何塞·贝拉扎内蒂José Vela Zanetti(1913年5月27日——1999年1月4日),西班牙画家。
Vela Zanetti出生在塞隆(布尔戈斯省),西班牙1913年5月27日。他度过了他的童年,茵莱óN,后移居马德里,师从乔éRAMóN萨拉戈萨。1931,他的第一个展览是在联合国举行的乐ó他荣获1933意大利研究奖学金。
1936,西班牙内战期间,Vela Zanetti的父亲是他的社会主义信仰执行。在战争中,1939年底,Vela Zanetti流亡到多米尼加共和国,并artistsjosep gausachs和Eugenio Granell。
Vela Zanetti在多明尼加共和国非常成功。他第一次个人画展在圣多明各一年后,他的到来,和他作为壁画兴盛的事业。Vela Zanetti被委托绘制超过100壁画中的国家,包括司法建设工作,中央银行和国家图书馆(在圣多明各)。除了作为一个艺术家的工作,他成为了在圣多明各1945美术学校的教授,并在1949名学校的主任。
Vela Zanetti在1951获得古根海姆奖学金的西班牙艺术家。他利用奖学金前往纽约,并决定停留几年。在1953,他画了他最著名的作品人类持久和平的斗争,在纽约联合国总部的壁画。画在一个阴暗的调色板蓝色和棕色,作品描绘了战争的恐怖和重建世界的人一起工作。
early stage
Vela Zanetti was born in Theron (Burgos province), Spain in May 27, 1913. He spent his childhood, N moved to inle, Madrid, under the tutelage of Joe RAM, N Saragossa. In 1931, his first exhibition was held at the United Nations, he won the 1933 Italy music research scholarship.
1936, during the Spanish Civil War, Vela Zanetti's father was his socialist belief in execution. During the war, by the end of 1939, Vela Zanetti was exiled to the Republic of Dominica, and artistsjosep gausachs and Eugenio Granell.
Dominican Republic
Vela Zanetti is very successful in the Dominican republic. His first solo exhibition in Santo Domingo a year after his arrival, and his career flourished as murals. Vela Zanetti was commissioned to draw more than 100 paintings in the country, including judicial construction work, the central bank and the National Library (in Santo Domingo). In addition to work as an artist, he became the 1945 in Santo Domingo School of fine arts professor, and director of the school in 1949.
New York
Vela Zanetti was awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship in 1951 Spanish artist. He went to New York with a scholarship and decided to stay for a few years. In 1953, he painted his most famous works of human struggle for lasting peace in the mural of United Nations Headquarters in New York. Painted in a dark palette of blue and brown, the work depicts the horrors of war and the work of rebuilding the world together.
Return to Spain
In 1960 he returned to Milagros, where he lived in Spain, where he was born. In his later years, artists focus on painting, especially portraits, still life, landscapes and religious works. He died on January 4, 1999, in Burgos, Spain, 85.