu Government. In July, Zhang published the Political Parties Organizational Case in the Daily of Democracy, advocating that all the new political parties (including the League) in China at that time should be disbanded and expressed their opinions for a period of time. Then, according to different political opinions, they should be divided into two parties and run for office, with the majority of their supporters running the country. This is the famous "theory of destroying the Party". In September of the same year, Zhang Shizhao and Wang Wusheng created the Independent Weekly newspaper, and continued to discuss current politics. He raised the issue of whether the Republican regime should be French or American.

In March 1913, the chief envoy of Yuan Shikai assassinated Song Jiaoren and turned the blame on Huang Xing. From this, we can see the danger of Yuan Zhi. He fled Beijing and went to Shanghai to meet Sun Yat-sen and Huang Xing. Under Sun Yat-sen's orders, he joined Cen Chunxuan in opposing Yuan and drafted the Declaration of the Second Revolution. Sun Yat-sen appointed Secretary-General of Yuan Jun in July. After the failure of the Second Revolution, Zhang destroyed Japan.

In May 1914, Jiayin was founded in Tokyo with Chen Duxiu and Gu Zhongxiu. In the first issue of this monthly magazine, Zhengben was published, reiterating the idea of the two-party system and proposing that the ruling party should maintain its progress by stimulating the opposition party. Zhang advocated innovation, opposed autocracy, advocated republicanism, and opposed Yuan Shikai, but opposed violent radical means. Criticizing the revolutionary party has the disadvantage of "likes, dislikes and dislikes", and strives to harmonize its spirit.






    最近更新:2025-03-13 23:07:41
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