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( 中国美协副主席 )

何家英,1957年出生于天津;1977年考入天津美术学院绘画系学习中国画,1980年毕业后留校任教。曾任第九、第十、第十一届全国政协委员;现任中国美协副主席、中国艺术研究院博士生导师、当代工笔画协会副会长、天津美术学院何家英工笔画研究所所长、天津画院名誉院长、天津美术馆名誉馆长。 曾获国家“有突出贡献的中青年专家”、中国文联“德艺双馨文艺工作者”、中宣部“四个一批”文艺人才、2012年在巴黎卢浮宫“2012沙龙展”中获绘画类金奖。 等荣誉。擅长当代工笔人物画创作。代表作品有《山地》、《十九秋》、《米脂的婆姨》、《酸葡萄》、《魂系马嵬》、《秋冥》、《朝*露*桑》、《舞之憩》、《杨开慧》等。

  • 中文名何家英
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族汉族
  • 祖籍河北任丘
  • 出生地天津
  • 出生日期1957年
  • 职业画家
  • 协会中国美术家协会
  • 毕业院校天津美术学院
  • 主要成就任全国政协委员,中国美协副主席
  • 代表作品《海田归》、《酸葡萄》

中国美术网 09-18 浏览

“形居尘俗,心栖天外。”这是中国当代国画家何家英珍藏的一枚印章的印文,也是于21日在西班牙东北部古城巴塞罗那开幕的“何家英当代绘画展”的主题。  这个以强烈的精神审美追求为主的主题诠释了画...



现为全国政协常委、中国美术家协会副主席、天津美术学院教授、天津美术家协会副主席。国家有突出贡献专家,天津文联德艺双馨文艺工作者。 何家英是当代中国画坛的著名工笔人物画家,被誉为“最有希望最有代表性的年轻一代画家”。他着眼于中西方绘画的相通之处,在两者的契合点上参悟因革,尊重传统而不束于旧范,问途城外而不流于追随。他的创作高扬写实精神,注重生命体验。作品刻画具微,布置谨重,人物清丽莹洁。他的写意作品也能别创新意,含蓄、虚豁、自然大方。作品注重对心灵的卓越表现和对人性的深刻关注,为中国人物画的创新作了富有成就之探索。先后到日本、韩国、印度、香港等地参加画展。












潘天寿先生认为:中国的、西方的、日本的、印度的、现代的、古典工笔画 本来不宜太大,但他发现日本的浮世绘美人画尺寸并不小,效果也不错,却陷入到要市场还是要艺术的两难抉择中,何家英的作品却以其雅俗共赏、韵味绵长获得了“双赢”,或许他的探索找到了一种艺术与市场的最佳结合点。




English Introduction

 Famous painter

He Jiaying: male, Han nationality. Born in 1957 in Tianjin, Hebei Renqiu person. Famous Chinese painter. 1980 graduated from Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts and teaches today.

He is currently standing committee of the National People's Political Consultative Conference, vice chairman of the Chinese Artists Association, Professor of Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts, vice chairman of Tianjin Artists Association. National expert with outstanding contribution, Tianjin Federation of DeYiShuangXin artists. He Jiaying is a contemporary China renowned fine brushwork painter, known as "the most promising the most representative of the young generation of artists". He focuses on the similarities between Chinese and Western painting, in the meeting point between the two to realize because of leather, respect for the traditional and not tied to the old fan, not to ask the way outside the city to follow. His creation of high realism, pay attention to life experience. A portrait of micro, layout Kinju, elegant white characters. His freehand works can also be don't creative, subtle and generous nature, virtual exclusion. The work pays attention to the remarkable performance of the soul and the profound attention to the human nature, has made the rich achievement for the innovation of Chinese figure painting. Has to Japan, South Korea, India, Hongkong and other places to participate in the exhibition.

The main works are "He Jiaying works" and "He Jiaying album", "contemporary artists of strength -- He Jiaying", "He Jiaying", "famous manuscripts of contemporary Chinese painting master representative works" etc..

Representative works are "soul", "Department of Mawei Mizhi Poyi", "sour grapes", "Nineteen", "autumn autumn night", "mountain", "street director", "silent" etc.. Has participated in the national art exhibition and won the silver medal, the National Youth Art Exhibition, exhibition of Contemporary Painting Institute and the Ministry of culture, "the light of the century" China painting Nomination Exhibition, "autumn night" was selected for the exhibition China hundred years. Its work style rigorous delicate, simple and generous, accurate modeling, good at depicting the inner world of the characters in a static, with a perfect pattern and a symbol of.

He Jiaying comprehensive techniques, from freehand painting, fine brushwork painting to sketch, oil painting, watercolor, gouache, no sense, so the exploration of works of art in the form of a new show (20), particularly the advantage. "Mountain" works creation success, marking the two works of fine brushwork figure (20) has been a breakthrough in the combination of Chinese and western, creating a new painting language, its significance is the painter painting techniques with high light use, enhanced light effect, the whole works into a warm bias red, the sun - baked feeling. He Jiaying believes that the vulgar art should resist the tendency, it relates to the dignity of women, but also reflects the artist's aesthetic orientation values through the heart reveals the nature of innocence, the works show three (20) simple, kind, show a kind of temperament beauty; such as "Xinyu", "Nineteen autumn", "sour grapes", "human", can truly reflect his pursuit. As a painter, works four (20) the biggest advantage is to have a pair of sharp eyes, make him in accurate insight into feelings than ordinary objects, but extraordinary observation often also benefited from comprehensive knowledge accomplishment. Mr. Pan Tianshou think: China, western, Japanese, India, modern, classical painting originally should not be too large, but he found that the Japanese Ukiyo-e painting size is not small, the effect of the five works (10) is also good, or to the dilemma of art ", He Jiaying's works are with its tastes, lingering charm won the" win-win ": perhaps his quest to find the best combination of points and an art market, Shandong Calligraphy Gallery painter painting art appreciation margin recommended.

Social evaluation

He Jiaying made his contribution to the transformation of the contemporary Chinese painting to the contemporary. He creatively uses rigorous modeling techniques China painting tradition and Western painting, combined with the aesthetic view of contemporary people, the creation of a large number of works filled with the spirit of the times. Read his paintings, will find a kind of sincere and delicate passion and dream of the ideal color.

He Jiaying can make great achievements in the field of meticulous painting, and his unique creative ideas can not be separated. In his eyes, inherit the tradition and innovation is a "two step", which can not be lost, lost a lost one, really have a tradition always want to open innovation, really for innovators won't sacrifice tradition. His thinking is not only a reflection of the trend of contemporary Chinese painting in the field of fashion, but also the requirements of their own creation. He sought to find the same law and the point of agreement among the different traditions of the East and the West.

But He Jiaying has a unique understanding of the tradition, but also have their own views on painting Western painting methods of nutritional absorption Chinese. He opposed the kind only absorb concept, only specious writing practices, using specific methods to solve the problem.

His quest to find a perfect combination of art and the market, so as to inspire people to. Pioneering efforts, continuous innovation, and financial 100, owned a.

Famous Reviews

Mr. Pan Tianshou think: China, western, Japanese, India, modern, classical painting originally should not be too large, but he found that the Japanese Ukiyo-e painting size is not small, the effect is also good, but fell into a dilemma to the market or to art, where Anglo's works are to it tastes, lingering charm won the "win-win", perhaps his quest to find the best combination of art and a market point.

By February 17, 2014, China Artists Association, Chinese Art Institute, Chinese International Cultural Arts Center, Hainan Provincial Federation of literary and art circles of Hainan Province Cultural Radio and Television Publishing sports hall, Hainan World Union community foundation co sponsored the "He Jiaying Art Exhibition" opened at the Museum of Hainan province.

The morning of December 27, 2014, the municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department held the appointment ceremony at the Yingbin Hotel in Tianjin, hired vice chairman, China Meixie China Art Research Institute, Tianjin Academy of fine art academy dean He Jiaying as honorary president of Tianjin painting academy. Municipal Committee, municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department Minister of the holy awarded and speech. Deputy Minister of municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department Chen Zhemin, Deputy Minister of municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department Zhao Hongyou attended the hospital party secretary Zhang Guiyuan to participate.






    最近更新:2025-01-14 20:13:00
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