路易斯 · 阿尔瓦雷斯.卡塔拉Catala, Luis Alvarez(1836年—1901年10月4日),西班牙画家。
他生于一个阿斯图里亚斯家人从铁角砾岩de Narcea,在那里他度过了夏天的季节在他的童年。在完成他的小学教育奥维耶多他回到马德里,他参“Escuela特别de Pintura Escultura y Grabado”的学生费德里科•德Madrazo在真正的学术界de瓶装水Artes德圣费尔南多.1857年,他获得奖学金在罗马学习,一起爱德华多·罗萨莱斯,韦森特Palmaroli和Dioscoro普埃布拉。四年之后,他获得了金牌在第一国民博览会佛罗伦萨对他的绘画“散会的梦想”,这第二的全国美术展览1862年的西班牙。女王伊萨贝尔二世买了这幅画,他的奖学金是延长三年。
他执政期间,他做了几个重要的收购,包括几个作品弗朗西斯科•德•戈雅。1899年,他产生了一种专业ilustrado de la萨拉·德·贝拉斯克斯(插图目录委拉斯凯兹集合)和监督安装委拉斯开兹的雕像Aniceto码头.他还继续油漆,主要生产工作富有地方色彩的格。的最后几年里,他创造了场景的灵感来自他的青年在西班牙北部,其中很多现在的阿斯图里亚斯的美术博物馆.
He was born to an Asturian family from Cangas de Narcea, where he spent the summer seasons during his childhood. After finishing his primary education in Oviedo, he returned to Madrid, where he enrolled in the "Escuela Especial de Pintura, Escultura y Grabado" and was a student of Federico de Madrazo at the Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando. In 1857, he won a scholarship to study in Rome, together with Eduardo Rosales,Vicente Palmaroli and Dióscoro Puebla. After four years there, he won a Gold Medal at the first National Exposition of Florence for his painting "Calpurnia's Dream", which took second place at the National Exhibition of Fine Arts of Spain in 1862. Queen Isabel II bought the painting and his scholarship was extended for three years.
He was married in Rome, and ultimately remained there until 1894, with brief stays in Madrid. He continued to exhibit widely in Italy, Spain and Germany, winning awards in 1889 and 1890.[1] Finally, he returned to Spain to accept the position of Deputy Director at the Museo del Prado and, four years later, was appointed Director by the Queen, following the resignation of Francisco Pradilla. His new Deputy was Salvador Viniegra.
During his administration, he made several important acquisitions, including several works by Francisco de Goya. In 1899, he produced a Catálogo ilustrado de la sala de Velázquez (Illustrated catalog of the Velázquez collection) and oversaw the installation of a statue of Velázquez by Aniceto Marinas. He also continued to paint, mainly producing works in the costumbrista style. In his last years, he created scenes inspired by his youth in Northern Spain, many of which are now at the Museum of Fine Arts of Asturias.