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乔治·英尼斯George Inness

乔治·英尼斯 George Inness (1825.5.1 -1894.8.3)是19世纪美国著名风景画家。风景对英尼斯而言是感情的道路。他希望画出东部的风景作为他心灵的明镜,并不是摹仿风景再绘风景。渐渐的,他的绘画创作变成是一种情感的召唤,而不再注意特殊的时空架构。起初,其作品是拒绝被视为道德的怀疑;它们几乎不去判断上帝杰作的细节,或忽略美国的发展。而到了870年到1880年代,人们开始对那感人的挽歌,萦萦于怀的作用力感到兴趣了。相悖于发展中的影响力,在自然的面貌下,他个人的梦确定了不同的观点。深植脑际的感觉是因感性的暗示而取得,而不是以一种宗教的、艺术的、或让人能了解的术语描述的报告。英尼斯将他对自然的反应视成宗教,它不是寇尔或杜南的方式,而是自然与其内在精神的交流;这种精神完美地激起所有的人与自然交流的动机。绘画是艺术家的创作,是艺术家受到自然激起情感的创作;它不是一种景象,而是心灵的风景。

  • 中文名乔治·英尼斯
  • 外文名George Inness
  • 性别
  • 国籍美国
  • 出生地纽约的纽堡
  • 出生日期1825年5月1日
  • 逝世日期1894年8月3日
  • 职业画家









innes从纽约搬到马萨诸塞州Medfield1860年,他在那里一个谷仓转换为工作室在1862 - 63年,他是一个美术老师查尔斯Dormon罗宾逊.然后他去新泽西州Eagleswood在1864年。他回到欧洲在1870年的春天,住在罗马,游览Tivoli,湖Albano,威尼斯.1878年,他回到纽约,在纽约大学建筑工作室。同年,他也参加了万国博览会在巴黎,艺术批评发表纽约晚邮报哈珀的新月刊.








English Introduction


George Innes was born in Newcastle, New York. He is the fifth 13 children of William, John Innes, a farmer and his wife Clarissa Baldwin. His family moved to Newark, New Jersey, when he was five. In 1839, he studied the mobile painter for several months, John Jessie Barker. In his teens, Innes was a map carver in New York City. During this period, he attracted the attention of French landscape painters, Reggio Francois Gignoux, and then conducted research. Throughout the mid-1840s, he attended a course at the National School of design and studied the works of Thomas Cole and yaduran, artists of the Hudson school. "If," Innes later recalled, "the two can be combined, I'll try." He made his debut at the National Academy of Sciences in 1844.

Innas opened his first studio in New York in 1848. In 1849, a few months after his death, he married Delia Miller. Next year he married Elizabeth abigailhardt and his six children.

Early career

In 1851, a customer named Ogden sponsored Innes paint and research to go to Europe for the first time. Innes spent 15 months in Rome, where he studied the landscapes of Claude Lorrain and Nicholas Poussin. He also rented a studio where the painter William page might introduce the artist swedenborgianim. In 1853, he was elected an associate member of the National Institute of design and became a complete academician in 1868.

In Paris in the early 1850s, Innes was influenced by the work of artists. The French Barbizon landscape of Barbizon school is characterized by loose brushwork, dark color and emotional emphasis. Innes quickly became the leading American index of Barbizon style painting, which developed into a highly personal style. In 1854, his son George Innis the younger. He also became a remarkable landscape painter, born in Paris.

In the mid-1850s, Innes commissioned Delaware, lackwana and the western railroad to create a painting called dlwrr that recorded the growth of early American industry as it progressed. La covanna Valley, draw ca. In 1855, landscape was observed in Scranton, Pennsylvania, the first detention house representing the railway, and in the integrated technology and wilderness; over time, Innes not only avoided the pastoral or agricultural disciplines existing in industry, but he would produce many mature scenes produced by working in the studio and using his visual memory, usually in specific places, yet more and more concerns were formally considered.

In my career

Innes moved from New York to medfield, Massachusetts, in 1860, where he converted a barn into a studio. In 1862 - 63, he was an art teacher Charles dormon Robinson. Then he went to eagleswood, New Jersey in 1864. He returned to Europe in the spring of 1870, lived in Rome, visited Tivoli, Lake Albano, Venice. In 1878, he returned to New York, where he worked in the architecture studio of New York University. In the same year, he also attended the world exposition in Paris, where art criticism published the New York Evening Post and Harper's new moon

His work in the 1860s and 1870s often tended to panoramic, picturesque, over clou laden and threatening skies, including on his own homeland (oak, Metropolitan Museum of art, autumn 1878; Catskill hill, 1870, Chicago School of Art), as well as scenes inspired by numerous overseas trips, especially in Italy and France (monks, Edison's American Art Gallery, 1873; American Art Gallery, 1875 My father, Watts College of art. The combination of drawing precision and emotional color use of these paintings places Innes among the best and most successful American landscape painters.

Finally, Innes art proves the theological influence of Emmanuel Swedenborg. Innes is particularly interested in the fact that everything in nature has a concept of responsibility and spirituality, so it receives "inflow" from God to exist continuously. Another idea that influenced Innes was that William James was also a swedenborgianism. In particular, Innes spirit comes from James' consciousness as a "stream of thought" and his ideas about how mystical experiences shape a view of nature.

InAs is a major theme recalled in 1884, organized by the American Art Association to make him famous in the United States. He won international fame when he won the gold medal at the 1889 Paris fair

At the end of my career

Innes later settled in Montclair, N.J., in 1885, especially in the last decade of his life, this mysterious component was shown in his art's more abstract handling of shapes, softened edges, and saturated colors (October 1886, Los Angeles County Museum of Art), a deep and dramatic juxtaposition of the sky and the earth (early autumn, Montclair, 1888, Montclair Museum of Art), emphasizing Intimate landscape views (sunset in the woods, 1891, art of the Corcoran Gallery), more and more personal, spontaneous, and paint handling is often violent. And the final quality, especially Innes, is different from the characteristics of painters like compassion for luminists

In an interview published, innas insisted that "real art, first of all, cultivate the spiritual essence of artists." His persistent interest, spiritual and emotional considerations do not exclude that the color of Innes's scientific research is neither mathematics nor structural method: "the quality of poetry is not achieved by avoiding any truth fact or nature The visual reality of poetry. "

InAs died in 1894 at Allen's bridge in Scotland. According to his son, he looked at the setting sun, when he raised his hands in the air and cried, "my God! Oh, how beautiful!" and fell to the ground and died a few minutes later. The funeral of the public Innes was held at the National Design Institute and a memorial exhibition was held by the United States of America






    最近更新:2025-03-03 10:28:57
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