圣贝纳迪诺德Bernardino de Pantorba(1896年——1990年),西班牙画家、历史学家。
其广泛和细致的生产有出色表现致力于二十世纪作为西班牙绘画大师的研究华金索罗拉和伊格纳西奥·苏洛阿加,和专着对安达卢西亚艺术家(1929),风光和西班牙景观(1943年),庭园加泰罗尼亚(1975),或较小的研究 - 著名画家如的Eustaquio Segrelles或Castelao酒店和庞斯Arnau。他还讨论了像天才的工作维拉斯奎兹,穆里略和戈雅(1928年); 在条约西班牙雕刻 ; 像贝多芬,肖邦,莫扎特,和专着,以及艺术画廊的经典音乐家的画像在马德里,作为指南普拉多博物馆。8作为目录学家和学者强调它的历史和在西班牙举行美术国家展览会的批评发表于1948年9
An art researcher best known as a gardener, 4 which will be called San Bernardino de Pantorba, born in Hispalis Hotel, son Ricardo Lopescabrera and daughter Jose painter Jimenez Aranda, the 5 circle clearly modeled their preferences and determines its dedication to the arts, especially painting. In a way, he told it in his autobiographical portrait how, when, where, why, what Pantorba was born in San Bernardino. Six
In 1912, young Joseph moved to Argentina. He stayed there for eight years, his father in the painting initiated and participated in several group exhibitions (Cordoba series 1918). It has also been released as a dramatic critic of music, and published in 1919 with the fire and blood (Lopez) and humorous book in Argentina.
In 1920, he returned to Spain and settled in Madrid, in his life, will be painting a portrait Banqianbabai scenery. Seven
As a researcher and art historian is the author of about 80 degrees in the field of Spanish painting.
Its extensive and detailed production well as committed to the twentieth Century Spanish master of Joaquin and Ignacio Zuloaga sorola, and Monographs on artists in Andalusia (1929), Spain (1943) the scenery and landscape garden, Catalonia (1975), or of smaller - famous artists such as Eustaquio Segrelles or Castelao Arnau and Pons hotel. He also discussed as a work of genius Vilas Vazquez, Murillo and Goya (1928); the treaty carved in Spain; like Beethoven, Chopin, Mozart, and monographs, and the art gallery of the classic portrait of the musician in Madrid, as a guide to the Prado Museum. 8 as a catalogue of scholars and scholars emphasizing its history and criticism of the National Exhibition of fine arts held in Spain published in 1948 9
This is the association of Hispanic Americans and Seville and Cordoba and a member of the American Board of the Royal Academy of sciences academic art museum will sonora. It has also been committed to a street in Vera generation VALLECAS in madrid.