爱德华多 · 阿罗约Eduardo Arroyo,生于1937年2月26日,西班牙画家。
出生在阿罗约马德里,研究艺术在他的家乡,但1958年离开西班牙,因为他基本轻蔑的政权与佛朗哥在他年老的时候,阿罗约后来描述说他是一个“淫妇”),甚至失去了1974年西班牙国籍(他回来两年后,死后一年的领袖)。在巴黎他结识了年轻的艺术,尤其是Gilles Aillaud,后来他在创建阶段合作集,还老主人,琼米罗。1964年,他的突破与他的第一个重要展览。20多年的关键成功和高自尊的艺术品市场。今天,在意识形态和创造性不妥协的艺术家是和他一样活跃,即使它似乎变得有些安静在他的创作。
阿罗约也成为被广泛的公众通过他的许多作品为一组设计师,以及部分由他服装设计。在这个关系中,他自1969年以来合作尤其是导演克劳斯·迈克尔·格鲁伯在这个活动,鼓励他。阿罗约创造了集等短笛这个地方在米兰,巴黎歌剧院(1976年,理查德·瓦格纳的死继往),上午Schaubuhne Lehniner坐在柏林和萨尔茨堡Festspiele(1991年,LeošJanačekZ mrtveho domu)。
阿罗约的舞台剧,初次公演,矮脚鸡巴伐利亚Staatsschauspiel (Residenztheater)慕尼黑在1986年取得了巨大的成功,他的朋友格鲁伯,导演和Ailland安东尼奥Recalcati集和服装。
阿罗约的画展示了de Contemporaneo艺术博物馆在马德里。
Eduardo Arroyo (born February 26, 1937) is a Spanish painter and artist. He is also active as an author and setup designer.
Born in Madrid, Arroyo studied art in his hometown, but left Spain in 1958 because he basically despised the regime with Franco in his old age, Arroyo later described him as a "whore" and even lost his Spanish nationality in 1974 (he returned two years later, one year after his death as a leader). In Paris, he got to know young art, especially Gilles ailaud. Later, he worked together in the creation stage, and was the old master, Joan Milo. In 1964, his breakthrough with his first major exhibition. Over 20 years of key success and high self-esteem in the art market. Today, the uncompromising artist in ideology and creativity is as active as he is, even though it seems to have become somewhat quiet in his creation.
In stylistic terms, Arroyo is satirical, colorful works in the crossroads between the trend of new or shaped narratives and pop art. His characterization is characterized by a lack of spatial depth and flattening perspective.
Arroyo also became a group of designers through many of his works by a wide public, as well as part of his costume design. In this relationship, he has worked with director Klaus Michael Gruber since 1969 to encourage him at this event. Arroyo created a set of Piccolo such as this place in Milan, the Paris Opera House (1976, the death of Richard Wagner followed), and schaubuhne lehniner sat in Berlin and Salzburg Festspiele in the morning (1991, Leo š Jana CZ ekz mrtveho domu).
Arroyo's stage play, premiere, short legged rooster staatsschauspiel (residenztheater) Munich achieved great success in 1986, his friend Gruber, director and ailland Antonio recalcati set and costume.
Arroyo's paintings show the de contemporaneo Art Museum in Madrid.